Restart the main god game

Chapter 561 From now on, you will be called Mr. Kidney Deficiency, otherwise I will hit you once eve

Chapter 561 From now on, you will be called Mr. Kidney Deficiency, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you

The reason why Mr. Kongkong looks so weak is because he condensed all his energy and spirit on the Kongkong sword, and in order to pursue the title of the world's number one exorcist, he even forged nine flying swords in one go , Divide your divine sense into nine parts.

Of course, he also used a tricky method. The nine flying swords are essentially one, just like a machine, and the nine flying swords can eventually be combined into one.

But the final result was that his vitality was severely injured, and he fell to the root of the disease, just like a broken mirror, even if it was put back together, it would still be full of scars.

Of course, if one day, Mr. Kong Kong can truly integrate the nine flying swords into one, then his strength will not only skyrocket again, but he will also be able to confidently tell everyone that he is not suffering from kidney deficiency.

That's right, Mr. Kongxu really has kidney deficiency. After all, this kind of thing can be seen by looking at his face. Of course, his kidneys didn't participate in multi-person sports, it can only be said that he used too much force.

But he is also a very face-saving person, so he often hangs around the romantic places, wanting to prove to the world that he is just emptiness, not kidney deficiency.

Of course, the players don't care if he has kidney deficiency or not. Looking at the rapidly healing chest, their eyes towards Mr. Kongkong gradually became unkind.

I thought it was a white name, so I didn't dare to do it, so I could only take advantage of it verbally, but since the other party attacked, they had a reason to fight back.

Young Master Kong felt a chill in his heart, and the nine flying swords quickly flew out of the sword box, blocking his body.

Heipi was the first to strike, and with a blow to the head, a flying sword immediately flew into the air, blocking Heipi's stick. The remaining flying swords were supposed to attack when Heipi's empty door opened, but other players also attacked quickly. come over.

Luo Puyin swept from the left with his stick, and Li Chenggong swept from the right with a rake.

Mr. Kongkong smiled confidently, little monster, even if your heart is broken and you survive, it's just a hard life.

But soon, his complexion changed drastically.

I saw a demon holding a bone stick and stabbing towards his lower third.

Mr. Kongkong couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Although he has kidney deficiency, bah, it's empty, but this thing still needs to be passed on from generation to generation.

But soon, he heard the wind behind him.


Young Master Kong's complexion changed drastically, and the people behind him attacked his flying sword frantically at an unbelievably fast speed. In just a few breaths, the blade of his flying sword was already covered with cracks.

This sword is his natal flying sword, so naturally he can't let it shatter, Young Master Kong can only use other flying swords to block it temporarily, and at the same time, he leaps up and steps on the flying sword, intending to distance himself from the group of monsters.


At this moment, someone yelled loudly, and everyone couldn't help but froze, only to see Brother Fanfan said to the person behind Mr. Kongkong with a righteous face: "It's wrong for you to do this!"

Mr. Kongkong blinked his eyes, and while everyone was in a daze, he also looked back, and saw a young man with two swords behind him also with a blank expression, not understanding why the other party told him to stop.

"Brother Tongren, I know you are rich, but all the brothers are poor. This guy's flying sword is not ordinary at first glance. If you chop it up, it would be a waste!"

Justified and convincing.

The players suddenly realized, and then looked at Young Master Kong Kong with even more fiery eyes.

Young Master Void: ...

I always feel that something is wrong, aren't these guys monsters?
Fuck, these guys don't have any evil spirits?Not a monster!
Mr. Kongkong finally came to his senses, no wonder this group of guys have been able to talk to him for so long, the feelings are like-minded, and he immediately sneered and said: "Everyone, do we have some misunderstandings?"

Brother Fei Fei sneered and said, "Give us all your swords, and we will let you go."

Young Master Kong's face darkened, wanting his sword is better than wanting his life, he said coldly: "Friend, everyone is an exorcist, there is no need to play such a trick, right?"

"Treat us as monsters, ah! If you like playing so much, we will play with you!"

The fight started again after a disagreement, Kirito shook his head, and left with Asuna and the others. He saw Mr. Kong Kong's flying sword and saw Lie Xinxi. He wanted to have a good fight with the other party, but soon Obviously this group of players won't let him get what he wants.

Mr. Kong Kong's strength is extraordinary, but the players are not good at it. Immortals have killed many of them, let alone an immortal cultivator. Soon, all the flying swords he envoys were entangled.

And with Feijian's separation, his main body was also exposed to the players, and the rest of the players rushed forward and beat the poor young man into a pig's head.

"Boy, are you still arrogant?"

Brother Fei Fei poked Master Kongkong's pig's head with his baton, ah no, the magic stick, and said with a sneer.

Ashamed to say, since he started playing this game, he felt that he had changed. He used to be a negotiator who cared about hostages, but now he is a villain who can do whatever he wants.

But soon Fei Fei left this matter behind, after all, this is just a game, the pressure of reality is so great, it's okay to vent in the game.

"Don't dare, heroes, I was wrong."

Mr. Kongkong is very conscientious, no wonder he is so, at this time the nine Kongkong swords have fallen into the hands of the players, and it is difficult for him to recall them.

Where did these monsters come from!
Young Master Kongkong was filled with grief and indignation. Originally, his Kongkong swordsmanship was about to be mastered, nine swords combined into one, and he saw that he was about to get the title of the strongest exorcist, but before he was proud of it for a few days, a group of monsters appeared, not only The force is high and strong, and it is a super large group.

"Fuck, this thing is soul-bound by this guy!" Hei Pi held a void sword and said dissatisfiedly: "Boy, if you unbind the soul, we will let you go."

Although Mr. Kongkong likes to show off, he still has kidney deficiency. Ahem, this is not the point, but he is a famous exorcist, and he has done a lot of good things. Although he is not a good person, he still pays for exorcism, but it is not counted. The bad guy, after all, he is not a liar, so he is naturally a white name.

The Nine Swords of the Void are related to Master Kong's life, so it is naturally impossible for Zhang Chen to let him be played to death by the players.

Although Mr. Kongkong didn't know what soul binding was, but he understood that this group of people wanted to snatch his Nine Kongkong Swords, he couldn't help slurring his words: "These nine swords are flying swords related to my life. Heroes, please hold your hands high and let the boy go!"

The players were furious when they heard the words, and they couldn't even grab the equipment after a long time. This boss fight is really a big loss.

Of course, not everyone ran over to scold Mr. Kongkong in order to prove that they were handsome like them. Someone had already found the exorcist, found information about the surrounding monsters from it, and then dispersed.

"Hey, with such a weak body, you still dare to come out and show off your prestige."

Brother Fei Fei didn't have the self-consciousness of relying on the crowd: "Let's do this, you run around the city twenty times, and then do push-ups, you have to do a hundred times."

Mr. Kongkong's face turned even paler. Although he didn't know what push-ups were, he understood after running twenty laps around the city. It was killing him. He was usually carried on a sedan chair when he walked.

"Brother, can you change the way?"

Brother Fei Fei shook his head. I am helping you exercise. I heard that there is a bald NPC in the copy of "One Punch Man". This is how he became super strong.

"That's how it is. From now on, you will be called Mr. Kidney Deficiency, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you!"

Mr. Kongkong suddenly felt a chill on his right cheek, Heipi leaned on the golden cudgel, and said with a smirk, even more villainous than Fanfan.

 Modified, go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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