Restart the main god game

Chapter 555 Yang Guo: I am the son of Hei Wuchang, be afraid!

Chapter 555 Yang Guo: I am the son of Hei Wuchang, be afraid!
Zhao Zhijing is a bit square, no, very square.

Zhao Zhijing, as the eldest disciple of Wang Chuyi, thinks that his martial arts is the first among the third generation of disciples, but who knows that his master prefers Yin Zhiping, he is naturally indignant.

Today he saw Yin Zhiping heading towards the ancient tomb in dismay, and he knew that Yin Zhiping's heart had sprouted again. He had seen Yin Zhiping secretly write the word 'dragon' more than once, his eyes fascinated.

Originally, he planned to reprimand Yin Zhiping again in the name of his senior brother, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

Neither Zhao Zhijing nor Yin Zhiping are good birds, but one pursues power, while the other pursues lust. Therefore, seeing Yin Zhiping wanting to cheat on Xiaolongnv, not only did he not intend to stop him, but he was secretly happy. As long as he grasped this handle, then Yin Zhiping could only obey his words obediently if he was favored by his master.

But it turned out that Yang Guo was holding a huge sword, and Yin Zhiping was decapitated with one sword.

Although he thought his martial arts were higher than Yin Zhiping's, he also knew that Yang Guo could kill Yin Zhiping with a single strike, so there was no reason why he couldn't be killed with a single strike.

Recalling what I did to Yang Guo, I naturally panicked even more, this is the rhythm of death.

So he didn't care about Yin Zhiping's tragic death, and even scrambled back to Quanzhen Sect, as if nothing had happened.

The reason why he pretended that nothing happened was that on the one hand, he couldn’t explain why Yin Zhiping went to the ancient tomb in the middle of the night, and on the other hand, he couldn’t explain why he followed Yin Zhiping. There is no saving.

Just kidding, Yin Zhiping was killed by Yang Guo with one sword strike, and he could only sustain two sword strikes at most in the past.

But I never expected that Yang Guo actually killed the Quanzhen Sect, and he still flew over. Wait, why are there two Yang Guos?
Zhao Zhijing blinked, a little dazed, Yang Guo still has a brother?

However, Baishida didn't care about this. Seeing Zhao Zhijing, and then looking at the slightly red mark on his body, he grinned.

"One of the broken roads, rush!"

When the crisis struck, Zhao Zhijing's long sword lay across his chest.

Obviously there was nothing, but Zhao Zhijing only felt a force coming from the long sword, making him retreat a few steps.

"Hehe, that's pretty awesome."

Although it is only a basic level of ghosts, but the level of Baishi is there, the power of ghosts is naturally different from that of ordinary death gods.

Ma Yu and the others were shocked, never expecting that this person would attack at the slightest disagreement, and immediately shouted angrily: "Don't hurt my Quanzhen disciple!"

After all, the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, ah, no, now it is the Sixth Master of Quanzhen, leaping up in the air, unsheathing the long sword in his hand, and slaying Baishida in the air.

During the Condor Shooting period, Tan Chuduan had already died at the hands of Ouyang Feng, but they still called themselves the Quanzhen Seven Sons, just like the Jiangnan Six Monsters.

"One of the Binding Roads, Plug!"

Ding Ling Dang!

All the long swords in the hands of the Seven Masters of Quanzhen fell to the ground, and their hands were behind their backs.

Zhao Zhijing's eyes widened, he guessed that Yang Guo was very powerful, but he didn't expect Yang Guo to be so strong, he just opened his mouth softly, as if his words were out of order, his several uncles were defeated miserably, and his heart was even more uneasy.

"Yang Guo, I'm your master, do you want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?"

Zhao Zhijing knew that he couldn't run away, so he could only force himself to stay calm, pointing at Baishida and angrily reprimanded him.

Blockbuster:  ̄△ ̄

Sure enough, this dungeon is deliberately disgusting me, and actually let a villain be my master.

"Hahaha, Zhao Zhijing, you can see clearly, the young master is Yang Guo, I am not the one who killed you, he is Heiwuchang, he is here to take you to hell."

Yang Guo stood aside and said triumphantly, he had been unhappy with Zhao Zhijing for a long time, although he didn't want to admit it, but Zhao Zhijing was indeed his master, and it was hard for him to kill him, of course, whether he could beat him was another matter.

Zhao Zhijing thought to himself that even if you didn't kill me, but seeing that black face looks exactly like you, it must be a relative of yours, and you must have invited him here. Wouldn't it be the same as killing me if he killed me?

"Broken Dao No. [-]: Bai Lei!"

However, before he opened his mouth to speak, Baishida picked up another ghost.

I have to say that Zhao Zhijing's reflexes are still very good, he blocked with a long sword... and was electrocuted to death.

The thunder light flickered, although it was like a flash in the pan, but in the middle of the night, it almost blinded everyone's eyes, and even faintly saw Zhao Zhijing's glowing bones, and Zhao Zhijing was wiped out in the lightning.

Baishida smiled confidently, "I don't dare to die. Doesn't this mean that I am not capable?"
The scene was too shocking, and everyone present fell into a sluggish state. What is this?


Conscience of heaven and earth, none of the Taoist priests of their Quanzhen sect learned Taoism, but let an abandoned disciple of Quanzhen sect learn it. Uh, this person does not seem to be Yang Guo.

The Seven Masters of Quanzhen stood firm and put their hands behind their backs one by one. Those who didn't know it thought they were pretending to be superior.

"This, this expert, why do you want to kill my Quanzhen disciple?"

Ma Yu thought for a long time, but in the end he could only call Bai Shida a master.

The shackles of both hands still exist, not by internal force, nor by tricks, but invisibly, there is a rope that binds their hands.

Ashamed to say, they have practiced the Tao all their lives, but none of them have really learned the Taoism. They don't know the thunder in the palm or the five thunder palms.

But it is inappropriate to call Baishida a god, after all, the other party will kill people if they disagree with each other, and judging by his appearance, he looks like a martial artist, so he can only be called a master.

As for the fact that Blockbuster doesn't look very old, I can't say for sure, maybe he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

"Heh heh heh, my father... I didn't say that just now, this is Hei Wuchang, this is Bai Wuchang, they are here to send Zhao Zhijing to hell."

Yang Guo almost blurted out, saying that my father is Heiwuchang, but luckily he changed his words immediately when he saw Baishida's unfriendly eyes.

But Qiu Chuji's eyes widened when he heard the words, if Yang Guo didn't speak, he hadn't realized it yet, now he looked at Yang Guo, then at Baishida, he couldn't help but was shocked and said: "You are Yang Kang!"

"I am your uncle!"

With a dark face, Bai Shida punched Yang Guo on the head, this unlucky boy, how can he blindly recognize his father like this.

Yang Guo suffered a severe headshot, and squatted down covering his head, Xiao Longnv immediately looked distressed, and also squatted down, stroking Yang Guo's head with her jade hands.


Yang Guo had tears in his eyes, it was the first time he was beaten by his father, it hurt so much!
Xiaolongnv hugged Yang Guo into her arms without a teacher, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, aunt will touch it for you, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Well, thank you, auntie!"

Baishida's face became even darker, kicked Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv off the clouds, and flew away with Kalian.

( ̄△ ̄;)XN
A group of people looked at Baishida and Kalian who flew away, and finally turned their attention to Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv.

Yang Guo: Don't come here, my father is black and impermanent!

 After the modification, I feel dizzy
(End of this chapter)

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