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Chapter 562 The fish is such a big fish, the tiger shark

Chapter 562 The fish is such a big fish, the tiger shark
Ugly people are still arguing over who is more handsome, but handsome people have already come out to fight monsters.

The Exorcist Department is an official organization unique to this world, a bit like a trade union in another world, except that it is used to report crimes, and it will take a long time to wait for it to be processed.

It's not that the Tang Dynasty didn't do anything, but that there are too many monsters in the world, and it's an official organization. In addition, the communication in ancient times is extremely underdeveloped, so it is very time-consuming, and even wastes people.

No one knows how powerful the demons that appear in this place are, and whether they will die if they go there.

Therefore, the industry of exorcists has also been derived. If the villagers really have no choice, they can only help the exorcists. Of course, all of these need to be paid.

"There are little silver taels and two thousand-year-old salted fish here, please accept it with a smile from the Taoist priest."

In the water village of the fishing village, the villagers surrounded a Taoist priest and handed him a small dustpan full of money and two salted fish.

The eyelids of the Taoist twitched. Although the thousand-year-old king and 8-year-old tortoise, for those who practice Taoism, the older the more precious things, such as the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, are all spiritual things that they can't find.

Forgive his blindness, he can't see anything special about these two salted fish, besides, he clearly saw that these two salted fish were pulled from the hanging rope on the side, and there are several others there Say.

"As a monk, I just want to help the world..." The Taoist took the small dustpan, returned the two salted fish to the village head, and said solemnly: "I will not take such a precious thing. "

Of course, here is a happy place, but the other side is a bit miserable. Chen Xuanzang was hanged by the river by the villagers, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

There is one thing to say, the people in this fishing village are not honest, and it is only natural that the fish monster seeks revenge from him. Look at Chen Xuanzang who just said that the fish monster was not dead, but they beat him like this, and was tied up and treated as a fish The demon's accomplice will burn him to death.

I think this group of people didn't listen to the explanation at all, and they only believed what they wanted to believe. This can also explain how resentful the person was when he saved the child and was beaten to death by the villagers who didn't listen to the explanation at all.

But still the same sentence, there are grievances and debts, and many people in the village are not good birds, but others have suffered indiscriminate disasters.

"Is it here?"

At this moment, a fiery red figure floated in the sky, standing in the void, looking at the river.

Players are no strangers to monsters, but monsters in different worlds are different, just like the monsters in the copy of "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio" and the monsters in "Great Sword".

However, Hu Yifei also has another ability, that is telekinesis.

The eyes glowed with red light, shooting into the water surface like substance, scanning slowly.

"found it!"

Hu Yifei smiled and swung her fist down, and as she swung her fist down, the huge red fist two meters wide also hit the water.

The splash of water finally attracted the attention of the villagers over there who were still bragging about the Taoist priest's superb magic power.

"Dao Dao Dao Chang, didn't you say that the monsters have been eliminated?"

The huge water waves poured chills on everyone, the old village chief said in horror.

"Bah bah bah!"

Daoist wiped off the water stains on his face, looked at the figure in the sky, his feet began to tremble: "I didn't know you still have a monster!"

He's just a third-rate Taoist priest, so it's okay to help catch a few little monsters, but he's really incapable of flying monsters!
And with Hu Yifei's punch, a huge fish with yellow skin and black stripes exploded out of the water, fully four meters long.

Hu Yifei swallowed. Such a big fish, and so fat, looks delicious.

The fish demon swung its fish tail in the air, trying to plunge into the water, but Hu Yifei couldn't let it escape. The crimson power turned into a huge palm again, then grabbed its fish tail, and slammed it hard on the water surface .

Looking at the woman in the sky and the monster in the water, the Taoist priest suddenly realized that it was not a monster flying in the sky, but a human being, but it was obvious that she was descending a monster.

Tightening the dustpan in his hand, the Taoist priest was about to dodge. He deserved it, after all, he also caught a monster, although that monster probably hadn't even opened its wits yet.

But the old village chief also reacted, grabbed the dustpan in the Taoist chief's hand, and said in a hateful voice: "Give us back the money, how can you lie!"

"Who lied to you? I didn't catch one for you. Who knew there was another one."

It is well-founded and convincing. After all, such a big Gushi fish has never been heard before, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monster.

But that's not the point. The point is that the villagers invited people here to get rid of the demon, not to get rid of a monster. What they want is to solve the trouble, not to continue the trouble.

On one side, the two were still fighting each other for money, on the other side, Hu Yifei had already smashed the fish monster into a concussion, and slipped in front of her with a big red hand, um, luckily he didn't die.

After all, you must eat fresh fish. Hu Yifei threw the big fish beside the water village, and then sent a message to Guan Gu: "Guan Gu, I caught a big fish. It looks delicious. Come and make sashimi." !
"Here, this heroine, do you know if there are monsters in the water?"

Although he was afraid, the village head came over, holding the dustpan he had snatched in his hand, and said tremblingly.

"Let me see." Hu Yifei's eyes shot two red lights again, swept in the water, and finally waved his hand and said: "It's gone."

The village chief was grateful and said: "Thank you for your help. There are little silver taels and two thousand-year-old salted fish here. Please accept it."

The same lines, the same scene, the only difference is that there are a few more Taoist priests hanging on the water village.

Hu Yifei is not interested in money, at least not in the money of some NPCs in the world. Instead, she is very interested in the so-called thousand-year-old salted fish, so she picked up the two salted fish and sniffed them.

"Is this really a millennium salted fish?"

The taste is very nasty, it is indeed salted fish, but, salted fish that has been around for a thousand years, can it still be eaten?

"It's absolutely true!" The village head patted his chest and assured him: "The quality of the salted fish in our Millennium Village is undeniable, everyone who has eaten it says it's good."

The corners of Hu Yifei's eyes twitched, good guy, he's actually playing with a secret concept.

Putting away the two salted fish casually, Hu Yifei was going to let Guan Gu have a magical look at it later.

"This heroine, I don't know this monster..."

The village chief looked at the fish demon that was still twitching from time to time with some concern, it seemed that it was not dead yet.

"Oh wait, we'll eat it in a while."

Hu Yifei also knew the other party's worries and said in relief.

"Eat, eat?"

The village chief was shocked. Have people started eating monsters these days?
Soon, the iPartment team finally rushed over, and Tang Youyou complained: "Yifei, can you not think of us until you think about food."

"I only call you if it is beneficial. Look at this fish, it can compete with sharks, right?"

Hu Yifei patted the fish demon beside him.

"I'll go, the fish is a big fish, a tiger shark!"

Tang Youyou exclaimed.

Guan Gu has a dazed look on his face, so fresh?Don't need any relief?
 Chapter 1, revised
(End of this chapter)

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