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Chapter 554 So Black and White Impermanence Looks Like This?

Chapter 554 So Black and White Impermanence Looks Like This?
Because Baishi refused to admit that it had any relationship with Yang Guo, Yang Guo could only let it go.

On the one hand, his mother, Mu Nianci, said that his father, Yang Kang, was dead, and his mother would not lie to her;

Of course, because Best had saved the little dragon girl, Yang Guo still thanked Best and prepared to leave.

Ouyang Feng was crazy, he didn't know where he went just now, Yang Guo didn't plan to look for it, because he knew he couldn't find it, so it's better to take his aunt back to heal his injuries.

Well, my aunt's face is so red, it must be because she was injured by Yin Zhiping.

Yang Guo, the straight man of steel, looked at the blushing little dragon girl, and judged so.

Baishida shook his head, this young man has narrowed the road, he is so awesome, if he doesn't come to kneel and lick himself, he deserves to be green.

"Boy, do you know where Zhao Zhijing, Ouyang Feng, Jinlun Fawang... these are?"

Baishida decided to give this kid a chance, after all, he was himself, and being handsome was taking advantage of him.

When Yang Guo heard the word Ouyang Feng, he couldn't help feeling vigilant, in his heart, Ouyang Feng was his adoptive father, a good man, even though his aunt almost lost his life, he still cared about his adoptive father.

"Why are you looking for them?"

Yang Guo asked tentatively.

"Get rid of harm in name!"

Blockbuster said it confidently, after all, as a player, he was born in the justice camp.

Yang Guo rolled his eyes, not to mention that he doesn't know where Ouyang Feng is now, but he wouldn't tell if he knew, but Zhao Zhijing, he has been unhappy with this former master for a long time, if this person really wants to get rid of him Harm, but to eliminate harm for oneself.

But after thinking about it, although Zhao Zhijing is not a good bird, he is not a big villain either. For no reason, this person wants to get rid of harm...

Could it be that this person intends to vent his anger on me?

But if you really want to vent your anger on me, it is understandable to seek Zhao Zhijing, but why seek his adoptive father?
By the way, when I first met my adoptive father, my adoptive father once caught me...

Seeing this guy's sudden thought wandering, Baishida couldn't help reminding: "Hey, what are you thinking, maybe you are holding back some bad tricks?"

It may be because of his familiarity with his face, so when Bai Shida saw Yang Guo's eyes wandering, he immediately felt that the other party had malicious intentions.

Yang Guo immediately came back to his senses, looked at Baishida complicatedly, and said, "Ouyang Feng is my adoptive father, can you let him go?"

Blockbuster: ? ? ?

Who are you, why should I let your adoptive father go?
Looking at the love apartment next door, Nezha is still a follower of Zhao Haitang. Didn’t the group of wolves kill his father?


Baishida didn't talk nonsense, and nodded in agreement. As for whether it can be done, it depends on his mood.

"Zhao Zhijing is in the Quanzhen Sect, Li Mochou should be in the ancient tomb, I don't know about Jinlun Fawang, and neither does Gongsunzhi..."

Although Yang Guo had been in the market since he was a child, he had little contact with martial arts. After being found by Guo Jing, he stayed in Peach Blossom Island for a few years, so he didn't have much experience. As for the Quanzhen Sect, Zhao Zhijing even refused to teach him martial arts , where will tell him the things in the martial arts.

Blockbuster is very speechless, coauthor you don't know anything, just begging me to let you go.

Looking Yang Guo up and down, Bai Shida waved his hand and said, "Then go to Zhao Zhijing first, and you can lead the way."

Yang Guo wanted to refuse, but he still looked at Xiao Longnu, wanting to ask for her opinion.

Xiao Longnv hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded slightly.

She doesn't like places with a lot of people, but considering that the other party has saved her and is likely to be a relative of Guo Er, it would be good for Guo Er to spend more time with him.

Baishida made a move with his right hand, and a white cloud appeared in front of the two of them.

Yang Guo: Σ(°△ °|||)︴

Little Dragon Girl: ( ̄△ ̄;)
The scene was too shocking, and Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv instantly doubted their lives.

"This, this,, you, you..."

Yang Guo, who was overly shocked, lost control of his language system and fell into a state of ababa.

"You guessed it right, ours are gods, we are black and white, and we are here to take the lives of evildoers."

Baishida immediately put on the vest and began to pretend to be a fairy.

Yang Guo looked at Hei Gu, ah no, the black-faced Baishida, then looked at the white-haired Kalian, feeling a little emotional in his heart, did black and white impermanence look like this?
He glanced at Baishida again, and it turned out that it was because his father didn't want to recognize him, and his father became black and impermanent, so he naturally wanted to cut off the entanglements in the world.

Bai Shida's head was full of black lines, did this guy have a brain problem, he said a few words in a daze for a while, then lifted the two of them to the clouds with a dark face, and flew to the Chongyang Palace.

There is a saying that the moon is dark and the wind is high, and people are floating in the sky. Although most of the people of the Quanzhen Sect have fallen asleep, the disciples guarding the mountain saw four figures floating in the sky, and then looked at the clouds under their feet. , also entered a sluggish state.


Obviously, no matter which one, it is not good for them. Although they believe in Emperor Zhenwu in the Quanzhen Sect, they are just like Ye Gong who loves dragons. If they see the gods coming, they will definitely slap their legs.

Of course, there were some Quanzhen sect leaders who thought it was someone pretending to be a ghost, and immediately raised the alarm.

"Come on, there are thieves breaking into Quanzhen Sect!"

"Quanzhen sect disciples, wake up quickly to meet the enemy!"

Quanzhen taught chickens and dogs for a while, and it took half an hour to gather the disciples, and then looked at the faces of the four people in the sky: How do you fight?
It is true that Quanzhen Sect is a martial arts sect, but most of its disciples are best at swordsmanship, and some are proficient in boxing, but few learn bows and arrows.

Of course, no matter whether they fight or not, the two sides still have to talk about it.

"I don't know where an expert came to my Quanzhen sect, please come down and explain."

A Taoist priest with white hair and a childlike face said loudly under the Chongyang Palace, using his internal energy.

Like other disciples, although Ma Yu believed in Emperor Zhenwu, he didn't believe that the flying ones were gods, and guessed that someone was pretending to be a ghost.

However, the next scene made Ma Yu dumbfounded again. The four figures in the sky slowly floated down and stopped two meters above the ground, and there was a white cloud under their feet.

It is also thanks to Ma Yu's rich life experience, although he has never seen ghosts and gods, but he has a calm mind, otherwise he would be just like Yang Guo.

It's just that when he saw the little dragon girl on the clouds, he immediately calmed down and felt that the other party was pretending to be a ghost. He said coldly: "Miss Long, I don't know why you brought someone into my Quanzhen sect late at night?"

Yang Guo was only thirteen or fourteen years old when he rebelled against the Ancient Tomb Sect, and now four years have passed, so Ma Yu naturally didn't recognize Yang Guo, but Xiaolongnv, her appearance remained the same after all these years, and with that fluttering white dress, Ma Yu couldn't recognize Yang Guo. Yu naturally recognized it at a glance.

Xiao Longnv didn't speak, she just came to take a look at Baishida's invitation.

"Which guy is Zhao Zhijing?"

Baishida also ignored him, he is just an old man NPC, not a beautiful girl, so there is nothing to talk to.

Yang Guo looked at the people below, pointed at a middle-aged man, "That's him!"

 Chapter 1 revised

(End of this chapter)

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