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Chapter 565 Guanyin and Miss Duan

Chapter 565 Guanyin and Miss Duan
Originally handsome, the only flaw is that the handsome scholar who can shave a little bit of oil off his face opened his big mouth, the kind of big mouth in the literal sense, which is big enough to fit a grapefruit, not only that, he His teeth were yellow and a little uneven.


The sound is deafening, but most importantly, this guy has bad breath!
This mouthful made the two of them dizzy, Ma Xiaotiao took several steps back, counted in the air, and said to Lu Manman: "Quickly turn off your sense of smell!"

Lu Manman hurriedly switched out of the virtual interface, and clicked on Ma Xiaotiao's head.

I really want to turn my back and use her to block the rake.

Zhu Gangli gained the power, shook off the red candle that was still stuck on the rake, the nine sharp blades on the rake shone coldly under the light, and the rake hit Ma Xiaotiao's face.

Because he died at the hands of a little boy, he couldn't get used to handsome people the most, but ironically, after becoming a demon, his usual appearance was that of a handsome scholar.

Turning off his sense of smell, Ma Xiaotiao was no longer afraid of the opponent's poisonous gas attack. He blocked the rake again with the heavy ruler in his hand, and kicked Zhu Ganglian in the face with his kick.

The oil noodle boy shook his head, and the oil fell all over the floor.

Ma Xiaotiao moved to the right with the heavy ruler, his figure flew into the air, and the heel of the other foot also kicked Zhu Ganglu's face, his body spun like a whirlwind, and every foot kicked Zhu Ganglu's face on the head.

Bang bang bang!
The intensive attack caused Zhu Gangman to fly backwards in the air, smashing several stone tables directly.

Ma Xiaotiao stabilized his figure and shook his head, Lu Manman was dizzy and shook his head.


Lu Manman held her nose. This time, she was sure that it was just an illusion before. It was just a suspension bridge effect. How could Ma Xiaotiao be handsome? Even if he was handsome, he would only be handsome for three seconds.

In the gravel, Zhu Gang's mane climbed up again, but at this time, he was already a pig with a human body, a mouth full of fangs, and his figure had grown several times, like a fat pig, ah no, he was a fat pig .

There is a saying that there is no harm without comparison, Lu Manman looked at Ma Xiaotiao, well, Ma Xiaotiao is indeed handsome, even the back of his head is more handsome than Zhu Gang.

The second-stage transformed Zhu Ganglu didn't become stronger, so Ma Xiaotiao easily blocked Zhu Ganglu's nine-toothed rake, and kicked him over again.


Ma Xiaotiao's right leg kicked Zhu Ganglian's face, but he stopped, or in other words, he was entangled by Zhu Ganglian's fat face.

"Fuck, you can still play like this, Ni Zuokai!"

Zhu Gang is full of fat, just looking at it can make the fat man want to lose weight, not to mention being wrapped in a lump of fat, even if Ma Xiaotiao is naturally jumpy, he is also disgusted non-stop.

How could Zhu Gangren let Ma Xiaotiao run away like this? He freed his greasy right hand and grabbed Ma Xiaotiao's left foot.


Ma Xiaotiao moved faster than him, and chopped off his left leg with a single foot.

As long as I cut myself first, the enemy can't cut me.jpg
Zhu Ganglian was also taken aback by Ma Xiaotiao's coquettish operation, which song was it sung, I didn't intend to discount your leg, you just chopped it off yourself?

"Manman, use plan B."

Ma Xiaotiao, who was hopping on one leg, shouted.

"Ah, but the bear biscuit..."

Lu Manman was a little hesitant, this was the bear biscuit she had saved for a long time.

"You can't eat that bear biscuit!"

Ma Xiaotiao was speechless, what's the matter, you still care about the bear biscuit.

"But bear biscuits are so cute."

Lu Manman muttered, and threw out a bear biscuit in his hand.

The cute bear biscuit instantly transformed into a three-meter-tall giant bear in the air, and roared at Zhu Gangman, the sound was louder than when Zhu Gangman first appeared on the stage.

