Restart the main god game

Chapter 566 This pig demon is very capable, the two of you can't handle it, you still have to l

Chapter 566 This pig demon is very capable, the two of you can't handle it, you still have to let me do it
Miss Duan was able to find this place, on the one hand, because of the guidance of her subconscious mind, on the other hand, it was because she was here to catch pigs, and even in the original plot, the reason why she helped Chen Xuanzang was because she passed by a fishing village and happened to see Find that fish demon, and then take the sheep by the hand.

But it is not so easy to take advantage of the players, Ma Xiaotiao immediately said angrily: "Bastard, let go of my monster!"

Lu Manman also threw down a dozen bear biscuits, turned into a giant bear, and surrounded Miss Duan.

"Don't be so stingy, you see that you didn't catch the pig demon after making such a big commotion, but I caught it as soon as I came, and the credit should naturally go to me."

Subconsciously, Ms. Duan didn't want the pig monster to fall into the hands of these weirdos. Of course, she thought she came here for the pig monster's bounty.

"Stop talking nonsense, call that pig demon out, or break your legs."

Ma Xiaotiao was not to be outdone.

The two descended into the clouds, and even Lu Manman jumped off Ma Xiaotiao's back. After all, there were no ghosts, and her courage came online again.

At this moment, a carriage with a strange shape approached in the distance and knocked several giant bears into the air. Miss Duan jumped onto the carriage and waved to the two of them, "Goodbye, you two idiots! "

The speed of the car is very fast, even faster than a sports car in reality. If it was in reality, then Ma Xiaotiao and Lu Manman would be far behind, but now it is in the game.

Yun Duo appeared under the two of them again, and quickly caught up with the vehicle. Lu Manman dropped a handful of bear biscuits, turned into giant bears, and smashed directly onto the carriage.

Jingle Bell!
Miss Duan split the Indeterminate Flying Ring in her hand into two and then into four, and shot the flying rings all over the sky at the giant bear.

"You two, aren't you just a pig demon? We'll treat you to dinner another day."

Ms. Duan didn't expect that the speed of the two driving the clouds was so fast, she hurriedly shouted to the people behind her: "Speed ​​up!"

Inside the car, a skinny man was desperately blowing on the sack, and around the sack, three people were holding wooden hammers. Hearing Miss Duan's words, they hammered even harder.

This is a mode called Iron-Blood System. The principle is very simple. The airflow drives the gears to rotate, but the way to realize it is a bit nonsense, because blowing air is a human being.

But considering that Ms. Duan is not an ordinary person, plus the magical world, it is very reasonable to have a subordinate who can breathe infinitely.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the pig demon!"

Seeing that the two were chasing closely, Miss Duan said earnestly: "Young man, this pig demon is very capable, you two can't handle it, you still have to let me come."

The faces of both of them are distorted, let you come, let you take it away to receive the reward?

After playing the game for so long, although I know that there are monster-hunting NPCs, for example, there is a dead bald head in the world of "One Punch Man", who wants to grab players' monsters every day, but for the huge number of players, there are only a few of them , so they are also the first time to see the NPC who robbed them.

"Since I can't grasp it, let someone who can grasp it come."

Ma Xiaotiao sneered and posted the information on the regional channel.

[Naughty bag]: I have Zhu Bajie's address here, who wants it?

[United Doll]: How much is it, please make a price.

[Naughty bag]: Buy it now, one hundred thousand luck coins.

[United Doll]: Deal.

[Naughty Bag]: Alright, I'll send you the coordinates.

Lu Manman's eyes widened, and he hated iron and said: "You sold it too cheaply, the blue we consumed just now is more than this price."

"That was just an appetizer."

Ma Xiaotiao chuckled, and was about to take something out of the interspatial ring with his left hand...Looking down, the two of them were holding hands at some point.

"I just passed Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed nail rake. This guy named Lianhe Doll is the Marshal of the Canopy. We will sell him for a higher price then."

In Gaojiazhuang, after the pig turned into a black boar, the rake was thrown aside, and Ma Xiaotiao took the opportunity to stuff it into the space ring.

Although he couldn't attack Miss Duan, he could still stop them. Ma Xiao jumped with a red cannon, blasting the road ahead to pieces, and the carriage turned a corner, wanting to continue running.

There were three explosions in succession, and the way of the carriage was blocked, the two of them came down and said with a sneer, "Run, why don't you run?"

"Young man, don't be too arrogant, or you will be beaten."

Miss Duan got out of the carriage, whistled, and four men and a woman came down behind her. Except for the woman who was good-looking, the four men were completely F4 in the crooked world.
Well, in comparison, Ma Xiaotiao is even more handsome.

"Laugh, I advise you to be kind, otherwise the consequences are not something you can bear." Ma Xiaotiao said not to be outdone, "To tell you the truth, I have already called someone, if you don't call out the pig demon, the consequences will be terrible." It's not what you can imagine."

When the two sides were at war, the Journey to the West team finally arrived. As soon as Li Chenggong saw Ma Xiaotiao, he immediately asked, "Where's Zhu Bajie?"

Another flying exorcist!

Miss Duan frowned. She thought she could take advantage of it this time, but she didn't expect four more flying guys to come.

An exorcist is called an exorcist, but in fact he is similar to a bounty hunter, so the competition between them is very fierce, so Ms. Duan has no psychological pressure to snatch the prey of the two. .

But she never expected that these two guys could fly in the air for so long. As far as she knows, even Mr. Kong Kong can fly, but it consumes a lot of energy, so they usually have to be carried on the road.

Of course, she didn't know that Mr. Kongxu might be renamed as Mr. Kidney deficiency recently, and the reason why he was carried in a sedan chair was because someone broke his leg.

"In her hands."

Ma Xiaotiao pointed at Miss Duan and explained: "She took out a prop and turned Zhu Bajie into a toy."

Miss Duan blinked, and said with an innocent face: "This hero, I don't understand what he's talking about at all. The servant and I just came out for sightseeing, and we were stopped for no reason."

"You bullshit!"

After all, they were still too young, and the two of them blushed with anger from Miss Duan's words.

Heipi was different, holding a watermelon knife and yelling: "Hey, I opened this road, I planted this tree, if you want to cross this road, save money to buy roads!"

( ̄△ ̄;)X6
The opening line is too familiar, and the original two waves of people have fallen into a suspicious life. The former thinks that this line should belong to them, and the latter thinks that the world of adults is too complicated, and it is better to be a child.

"Uh, can I ask, what are you doing?"

Miss Duan broke the silence and couldn't help but ask, are you sure you are in the same group?

Li Chenggong showed the smile of a successful person: "Haven't we made it clear enough? We are going to rob!"

 Chapter 1 revised

(End of this chapter)

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