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Chapter 568 Darkness, It's Too Dark!

Chapter 568 Darkness, It's Too Dark!

"Boy of Good Fortune, Virgin of Good Fortune, King of Inspiration, Golden Retriever Roar, Black Bear Spirit, tsk tsk."

Zhang Chen put his hands on both sides of the sofa, Hestia on one side and Nilu on the other, but after holding on for a while, he felt a little sandy, and his hands would feel sore after a long time, so he let it go decisively.

He used to see those bigwigs embracing left and right, looking very happy and flamboyant, but now he felt that there was no way to change the channel with two arms around people.

When watching "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", Zhang Chen was very confused. After Ms. Duan's death, her younger brother did not appear on the stage, which is obviously unreasonable.

Even the four sedan chair-carrying aunts of Mr. Kongkong also appeared in the final battle, and carried Mr. Kongkong over. They didn't disperse until Mr. Kongkong died.

Moreover, Miss Duan is the master of a village, so there is no reason for her to be alone every time she exorcises demons. She can still pass by when dealing with the fish monster. I can't jump around, but with the strength of Zhu Gangli, it's a bit deadly for one person.

Compared with the unknown Zhu Ganglu who became a monster in "Journey to the West", Zhu Ganglu in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" can be said to be famous. Otherwise, it would not have attracted such exorcists to compete with each other, and even be imprisoned. The Monkey King in Wuzhishan knew him a little bit, and asked Ms. Duan to dance like his wife to attract Zhu Gangli.

In addition, Zhu Ganglu obviously knew Monkey King, and when he saw Monkey King in the cave, he decided to run away, but it was too late and he surrendered.

Now I understand that these five guys should correspond to the disciples of Guanyin who sat down. Maybe when Sun Wukong killed Miss Duan, they were still watching from a distance.

"Dark, it's too dark!"

Zhang Chen was filled with emotion, guessing that Sun Wukong also knew that this was a game, otherwise he could beat Chen Xuanzang to death with a stick, but he insisted on pulling out Chen Xuanzang's hair and giving him a hard-core shave. Look at the three exorcists. It's a simple one, but when it comes to Chen Xuanzang, it's slow and heartbreaking.

In the entire "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", Chen Xuanzang was kept in the dark because he needed to experience great ups and downs to understand great love.

But when he realizes the so-called big love, then the so-called little love will also be included.

Just like the old saying, the world is not benevolent and treats everything as a straw dog. It is not that the world is inhumane, but that the world treats everyone equally. The so-called great love in Buddhism is the same. They have placed themselves in the position of "heaven". The suffering of mortals is just suffering. That's all, if you can get over it, then I'll come to save you, a predestined person, if you can't, then see you in the next life.

So later, Chen Xuanzang let go of Ms. Duan's death, not because he was cheated, but because he was able to see Monkey King from the perspective of a 'Buddha'.

"It's better to be a mortal!"

Zhang Chen sighed, and put his hands on the sofa again, it was the sofa, definitely not the shoulders of Hestia and Nilu...

"Who are you, why do you want to embarrass my Buddhism?"

Ms. Duan, or in other words, Avalokitesvara, pinched the orchid formula, and her original hippie smile became solemn and solemn.

Hei Pi blinked, looked at Miss Duan who suddenly became serious, and said with disdain: "Stop doing this, let me tell you, I used to be in this line of work, it's not so easy to lie to me!"


Avalokitesvara tapped her jade finger lightly, and Wuding Flying Ring instantly flew to Heipi's head.

Heipi raised the watermelon knife and slashed at it, but it suddenly split into two, circled around Heipi's watermelon knife, then rushed to merge into one, and finally landed on Heipi's head.

Heipi: ...

Ever since the swastika was removed, he always felt that something was missing, but now he understands, there is a missing band.

The Wuding Flying Ring quickly became smaller, and Guan Yin said calmly: "Monster, catch it without letting go!"

Hei Pi only felt a sharp pain in his head, and the feeling of being pinched by Brother Dao with the door panel hit him again. He hurriedly turned off the pain, and then raised the knife and cut off the upper half of his head.

At their level, under normal circumstances, although the pain will be lowered, it will not be turned off directly, because the pain is also a necessary condition for combat. Without this kind of perception, you don't even know where you are injured, and whether you can move. .

But they are also not stupid and have a 100% pain perception. If the tone is so high, they will probably be autistic for several days after being bitten to death by a monster.

Heipi's decisiveness made Avalokitesvara a little stunned, but soon, Heipi's head without Tianlinggai grew out again, together with the Wuding flying ring on his head.

Heipi: ...

If the tight band was so easy to remove, then Monkey King, who also knows how to renew his head, would have already cut off his head and re-grow it.

The tight hoop is fixed on the primordial spirit. To put it simply, the tight hoop has grown together with Heipi's heroic body. Unless Heipi commits suicide and abandons this heroic body, even if he is resurrected with the resurrection coin, his head will die. There is still a strap on it.

But no problem!
Heipi narrowed his eyes, and the watermelon knife in his hand turned into a golden cudgel. Flames were burning all over his body, and he let the cuff strangle his head into a gourd, and beat Guanyin with one stick.

Avalokitesvara's eyes widened, and the appearance of the black skin was very similar to Monkey King. I didn't know that I thought this was the real Monkey King.

But Avalokitesvara knows that Sun Wukong is far from the time for him to appear on the stage, because Chen Xuanzang has not yet rescued him!
Wu Sha held a long spear and stood in front of Hei Pi.

Dressed in fiery red, holding a spear, Heipi blinked: "Where are you?"

The five evil spirits suddenly flew into a rage: "I'm a red boy!"

The five evil spirits breathed out flames and sprayed them towards Heipi.

Heipi was not to be outdone, flames burned all over his body, and he also breathed out flames. The two flames, one red and the other red, were clearly separated in the air.

"Black Pi lost."

Ma Xiaotiao threw away the melon seed husk in his hand, with a confident expression on his face.

Lu Manman asked: "How do you know?"

Although Ma Xiaotiao was stronger than her, he was not much stronger. How did he know that Hei Pi would lose?

"Since ancient times, the left side of the wave has lost!"

Unfortunately, Lu Manman couldn't understand his stalking, but soon she believed it. On the other hand, Ma Xiaotiao looked blank, because Hei Pi really lost.

The red flame engulfed Heipi's red flame, spread towards Heipi's mouth, and finally poured into Heipi's mouth, Heipi exploded like a ignited fire.

Although Heipi has exchanged for the super power of the Human Torch, the flame of the Human Torch is just an ordinary flame, which may be able to create a supernova, but it is not enough to compare with the fantasy Samadhi True Fire.

At the same time, Luo Puyin and others also fell into a disadvantage, being suppressed and beaten by the black bear spirit who rose again and the other three evil spirits.

Ma Xiaotiao and Lu Manman put away the melon seeds, feeling a little panicked, why not retreat?
 Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)

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