Zhu Gangli was not to be outdone, but compared with the height of the giant bear, he was a little less idle, and the giant bear slapped Zhu Gangli's face with a palm.

Zhu Gang's mane remained motionless, and swiped the nine-toothed rake, sweeping the giant bear down its waist into two ends.

Lu Manman's bear biscuit is just Shi Jie's own ability, maybe Xi Jie will be stronger, but right now he definitely can't beat Zhu Gang Lian.

hoo hoo hoo!
The bear biscuits fell to the ground one by one and turned into giant bears, surrounding Zhu Gang.

That's right, although Lu Manman's bear biscuits are weak, they can be mass-produced, even worse than Ma Xiaotiao's wat board. She can make 10 bear biscuits every day.

"Swastika solution · crossing the sea with a jade board!"

The Xuanzhong ruler in Ma Xiaotiao's hand turned into a jade wat board, and then pointed the wat board at Zhu Gang's mane, and fired the red cannon.

During this period of time, he frantically strengthened the spiritual pressure, which is now enough to support the consumption of Shunfa Chi Cannon.

Boom boom boom!
One after another, the red cannons hit Zhu Ganglu, making him scream and want to go forward and smash this damned boy to death with a rake, but although the surrounding giant bears couldn't do him any harm, they stopped him. out of his way.

Hum Chi, Hum Chi!
Zhu Gang's nose was on fire, and his figure swelled up again. The clothes that were already broken on his body were directly exploded. He threw away the nine-tooth rake in his hand and landed on his hands, turning into a huge black boar.

The huge figure directly exploded the kiln roof of Gaojiazhuang, and the gravel fell.

Ma Xiaotiao hurriedly dodged the gravel, kicked over the gate, and escaped from the dangerous situation.


Zhu Gang shook off the gravel from his body, grunted a few times at Ma Xiaotiao, and bumped into him head-on.

With such a huge figure, if they were really hit hard, then Ma Xiaotiao and Lu Manman would probably be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks, ah no, they were resurrected together in the main god square.

Ma Xiaotiao hurriedly attracted a cloud, which stopped in mid-air.

( ̄(●●) ̄)
Zhu Gang braked suddenly and stopped, looking at Ma Xiaotiao and Lu Manman in the sky.

I am ashamed to say that the monsters in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" are very biological. They are like fish monsters, invincible in the water, but they are like fish on the cutting board when they land on the shore, and it takes a lot of effort to jump around a few times.

Of course, it is also possible that these monsters are not strong enough, at least Monkey King can go to heaven and earth.

Ma Xiaotiao blinked, and looked at the black mountain pig for a few seconds, then picked up the wat board and continued to use the ghost way.

Red Cannon, Thunder Roar Cannon, Shuanglian Canghuo Pendant...

For a while, it was like a missile washing the ground. If the blue is not enough, use the blue bottle to make up for it. Jumping on the cloud, chasing after him, those who didn't know thought he was setting fire to the mountain.

In the end, Zhu Ganglian's running speed became slower and slower, and his body was full of scars.

However, the players are not so easy to fool, as long as there is no system prompt, the monster is still alive, and Ma Xiaotiao continues to bomb in the air.

Ding Ling Dang!

At this moment, hundreds of golden rings floated from the sky, blocking Zhu Gang's head, and a heroic woman appeared beside Zhu Gang's head, and took out a four-sided canvas to cover its head.

The body of the black boar instantly shrunk and was wrapped in canvas on all sides. The woman grabbed the four corners and fastened the upper opening tightly, and a metal ball appeared below. The woman opened the metal ball, and a black pig doll appeared in her hands.

"Hey, the bounty for this pig demon is mine!"

Seeing the pig demon attacking, Miss Duan ran away.

 The modification is completed, haha, cultivating immortals makes me happy, what goes to work, what wakes up early, it doesn’t matter, anyway, I’m already crazy
(End of this chapter)

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