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Chapter 570 The Buddha is a Demon

Chapter 570 The Buddha is a Demon
Buddha's Palm!

One is called a move, which is actually a supernatural power of summoning.

Once cast, it will summon the true body of the Tathagata, and slap it with one palm.

In the original plot, after Chen Xuanzang understood this trick, he summoned the palm of God and subdued Monkey King with one palm.

But in fact, this trick is not limited to Chen Xuanzang. In "Journey to the West", the nine-headed golden eagle also summoned three Tathagatas, which made Monkey King doubt his life.

"Transform yourself into Tao, ah, isn't that right, Buddha?"

Zhang Chen's eyes narrowed, the Tathagata's golden body behind Avalokitesvara said it was Tathagata, but it was not Tathagata, but a concept, which is why the nine-headed golden eagle could also summon the Tathagata's golden body.

This method is actually similar to the method of Hongjun in the prehistoric age who used his body to fit the Tao. The Tathagata fits the Buddha with his body. As long as the Buddha is not destroyed, then he will not be destroyed and will last forever.

But the idea is very good, but this method has a fatal flaw. Everyone has a Tathagata in their hearts. These Tathagata golden bodies are all condensed by themselves, and they have their own understanding of Buddha.

Just like Sun Wukong, ah no, as the sixth teacher said, there are a thousand Hamlets in the minds of a thousand people. If Tathagata wants to keep his heart, then he must convince everyone that the Tathagata he told is true Tathagata.

The nine-headed golden eagle didn't believe it, she wanted to fall in love, and then the Tathagata slapped the three golden bodies of the Tathagata apart.

Maybe Chen Xuanzang's Jin Chanzi didn't believe it either, and then he was reincarnated for ten lives.

This is also the reason why demons are rampant in this world, because only by showing the boundless Dharma can people be convinced. Once there are no demons, the boundless Dharma has nothing to do with ordinary people.

"It's just a concept, just smash it."

Of course, Zhang Chen is purely bragging, concepts are not so easy to break, just like the four fundamental forces, if any one is broken, the entire universe will collapse completely.

But the problem is that now it is Tathagata who wants to integrate the concept of Buddha into the laws of this world. This thing does not have to exist in this world.

"I see. Is this the real purpose of Journey to the West?"

Zhang Chen smacked his lips, feeling very interesting. In fact, Journey to the West in many worlds has various versions of the purpose. The most traditional one is to seek the truth, and the other one is to let Jin Chanzi, a man of destiny, walk through the place of demons. The degenerated land, the suppression of XX demons, the bet between immortals and Buddhas, the price paid for the invitation of Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun to the two Western saints...

Anyway, as long as Tang Sanzang has a big brain enough to go all the way to the West, it is not impossible to physically transcend demons and ghosts. Each world has its own set of operating rules, and Journey to the West is naturally endowed with different meanings.

"But I don't like the Buddhas of this world."

Zhang Chen shook his head and released a mission...

[System Announcement: Players trigger the hidden mission, 'Buddha is originally a demon', and start the mission of descending Buddha. Every time you kill a golden body of Tathagata, you can get rich rewards. 】

"Although what you said is very tempting, I have to be able to beat it!"

Hu Yifei put her hands up, above her, two blood-colored giant hands supported the golden palms that fell from the sky, gnashing her teeth.

Clang clang!
Kirito held two swords, and output crazily on the golden palm like a ceiling, sparks splashed, but there was no effect at all.

"Broken Path 96 One-Sword Cremation!"

Seven Liu Xings chanted the ghost way at the same time, and at the cost of their own right arms, they turned into a huge blade reaching the sky, and pierced into the palm of Tathagata.


The giant blade shattered.

"Shake Thunder!"

Neo held the thunder axe, and the white thunder dyed half of the golden palms white. However, the overwhelming golden palms were too big. In contrast, their attacks were like ants shaking a tree.

The players were shocked to find that the golden palm seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. In the end, they were crushed by the golden palm, fell from the air to the ground, and were finally crushed into fly ash.

And with the death of the players, the golden palms also dissipated, and the entire mountain forest returned to its original appearance again, as if nothing had happened.

Tathagata's golden body is born from the heart, so the attack caused by it is also idealistic. It seems to be in reality, but it actually exists in illusion.

Miss Duan withdrew her palm, the golden light in her eyes flickered, and finally disappeared.

"Haha, I finally got rid of those guys!"

Miss Duan chuckled, and shouted at Wu Sha: "Why are you still in a daze, get in the car and run as far as you can now."

The five people who didn't know when they changed back to their original appearance scratched their heads and got into the car together...

"I'll go, the boss this time is too difficult!"

Hu Yifei complained that it was better than Mephisto. Although it was a red name, it didn't say that there was a reward for killing, but this time it actually said that there was a reward, but this reward, no matter how you look at it, was for cheaters. Playing in a daze is not enough to beat others with one hand.

After muttering for a while, Hu Yifei suddenly felt something was wrong, wait, shouldn't a window pop up to ask for the resurrection fee when revived?

"This is Novice Village?"

Hu Yifei looked at the surrounding environment, it was the place where they first came to this dungeon.

"Fuck, death in this dungeon does not require resurrection coins, nor do you need luck coins!"

The players soon discovered this surprise, and they were almost insane with joy. Players were dying every day. Similarly, resurrection was a huge expense, and now there is a free resurrection copy. Is that okay?
So a group of people didn't care about the Tathagata golden body anymore, and went to kill a wave of monsters first, and then said that resurrection without spending money, this is blood money!

I have to say that there are indeed many monsters and ghosts in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". After all, the world based on "Journey to the West" is based on "Journey to the West", even in the Tang Dynasty, there are many evil spirits.

Although the players have just arrived, they copied the Exorcist Division and got hold of the locations of many monsters. In addition, even if there were no demons in this city, they could fly to other towns and copy the Exorcist Division.

Exorcist: ...

The people in the Exorcist Department feel very embarrassed. Players don't kill people, so they naturally classify them as exorcists, but why do these exorcists fight like lunatics when they disagree?
The players who thought they had granted the free resurrection BUFF killed all directions, but with the death of the No.1 player, they discovered silently that the BUFF was fake.

"According to my speculation, this should be a BUFF to the Tathagata's golden body."

As a capitalist, Li Chenggong quickly felt that the resurrection of the players was targeted. Looking back at the previous system announcement, it was obvious that only if they were killed by the Tathagata Golden Body could they be resurrected for free.

"Then this resurrection has an egg use!"

Heipi said angrily, if he wants to be resurrected, do he have to go to Avalokitesvara to lead him to death?Isn't this cheap?
"We can steal Zhu Bajie."

Li Chenggong touched his chin and smiled.

Hearing about stealing, Heipi couldn't help trembling, remembering the fear of being dominated by the sewer manhole cover, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, stealing is against the law."

Li Chenggong glanced at Heipi differently, but he didn't expect that this guy's first reaction was that stealing was illegal. He always thought that this guy belonged to Zhang San.

"That's a good idea. If we steal it, we'll make a profit. If we can't steal it, we won't lose if we die." Luo Puyin's eyes lit up, and he felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

After playing the game for so long, players already know that most NPCs work and rest time is similar to the reality. It is said that there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no thousand-day defense against a thief. As long as they persevere in stealing, they can always steal Guanyin Bodhisattva Doubt about life.

 Damn, if I knew it earlier, I would have asked for a leave of absence. There is still a chapter to continue cultivating immortals
(End of this chapter)

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