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Chapter 544 Being a leader among a group of sand sculptures must be extraordinary

Chapter 544 Being a leader among a group of sand sculptures must be extraordinary
Players always communicate regardless of whether NPCs are present, especially NPCs with names and surnames. This group of people is running around in various instances. They are obviously official personnel. It is impossible to say that their private communications are being monitored, so it is better to speak directly.

Yang Chan didn't care about what the players said. The master told her that these people were out of their minds, and because of their own immortality, they regarded the world as a game.

"Hello, Li Yunxiang."

After decades of honing in Saka, Yang Chan has become extremely mature, at least her body has changed from A to C, don't get me wrong, it wasn't Zhang Chenxia's hand, but the gang of Valkyries, um, Maybe it was swollen, ahem.

The goddess smiled slightly, and Li Yunxiang immediately let go of Kasha's hand, with a solemn expression on his face: "Who are you?"

Although he likes Miss Yu, ahem, although he is interested in Kasha, but Kasha is a bit young, and he is too embarrassed to hold her hand in front of outsiders.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to tell you that your Huntianling is in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and we will go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, I wonder if you want to?"

Li Yunxiang looked Yang Chan up and down, and asked suspiciously, "Are you also Nezha?"

Yang Chan looked bewildered, how did I become Nezha?

The players looked weird. In order to win Li Yunxiang's trust, they fooled Li Yunxiang into being Nezha's soul, but obviously, Yang Chan didn't know.

Zhao Haitang rolled his eyes, patted Li Yunxiang on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "After our discussion, you are the one who is most qualified to be Nezha, and you will be Nezha from now on."

"That's not good?"

Li Yunxiang was a little flattered. Hearing this, they wanted to give up Huntian Ling to him. Everyone was Nezha, but all the benefits were given to him. How could he be able to inherit the name of Nezha?

"Actually, you have also seen that we have gone on a completely different path from Nezha, but you are different, you are still a blank slate..."

Li Yunxiang immediately believed Zhao Haitang's facts. Except for Zhao Haitang and Nezha, the other Nezha's souls were completely irreconcilable. It is estimated that none of them liked to use Hun Tianling.

"Look, super big lobster!"

At this moment, a cloud of mist exploded on the sea, and Nezha appeared in front of everyone holding a huge creature.

Zhao Haitang: ...

I said something was missing, it turned out that my followers were gone!

It is said to be a lobster, but the shape of this thing is a bit similar. Zhao Haitang swears by his education, this thing is definitely not a lobster...but the taste should be very good.

Qianshou Xiashi rolled her eyes, she killed this thing, it was the 'fort' where the sea cucumber was dropped, probably Nezha went down to look for it after she killed it.

But her shot killed not only the lobster, but also the gunner above. Seeing how long it took for this Nezha to come up, it was obvious that he was eating alone.

"Let's go."

Yang Chan lowered the head of the cloud, signaling the two to go up to the cloud.


Li Yunxiang pointed to the players who were thinking about where to cut the knife better, and he was a little confused. It stands to reason that he should be familiar with the players and saved them, but the players are too sandy, so it doesn't matter to him, just in case Kasha was also infected, and the child is still young, so what should I do if I can't get over it.

"Don't worry, they will follow me obediently." Yang Chan ignored this.

Li Xiangyun thought about it, Zhao Haitang and the others had a respectful attitude towards Yang Chan, and felt that Yang Chan should have the highest status among this group of people, and being able to be the leader among a group of sand sculptures must be extraordinary, and he probably wrote " How to Get Along with Sand Sculptures" book, listen to her for sure.

Kasha didn't think too much about it. It was the first time she went up to the clouds, stepped on the clouds carefully, then raised her feet again, looked at it, um, there were no footprints, so amazing!
The two went up to the clouds and flew all the way to De's house, where there was a tunnel leading directly to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

As soon as Zhao Haitang saw the NPC running away by himself, he hurriedly put the lobster in the space ring, and called Leng Feng and others who were still playing with Lolita to follow.

Seeing Zhao Haitang and the others follow, Li Yunxiang secretly said that as I expected, this fairy sister named Yang Chan should be their real leader.

But having said that, if this fairy sister is also Nezha, is it appropriate to pursue her?
It feels weird for Nezha to marry Nezha.

Li Yunxiang immediately stopped his heart from moving, ah, no, he strangled his heart-beating feeling, it is better to have Kasha, she is also Yu Jie after a few years of raising her, at least she has a body that is not inferior to Yu Jie now.

The players were very self-conscious. They kicked open the gate and rushed into the building without even an explanation. They killed seven in and seven out, and then put sharks into the space ring, smiling so hard that their eyes narrowed stand up.

Although these sharks can't compare with dragon meat, they are still some good ingredients and strengthening materials. At least their steel teeth can be seen as extraordinary.

Li Yunxiang opened his mouth. He was in a coma before, and he had never seen the cruel appearance of the players. Looking at it now, he really lives up to his name, and he likes disasters just like Nezha.

"This is a water-avoiding beast?"

A group of people broke into the interior of the building, but what they saw were two blue-bodied strange beasts with one horn on their head, circling in circles at the same pace.

And above their unicorns, there are streams of water flowing to the ground, slowly rotating with their steps.

It was Zhao Haitang who was speaking. As a young man of literature and art, he naturally understood these mythical creatures. He even knew that the prototype of the water-avoiding beast was actually a rhinoceros, and it was a rhinoceros that belonged to China. I saw their demeanor from the ancient stone carvings, but because of the processing, they turned into water-suppressing beasts.

Yang Chan took out the lotus lamp and pinched the magic formula with her hands. The colorful light on the lotus lamp bloomed and shone on the water-avoiding beast. The water-avoiding beast just looked up and didn't pay much attention, continuing to circle around like a millstone. lock up.

The East China Sea Dragon Ball needs the power of the dragon, and their water-avoiding beasts are naturally the most suitable tools. They are best at controlling water, so that they can squeeze all the power of the freshwater dragon into the East Sea Dragon Ball.

In order to prevent the water-avoiding beasts from making too much noise and affecting the East China Sea, Ao Guang imprisoned them in Donghai City and let them suppress them on land.

Although it is a bit suspected of getting twice the result with half the effort, it is not eye-catching, and it can also prevent the water-avoiding beast from resisting the water.

Soon, the two water-avoiding beasts stopped and looked at the red belt wrapped around them. At this time, the originally dim golden runes on it began to shine and flew towards Yang Chan.


Yang Chan reminded, tapped her jade finger lightly, and Huntian Ling flew towards Li Yunxiang.

Li Yunxiang reached out to pick it up, but was surprised to find that there were more and more red ribbons, and finally buried him and Kasha.

Li Yunxiang: How to use this thing?
 Chapter 2, you know

(End of this chapter)

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