Restart the main god game

Chapter 543 One palm splits the sky Li Nezha

Chapter 543 Slashing the sky with one palm Li Nezha
[System announcement: You killed Ao Guang, the patriarch of the four major families, and triggered the hidden mission: Unify the Dragon Palace! 】

Following this announcement, Yang Chan appeared in front of the players.

At this time, Zhao Haitang and others were bragging with Li Yunxiang, ah no, they were telling the truth.

"See, this book "Splitting the Heavenly God's Palm" claims to be able to split even the sky. As long as you master it, you will basically be invincible in the world."

Zhao Haitang waved the book in his hands. This is the reward they got in the world of "Lotus Lantern" last time. They thought it was a skill, but it turned out to be a book. They were so angry that they almost wanted to tear the book. If I like it Reading, what game do I play?
But after thinking about it, I didn't dare to tear it up. What if this thing is a mission item, so I kept it until now.

Instead, a group of cloud players on the Internet, according to the cheats they uploaded, followed the same pattern and practiced... a whole body of flesh.

There is no way, whether there is aura of heaven and earth in their world, even if you practice it well, your body has no mana, you are still scum.

Of course, there are still advantages. After all, cultivating immortals pays attention to sensing the world. Although they can't practice magic power, they can still bring the human body closer to the most perfect state. Even women will not develop fleshy bumps.

It's just that the cloud players are very happy, but the players are not happy, because since the emergence of this skill, they have to practice for a while before playing the game. After all, only when the body is healthy can they continue to play the game.

"Aren't we Nezha? Are we good at using guns?"

Although "Splitting the God's Palm" sounds awesome, Li Yunxiang still has a troubled expression on his face, maybe it's Nezha's instinct, he doesn't like to fight with people, he prefers to wield a knife and stick.

Zhao Haitang rolled his eyes. The players' battles are all based on the auxiliary system, and they don't know real spells at all. Perhaps Zhang Wuji's skills can beat ordinary people, but compared to the fairy gods in the mythical world, ten Zhang Wuji Can't beat a Tang monk, er, a Tang monk who has become a Buddha.

"We are indeed Nezha, but we are no longer Nezha."

Zhao Haitang was talking nonsense in a serious manner, but on a certain level, he was right. Li Yunxiang is Nezha, but Nezha is not Li Yunxiang. The real Nezha is dead, and Li Yunxiang is Nezha's remnant soul. is another person.

Just like in the original plot, Zhao Haitang asked Yuanshen Nezha to protect the hospital, but Yuanshen Nezha ignored it, not because he didn't want to, but because he was just the embodiment of Nezha, and he didn't have his own As for subjective will, Li Yunxiang didn't fully grasp him.

Maybe Monkey King is the same, but he jumped out of the list of gods and became Monkey King.

"Believe me, as long as you learn "Splitting the Sky God's Palm", none of the ten dragon kings of the East China Sea will be your opponent, and then you will be Li Nezha!"

The corner of Li Yunxiang's mouth twitched, and Li Nezha smashed the sky with his palm. This name sounds so low, like a bandit on a certain hill, not as good as the original Santan Haihui Great God.

"You have to accept the reality, you are no longer Nezha, look at Zhang Wuji, I don't say he is Nezha, can you recognize him?"

Zhao Haitang persuaded him earnestly, but in fact, he wanted to take Li Yunxiang into the ditch. After all, they only had this book of cheats, and they knew how to practice.

It's not just Zhang Wuji, I don't even believe it's Nezha!
Li Yunxiang roared wildly in his heart, after all, in his mind, Nezha should be a lotus boy, not a lotus man.

His current mood is like a two-dimensional otaku traveling through the magical world, only to find that the one using magic is not a magical girl, but a magical strong man. He rejects it in his heart, but in order to survive, he can only become one of the magical strong men .

"Can I follow along?"

Kasha on the side raised her hand and said that she just found out that she can jump three meters high, and she felt that she might be the chosen girl, and she would definitely become a generation of heroines in the future, and maybe she could sleep and fly with someone.


Zhao Haitang nodded. Although the goal of the mission was to teach Li Nezha to become a talent, he didn't say he was a talent. A mediocre person is also a talent. They planned to teach him for a week, and then decisively let him go. It's okay to add another person.

"Uh, it's so late, shouldn't we go back?"

Li Yunxiang said weakly, after all, he was just a new Nezha with low strength and dared not speak loudly.

"You'll have to see when those guys finish playing."

Zhao Haitang pointed to the robot that has been flying in the sky, expressing that I am also very helpless.

After Jian Tongying and Zhang Wuji fused together, she kept giggling all the time, and even after they got rid of it, she murmured wild words like 'combining two into one' and 'the taste of Brother Wuji' from time to time, which made Zhao Haitang's goosebumps all the time. all over.

The remaining two little lolis naturally quit, and they all asked to be integrated with Zhang Wuji, so Zhang Wuji could only agree, turned into a mecha, and carried the little lolis to travel the sky.

Strange, according to Brother Ziqiao, at this time, they should fight, why are they still so happy, maybe it's because they are still lolita?
In Zhao Haitang's mind, the train was running, while Kasha and Li Yunxiang were leaning on the motorcycle hand in hand. The two experienced a life-and-death parting, but there was a certain subtle atmosphere, but because they were too familiar, they were too embarrassed to say so, so Knowing that there is still time to wait, they are not angry, looking at the little girl in the sky, the corners of their mouths are raised, but they don't know that they are happy for the little lolis, they just start to be happy for themselves.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky, and the players froze for a moment. After hearing the mission issued by Yang Chan, they immediately started discussing it in the team channel.

[Zhou Bichang]: According to the inference of my senior players, this hidden mission is very likely to eventually evolve into the world of "Lotus Lantern", causing another havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

[Zhang Wuji]: The possibility is very high, so we must act first. The system announced just now that we killed the heads of the four major families. That is to say, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is actually the head of the four families. Ao Guang is not the only one.

[Shun Liu]: ...

Zhao Haitang's eyes lit up. The four major families control the water resources. You don't need to think about it to know that they are not gods and good birds.

It's just that they don't know where the other dragon kings are, but they should be hidden in the city headed by their names, just like the East Sea Dragon King is in Donghai City, and the West Sea Dragon King should be in Xihai City.

"If you think about it this way, I feel that the Dragon King is so low."

Leng Feng couldn't help complaining that the so-called Dragon King is a capitalist reselling water resources in modern times.

"The status of the dragon clan in "Fengshen Yanyi" is very low. In the original book, after Nezha killed Ao Bing, the Dragon King of the East China Sea went to the Heavenly Court to sue, but he couldn't even enter the door. In the end, he invited the other three Dragon Kings to join him. Only when the heavens filed a complaint did it succeed.”

Leng Feng didn't know much about ancient culture, let alone the real "Fengshen Yanyi", and asked strangely: "Didn't you say that the Dragon King of the East China Sea was beaten up by Nezha when he went to heaven?"

"If he is really valued by the Heavenly Court, how could the Heavenly Court allow him to be beaten."

Reasonable and convincing, Leng Feng immediately felt sympathy for the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and decided to ask Pang Hong and the others to do a "two dragons play with pearls", a truly domineering one.

 After the modification, I will make another complaint. In fact, the emotional scene of Nezha's rebirth is really bad, especially the relationship between Li Yunxiang and Su Junzhu. Personally, I feel that it is redundant. It is better to give Kasha the plot of her in the Dragon Palace. Uh, personal feeling , Alas, I have become so mature before I knew it, I used to hope that the protagonist would hug each other from left to right
(End of this chapter)

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