Restart the main god game

Chapter 572 The child doesn't listen to the rules, just give him a spanking

Chapter 572 The child is disobedient, just give him a good beating
"There's an old saying, reading is to talk to sand sculptures calmly, and exercising is to make sand sculptures talk to you calmly, so you have to grasp it with both hands, and you have to have the strength to make sand sculptures sit down and listen to you singing obediently."

The camera zooms to the iPartment team, Zeng Xiaoxian is holding Chen Xuanzang's shoulders, as if he is a good brother.

Although they almost died on the spot due to food poisoning before, they were not without gains. At least, they found Chen Xuanzang.

After hanging up the liar Taoist priest, the villagers quickly realized that they misunderstood Chen Xuanzang and hurriedly let him down again.

Chen Xuanzang, who identifies himself as an exorcist, saw the crowd, and came up to greet them very politely. When they heard that the other party was called Chen Xuanzang, he was still an unshaven monk. It was clear that he was the future Tang monk, for sure. It's an important NPC, so they think it's good to please first.

Zeng Xiaoxian took Chen Xuanzang to talk about his life ideals on the grounds that he and Chen Xuanzang hit it off at first sight. Although he did not agree with Chen Xuanzang's idea of ​​exorcism, considering that the other party is Tang Seng, it is natural to have this idea.

"Benefactor, demons are not sand sculptures, and beating people is wrong."

Chen Xuanzang felt that it was wrong for Zeng Xiaoxian to scold people, but he also felt that Zeng Xiaoxian had some truths.

The master told him that "Three Hundred Children's Songs" can awaken the truth, goodness and beauty of demons, but he didn't tell him what to do if he didn't wake them up. Every time he subdued demons, he was full of dangers, and he already suspected that he was not suitable to be an exorcist.

Zeng Xiaoxian's words awakened the person in the dream, just like a Buddha with angry eyes. The prerequisite for awakening the true, kind and beautiful monster is to protect yourself. After all, if you don't wake it up, it will add another point of sin to the monster.

Of course, he just wanted to protect himself, and didn't want to hurt others.

"Why isn't it a sand sculpture?"

Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to the aunt who was chasing her child all over the street with a rattan cane and said: "Look, it's like a child who is disobedient, just give him a good beating, those monsters have lost their minds because of their demonic energy. If you want to awaken his truth, kindness and beauty, you must let him calm down first."

Chen Xuanzang looked at the bear boy who had been chased up and hugged the aunt's leg, crying bitterly, crying heartbreakingly that he was wrong, and he would never dare again.

Justified and convincing.

"Think about it for yourself, will you be punished by your parents or teachers if you were not good when you were young?"

Chen Xuanzang nodded. Although he was an orphan, he had a master. Although the master would not beat him when he was a child, he also forced him to stay by his side for preaching because of his naughtiness. From this point of view, it is indeed a bit The sense of force education.

"Then do you hate the person who beat you now?"

Zeng Xiaoxian continued to ask.

Chen Xuanzang shook his head, it was too late for him to be grateful.

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled confidently. He naturally knew that beating children is not good, but in many cases, children really can't remember if they don't.

Why are there more and more bear children now?
On the one hand, it is because of the bear's parents, and on the other hand, the child does not know how to be afraid.

Like in the past, which child would dare to chase and beat strangers on a whim, and would dare to punch Winnie the Pooh a few times?

It's not that they don't want to, but they know that once they do this, they will inevitably have a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

If you reason with your child, if the child really understands the reason, he will make trouble for you?
Only by letting them know the consequences of making trouble will they reflect and consider the cost of doing so.

Of course, what Zeng Xiaoxian said about beating a child was just a slap on the palm, not the kind of hanging up. The former is just to make people remember, while the latter is purely to vent their anger.

For example, if Hu Yifei hits a child, the scene must be extremely cruel.

Wait, how did Zhanbo survive until now?
Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Could it be that this is the reason for the reorganization of Hu Yifei's family, killing one and replacing it with a new one?
"Ahem, that's not the point. The point is that monsters don't belong to children, so if you can't beat them to death, then beat them to death."

Zeng Xiaoxian said confidently, he has a basis in fact, and your "Journey to the West" is performed like this, not to mention that Sun Wukong went to the heaven to expose the tiles because he was a fledgling lawless, was beaten by the Tathagata and then put in confinement, so he honestly took it with him. Tang Sanzang went to the west to learn scriptures.

Let’s just say that those divine animal mounts came down to have fun eating Tang Seng along the way. After being beaten up by Monkey King, these divine beast mounts immediately learned to be gods, and obediently followed their own boss back.

The reasoning is very crooked, but Chen Xuanzang has no way to refute it, so from ancient times to the present, this is how parents educate their children.

"Then can you teach me how to subdue the demon?"

Chen Xuanzang decided to skip this topic first. He may be a bit too much for the Holy Mother, but he really wanted to subdue the demon. Before, there was no one to help, and he could only use "Three Hundred Children's Songs" to subdue the demon. Now with Zeng Xiaoxian and the others, naturally Want to learn advanced technology.

"Well, although we hit it off right away, it's a bit too much for you to ask. This is my job to eat."

Zeng Xiaoxian frowned, a little embarrassed.

Chen Xuanzang made a Buddhist ceremony to him: "Second almsgiver, subduing demons is my duty, and you must not stick to the views of the sect. In today's world, demons are rampant, and our generation of exorcists should take the lead."

The corners of Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes twitched: "Actually, you can call me handsome benefactor."

Zeng Xiaoxian's ID name is [24K Pure Handsome], but in the ancient way of calling, it is natural to call the other party's last name.

"Second benefactor, this is not the point. The point is that we should work together to subdue the demons and fill the world with love."

Chen Xuanzang looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with encouraging eyes.

Zeng Xiaoxian was speechless, the second benefactor was the second benefactor, so he mysteriously pulled out a book from his bosom, and saw four large characters "Tathagata God's Palm" written on it.

The book looks old, but the four big characters on it are still shining with gold, giving people a sense of sacredness and inviolability.

Looking at these four characters, Chen Xuanzang's little heart was beating non-stop. He is a lay disciple, so he naturally knew what the two characters Tathagata meant, so he reached out to pick them up.

Zeng Xiaoxian slapped Chen Xuanzang's hand away, and said angrily, "This is my treasure. If you want it, at least you can change it. You really plan to ask me for alms!"

Chen Xuanzang withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and took out his "Three Hundred Children's Songs" with a tangled expression: "I only have this "Three Hundred Children's Songs" given by my master. I really don't have anything else."

Looking at the picture of a child on the cover, the corners of Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes twitched again. He always felt that Tang Seng was a little out of place, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "For the sake of our acquaintance, let's change it!"


Chen Xuanzang was about to struggle, but Zeng Xiaoxian had snatched the "Three Hundred Children's Songs" from his hand, and replaced it with "Tathagata God's Palm". "First", right? Then having this book should be the same as not having this book? How about this, let's exchange readings, and finally return it to the original owner."

Chen Xuanzang thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said was very reasonable, so he opened "The Palm of the Tathagata God": If the sky is unfair, chop it with one palm...

Chen Xuanzang blinked, always felt that this "Tathagata God's Palm" was a bit unorthodox, but considering that the "Three Hundred Children's Songs" given by his master was not a serious method of subduing demons, so he had no doubts, and continued reading, intending to read this This book "Tathagata God's Palm" is memorized.

(End of this chapter)

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