Restart the main god game

Chapter 563 A monster that cannot be eaten, is it still a monster?

Chapter 563 A monster that cannot be eaten, is it still a monster?

"Binding Dao 73: Inverted Mountain Crystal!"

Since it was going to be a picnic, it was natural to eat in style. Soon, everyone set up tables and chairs on the water, placed condiments, wrapped napkins, and held chopsticks, waiting for Guan Gu's magic to show off.

On the other side, the tiger-striped shark, bah, the fish monster has been slaughtered magically by Guan Gu, washed it clean, and then picked up the Edman alloy kitchen knife, the light of the knife flashed, and it flew up and down, and fish pieces flew out of the fish monster. , fell onto the dining table.

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately picked up the sashimi, dipped it into the small dish of soy sauce secretly made by Guan Gu, put it in his mouth, closed his eyes and started to enjoy it.

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression gradually distorted, his eyes opened, his eyes turned white, his figure twitched, and he fell down on the dinner plate with a clang.

Lu Zhanbo blinked, this scene looks familiar!

"Zeng Xiaoxian, what are you doing wrong?"

Hu Yifei was speechless, always feeling that Zeng Xiaoxian was laughing at his younger brother.

"what happened?"

Lin Wanyu was a little puzzled, she didn't know that Lu Zhanbo had specially learned Sichuan fried noodles in order to go to Milan, ah, no, it was spaghetti.

Chen Meijia's eyes lit up, and seeing the opportunity to gossip, she immediately went to Lin Wanyu's side, and told Lin Wanyu about Lu Zhanbo's hard work. In addition, Lu Ziqiao told her about this, when she was still selling coats in the Northeast.

Lin Wanyu was immediately moved, and was even more grateful for this game. Thanks to this game, otherwise they would be in the south and the north, not to mention meeting each other, and it would be difficult to make a video call. After all, everyone went to the South Pole up.

So he ignored Chen Meijia, and looked at Lu Zhanbo affectionately.

Chen Meijia: ...

Glancing at Lu Ziqiao who was video chatting with the beauty, Chen Meijia was furious. Since the live broadcast of this guy, his popularity has soared, and he has been dating girls every day. If it weren't for his inability to ride horses, this guy might be able to change a girl every day. friend.

Zeng Xiaoxian raised his head dizzily, felt something in his mouth, subconsciously chewed a few more mouthfuls.

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━
This time, he fell directly into the water and didn't come up for a long time.

Everyone blinked, which song is this singing?
Guan Gu's miraculous expression was also puzzled, did Zeng Xiaoxian want to catch a few fish and grill them for himself?
"Bah, bah, you can't eat this fish, it's too smelly!"

After a long time, Zeng Xiaoxian finally floated up, drinking his own bath water, bah, rinsing his mouth with river water, and shouting.

"Teacher Zeng, you've pinched two gold coins!"

Guan Gu was furious, everyone is familiar with each other, it's okay to joke with each other, but you said that my cooking is unpalatable, this is too much.

Lu Ziqiao looked at Tang Youyou: "Little aunt, what is he talking about?"

Tang Youyou pondered for three seconds, and gave the answer: "He probably wanted to be joking and close to abuse."

Lu Ziqiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He didn't learn the most basic Chinese well, and he was learning advanced ones. If he didn't use the virtual panel to check, he wouldn't know what an idiom meant.

"I mean there is something wrong with the fish, Guan Gu, of course you have nothing to say about your cooking skills."

Zeng Xiaoxian explained while rinsing his mouth.

Guan Gu miraculously flew to the inverted mountain crystal with suspicion, picked up his own chopsticks, dipped in the seasoning, and sent it to his mouth.

Guan Gu miraculously fell into the water and did not float up for a long time.

Everyone gasped, thinking that they had eaten the entire main god game, but they never expected that today they saw a monster that couldn't be eaten, a monster that couldn't be eaten, is that still a monster?

What they don't know is that most of the monsters in this world are transformed by humans. They were tortured during their lifetime, and resentful after death, hating everything in the world.

It is better to say it is a demon than a demon, full of resentment, although it has the appearance of a monster, but there are evil thoughts in the flesh and blood.

Although the resentment above has been purified by the Zanpakutō, it is like pickled salted fish. After washing it, it still has a smell. How could it be delicious...


"Sha Tongtian."

Ukitake Shishiro sat on the high hall, looking at this handsome young man, he was quite moved. He already knew what happened to this young man through the soul reading.

How should I put it, a poor person must have something to hate, but he really can't be blamed for it. Originally, he died of injustice, but he turned into a fish demon and made trouble for him. The demonic energy entered his body, and he had already lost his sanity.

To some extent, the monsters in this world are actually very similar to Xu in the world of Death God. The former has resentment in his heart, while the latter has lost his heart.

It's also thanks to the players' Zanpakutao that has the function of soul burial, otherwise Sha Tongtian would have died with one stab.

With the upgrade of Zanpakuto, although it still has the ability to swallow souls, it does not swallow all souls.

Human beings are the spirits of all things, so swallowing one or two is fine, if you swallow them all, the will of the world will definitely kick the players out of this world.

"Although the circumstances are excusable, you have also eaten a lot of people. How about it, in your next life, you will be a Gushi fish."

Shishiro Ukitake made some calculations and felt that this punishment was not bad.

"But, the person who killed me..."

Sha Tongtian had no objection to his verdict. He was a kind person, otherwise he would not have rescued the children who fell into the water. .

Ukitake Shishiro smiled slightly: "Don't worry, they will suffer the punishment they deserve after they die. If you want to wait, you can go to the City of Dead Death and wait to see your enemy go to hell."

Hearing about going to hell, Sha Tongtian couldn't help but shiver. Although the hell in this world disappeared for some reason, most people still know what hell is.

"No, I'm reincarnated."

He feels that he is also a villain, and he should go to hell with him, so he should run if he can.

"Taro, Qingyin."


Immediately behind Ukitake Shishirō two figures appeared, a man and a woman, his original two acting vice-captains, and now his bull-headed horse faces: Xiaochun Xiantaro and Huche Qingyin.

The two bowed to Ukitake Shishiro and sent Sha Tongtian into reincarnation.

"The manpower is still a bit short!"

Ukitake Shishirō is quite a headache, but he is fine now. With the players chasing and killing monsters on a large scale, it is estimated that more people will be sent here.

It is not so easy to recast the underworld. After all, this has to be agreed by the will of the world, at least to let people see the benefits, so now we can only build a small reincarnation hall. After the players kill the demons, their souls are sent here. Then let it be reincarnated instead of turning into a demon and causing harm to the world again.

Of course, this is a matter of the underworld, and the matter of the yang world requires Zhang Chen to support another person, let him enlighten the wisdom of the people, and stop being so ignorant and ignorant, killing people when he disagrees.

"That god, you should start to act, right?"

Shishiro Ukitake thought so.

"By the way, Huche Qingyin is Huangmao, and Huche Yongyin is Baimao. Are they really sisters?"

At this time, Zhang Chen was touching his chin, thinking about a crucial question.

Could it be that Huche Qingyin is actually Huangmao's daughter?

 Immortal cultivation makes me happy, so that I don't have to work tomorrow, because I probably won't be able to get up, 〒▽〒

(End of this chapter)

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