Chapter 569

The situation at the scene was very critical. The Journey to the West group, which was supposed to have the upper hand, was overwhelmed and beaten by this group of NPCs who looked like third-rate small characters. Brother Fei Fei fell to the ground, and even if he got up, he was fine. No horse jumps high.

Luo Puyin still fought alone against Dasha and Ersha. The former turned into a lion-like creature with a pair of horns, and his hands became eagle claws. The latter was a black bear. , although it has no weapons, it is powerful.

Li Chenggong was even worse, probably because he gave Sisha a pair of dark circles before, and now he also has a pair of dark circles on his face, and he was splashed with blood by Sansha. The ghost knows why there is so much blood on his body, which is better than that of players. Also outrageous.

"Hey, Ma Xiaotiao, don't you think these people look familiar?"

Lu Manman and Ma Xiaotiao jumped out of the carriage secretly, ready to run away first, anyway, the address has been given to Li Chenggong, and it is his own business.

"look familiar?"

Ma Xiaotiao turned his head, the five of them except Sisha, the other four had no human appearance, no matter how they looked at Ma Xiaotiao, they didn't look familiar.

"Black bear, golden retriever lion, red boy..."

Lu Manman and Ma Xiaotiao hid under a tree, reminding them.

"I know, the classic NPC in "Journey to the West", the golden retriever lion should be the golden retriever."

Ma Xiaotiao suddenly realized.

"That's not the point, look at the woman who robbed us."

Lu Manman pointed to Miss Duan who was pinching the lotus seal.

"What's wrong with her? She's amazing, you know it's that monster?"

Ma Xiaotiao began to think back, the monster who is good at using golden rings, and the blue bull of Taishang Laojun?
Hong Hai'er does have a gold ring, but he hangs it around his neck, and the little man with the gold ring around his neck really calls himself Hong Hai'er.

"Shouldn't it be..."

Ma Xiaotiao finally realized that although he has never read the original "Journey to the West", or in other words, many people have never read the hundred chapters of "Journey to the West". Version.

But he also knew that in "Journey to the West", the red boy was put on the tight band after being subdued by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Yes, that person must be Guanyin Bodhisattva, at least the Guanyin Bodhisattva of this world."

Lu Manman confirmed.

Ma Xiaotiao opened his mouth, and he had to say that Miss Duan's actions just now had nothing to do with the merciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, she looked like a female bandit.

"Haha, here it is!"

While the two were watching the battle, a group of players gathered in the sky, and when they saw the Journey to the West team below, they smiled triumphantly.

Ma Xiaotiao shouted on the regional channel. Although he had a private chat with Li Chenggong in the end, the players are not blind. Naturally, some people will follow to join in the fun and want to get some benefits. After all, Zhu Bajie, the main character of Journey to the West, must be a lot of luck if he is killed. currency.

As a result, they never expected that the Journey to the West team was beaten so badly, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Hmph, don't be complacent, I'm going to fix this Zhu Bajie."

The exploded remnant quickly closed up, turning into a Monkey King in golden armor, holding a golden cudgel in Heipi, and slaying at Red Boy again.

Although Heipi's flame is a mortal fire, he is not a mortal. Not to mention that high-level players can change 72 moves in one or two moves. The materials they use to strengthen Zanpakuto are all kinds of magic weapons from various worlds, myths, Xianxia, ​​science fiction, anyway, if they look powerful, they will be fed to Zanpakudao's mouth.

The strongest point of the symbiont is not that it can strengthen the host, but that it can replicate the host's ability, and after Nirvana Mayori's modification, it increases the ability to devour materials in the body to strengthen itself.

Of course, the price symbiont has completely turned into an auxiliary system controlled by the players. Unless the players continue to feed them, they can only continue to be Zanpakuto.

The red boy who had been guarding Guanshiyin's side couldn't help being taken aback, but he didn't expect someone to resist the real fire of Samadhi, blew his nose hard, and spewed out a ball of flame again.

The golden cudgel in his hand suddenly lengthened, Heipi leaped forward with one stick, and rolled down with the other.

Hong Hai'er could only fly to block, and Guanyin Bodhisattva stood behind him, so naturally he couldn't disturb his master.

At this time, Ms. Duan was muttering words, and she made a formula from time to time, her brows were furrowed.

Can't figure it out, can't figure out where this group of aliens came from!
Avalokitesvara became more and more frightened. The candidate for Journey to the West had already been appointed. Originally, everything was going on according to the original plot, but when Chen Xuanzang was hanged on the water, everything changed. Come, take down the fish demon.

As Zhang Chen speculated, the fish demon was just an addition, and Avalokitesvara didn't take it seriously at first, and she soon sensed that there was something wrong with the second Journey to the West candidate, so she rushed over.

Many people think that "Journey to the West" belittles Taoism and promotes Buddhism, but in fact they are all black. Whether it is the official history Zhu Gangyan or the unofficial Zhu Gangyan, they have eaten people, and Guanyin's ability , How could it be possible not to know that he has eaten people, but even so, Avalokitesvara came to enlighten Zhu Gangman, and asked him to follow Tang Seng to learn scriptures and avoid disasters.

As for those who died, you said that they would pay their debts and pay their lives?
I'm sorry, the Buddha said, these are life, it's tempering.

Just like in the first nine lives of Jin Chanzi, he was eaten by Monk Sha nine times in a row, and the tenth life still came to learn from it.

How can you see a rainbow without experiencing suffering?
"Monster, die!"

Players don't care whether Zhu Bajie can be transformed, they just want to kill Zhu Bajie to upgrade, and because Miss Guan has a piggy doll tied around her waist, they naturally attack her.

Whoa whoa whoa!
Miss Duan threw the girdle bag in her hand into the air, turned it into a huge canvas, spun rapidly, blocked all the attacks of the players, and then folded the four corners towards the direction of the players, wrapping the players inside .

"Breaking the Way 78·Zhan Hualun!"

On the cloth bag, countless jagged protruding corners emerge from it.

Stab it!

Kirito held the twin swords of fetters, and the sword wheels spread out from the sword wheels, wrapping the players inside, and with his swing, completely smashed the cloth bag.

At the same time, Hu Yifei, who was dressed in fiery red, came here. Looking at the scene in front of her, she was quite puzzled, why there was a fight.

She heard that Zhu Bajie was here, so she rushed over to take a look, but now, why are they all white names?
As for her teammates, because they ate fish demon meat, they were still doubting their lives, and almost couldn't take care of themselves.

Seeing more and more of these aliens, Ms. Duan clasped her hands together and slapped them out.

The sky suddenly darkened, and everyone looked up, only to see an overwhelming golden palm descending from the sky, and took pictures of them.

 The modification is completed, call it a day
(End of this chapter)

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