Restart the main god game

Chapter 537 There are 6 more carved like me

Chapter 537 There Are Six Others Carved Like Me
It is not wrong to say that it is the protagonist's horse, it is the protagonist's mount anyway.

The cause of the incident was very simple. Li Xiangyun drove Kasha home, and when he was waiting for a red light, he stopped next to a sports car of a rich man. money.

How could Li Yunxiang agree, this is his wife, how could she give it away, and ignored him.

But the rich second generation is very conscious of being a villain, so he directly led people to chase him.

"Let me come let me come!"

Zhao Haitang immediately became excited, this time he was going to show off in front of Li Yunxiang again, and let him know how sculpted the real Nezha is.

He directly broke out of the window, stepped on Shunbu and hurried past.

Leng Feng put away the virtual projection and sighed.

He originally thought that there should be some fantastic black technology in this modern world where humans and gods coexist, but after a few days of investigation, he found that there was none at all. But I can't get anywhere.

Because it was a virtual projection, he could only see the picture and sound, so few people didn't know that the rich second generation would be the legendary Ao Bing.

Zhao Haitang naturally thought the same way, he planned to save the hero again, and he believed that after this incident, Li Yunxiang would cry and beg him to teach him kung fu.

Li Yunxiang's driving skills were not faultless, and he quickly left Ao Bing's car behind, and relying on his familiarity with the route, he turned into a pier.

Ao Bing, who was driving a sports car, didn't pay attention, and hit the isolation barrier directly. The whole car overturned to the ground, and even the people were thrown out, and fell to a vicious dog.

Li Yunxiang stopped on a hanger, smiled disdainfully at Ao Bing, twisted the handlebar and drove the motorcycle into the air, preparing to pass over the container in front and leave gracefully.

Whoosh whoosh!
However, at this moment, several ice thorns attacked Li Yunxiang, directly piercing Li Yunxiang's body.

Li Yunxiang snorted, the sudden change and severe pain made him unable to hold on to the handlebars, fell off the motorcycle, and even Kasha behind him fell to the ground, being crushed by the motorcycle, and lost consciousness .

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

When Zhao Haitang arrived at the destination, what he saw behind Ao Bing was the Ice Armored Dragon Man made of condensed ice.


Li Yunxiang looked at the unconscious Kasha, and wanted to stand up, but he couldn't stand up because his body was already full of ice picks.


Ao Bing withdrew Fatian Xiangdi behind him, stepped on Li Yunxiang's head, and said viciously.

Zhao Haitang knew that he couldn't continue watching the show. Although he was a little surprised by the other party's ability, he didn't panic. Just like the old saying, there are six more people like me. What are you afraid of?
Flames burned all over Zhao Haitang's body, and the flaming spear in his hand stabbed out, only taking Ao Bing's heart.

This guy was so red and purple, it was absolutely right to kill him with a single shot.

As a dragon of the North Sea, Ao Bing was extremely sensitive to the surrounding temperature, and the ice-armored dragon figure behind him appeared again, stabbing out with the same shot.

Like a needle point against a wheat awn, the tip of the fire-pointed gun collided with the tip of the ice gun, and a terrifying shock wave spread, knocking the surrounding water storage tanks into the air, and fell to the ground with a clang.

This pier is specially used by the four major families to store water storage tools, so there are many water storage tanks neatly stacked one by one, but the water inside has long since disappeared.

Zhao Haitang was also shocked by the impact of the two guns colliding and couldn't help but retreat. After landing, he turned over again to dissipate the impact.

"Ahem, it's amazing!"

Zhao Haitang coughed up a mouthful of blood, stood up from the ground, and looked at the young man in suit and leather shoes with apprehension.

Ao Bing also frowned, looking at Zhao Haitang's appearance, he felt a sense of fear for some reason.

After he was killed by Nezha, the Dragon King of the East China Sea built a steel dragon tendon as a basis, and then revived him again, but because of the resurrection, he forgot that he had died once, and even forgot himself. Was killed by Nezha.

"who are you?"

Ao Bing suppressed the inexplicable fear in his heart, and said coldly.


Zhao Haitang has no self-awareness at all, and speaks uprightly in front of the genuine version.

At this moment, Genuine stood up tremblingly, endured the severe pain and turned the motorcycle up, saw the pool of blood under Kasha's body, hurriedly threw the motorcycle aside, helped Kasha up, and called out softly. Said: "Kasha? Kasha, wake up!"

He wasn't in the mood to care about the fight between the two, because right now he was most concerned about his sister, but seeing the blood gushing out of Kasha's right leg, he didn't know what to do.

When Ao Bing heard this name, anger surged in his heart immediately, and an ice gun was condensed in his hand, and he said in a hateful voice: "I don't know why, I am very upset when I hear this name."

"There are too many people who are unhappy with me, who are you?"

Not to be outdone, Zhao Haitang casually threw a tube of medicine to Zhao Haitang: "Give her an injection."

Before Li Yunxiang could answer, Zhao Haitang stabbed out again, and in the process, directly used Fa Tian Xiang Di.

His Dharma, Heaven and Earth are different from Ao Bing's. Ao Bing condenses the dharma body behind him, while he directly transforms into the dharma body.

Two five-meter-tall giants were fighting fiercely on the pier, and iron barrels were flying around. Li Yunxiang looked at the potion in his hand, and then at the unconscious Kasha.

Now that he had no choice but to trust Zhao Haitang, he pointed the syringe at Kasha's right arm and gently pushed it in.

Zhao Haitang flew upside down and knocked over a pile of water storage tanks.

"Fuck, you're so carved, so who are you?"

Zhao Haitang got up from the ground and said in shock.

Although he is not a master, he is still an old player. From the beginning of the game to the present, although he can't become a master, he can still beat some ordinary bosses with ease.

Is this guy so tough?

Ao Bing looked at Zhao Haitang, who spit out another mouthful of blood, and then stood up like a normal person again, feeling very incredible. Obviously, this guy had been beaten to pieces many times before, but it was only a blink of an eye, but Quickly fixed it.

Could this be his ability to follow the heavens and the earth?

Ao Bing thought to himself, and flirted with Zhao Haitang.

Zhao Haitang was puzzled, but soon he understood what it meant, because Ao Bing was not winking at him, but at his subordinates.

Four strong men in black suits and cylinder caps ran towards Zhao Haitang like beasts on all fours.

Zhao Haitang smiled disdainfully, playing group attack?
In Fatianxiang's underground, the four strong men were like younger brothers in front of him, and the fire-pointed guns in their hands ignited a raging fire, trying to burn this group of reckless guys to death.

However, when the four strong men approached, the cylinder hats on their heads fell to the ground, and the masks on their faces deformed and turned into sharp metal teeth.

This is not over yet, as their teeth changed, their body shapes also changed, and their entire bodies directly swelled dozens of times, turning into four giant sharks.


Although he was a little dumbfounded, Zhao Haitang hurriedly set up the sharp-pointed spear, like threading a needle, and held the four attacking sharp teeth at the same time.


After blocking the attacks of the four giant sharks, Zhao Haitang recalled the look in Ao Bing's eyes, and quickly realized that the secret path was not good. Sure enough, an ice gun came out of the giant shark's belly and pierced into Zhao Haitang's chest. heart.


(End of this chapter)

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