Restart the main god game

Chapter 573 None of them suffered, but I was the one who suffered!

Chapter 573 None of them suffered, but I was the one who suffered!
Zhang Chen looked at Zeng Xiaoxian dumbfoundedly when he exchanged a copy of "Three Hundred Children's Songs" with an old copy of "Splitting the God's Palm".

In fact, looking at the entire Journey to the West Conquering Demons, the content in "Three Hundred Children's Songs" is useless, and even if it turns into "The Sutra of Great Sun Tathagata" in the end, it has nothing to do with the original content.

"My child, why are you so bad? Bullying and cheating, why did you do it? Learn to be a good child..."

This kind of song, don't say it's useless to sing it to a monster, even if it's sung to a child, he will only hum a few words along with it, maybe the bear will be more energetic.

"No, they didn't suffer a loss, but I was the one who suffered a loss!"

Zhang Chen suddenly realized that this "Splitting God's Palm" belonged to him, and these guys just practiced it by themselves, and sold it all over the world. They really used the secrets of magical skills as Chinese cabbage!

How strong is "Split God's Palm"?

In the world of Lotus Lantern, Sun Wukong, who learned scriptures from the Western Paradise, met Shanghumei and his wife. They were so beaten by their god-splitting palms that they could only ask the Three Holy Mothers to see that this is really strong.

Of course, the biggest reason is that this version of Sun Wukong is not strong, but it also shows how terrible the Heaven Splitting God Palm is in this world. Master Yuding said it himself, and he can split even the sky at a high level of practice.

After Zhang Chen saw it, he deduced it a little bit, and the real person Yuding's statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is still possible to split the space. If it is really practiced, each palm can split a space crack, and the power is really terrifying.

However, this technique is strong but strong, but it uses strength to break the way, and it is even more eccentric. It only has strength, and it can tear the sky and the earth apart with one palm, but it will be killed by a sap.

Therefore, the method to deal with the Heaven Splitting God Palm is very simple, that is to hit the Sap, for example, when dealing with sleeping, once the Sap goes down, no matter how strong the Heaven Splitting God Palm is, it will not work.

The mythical world pays attention to the self-contained world, like Bajiu Xuangong and so on. They not only cultivate supernatural powers, but also cultivate golden bodies, so even if they are attacked by others, they have no fear, but if they split the palm of the gods, they can really only do it. If you split the sky, you may even be unable to hit the opponent, you can only chop the air.

But the players are different, anyway, they can be resurrected after death, but this book still needs to be learned by the players themselves, because this book is a skill-like supernatural power.

Zhang Chen, like Guidao, can completely let the Zanpakuto remember, and let the Zanpakuto be released by the players' instructions, but there is no way to replace this method of entering the Tao with martial arts.

To put it simply, this thing is similar to the white fight in Reaper. It is a skill. It is impossible for Zhang Chen to instill the method of use directly into the players' minds, so that the players will know that their memories are controlled by others no matter how hard they are. , It is estimated that nine out of ten retired.

Memory is the most private part of everyone. It can even be said that it is precisely because different memories have influenced different people. Once people find out that their memories will be tampered with, no one will take the risk of playing games .

Even if this game is real, even if this game is likely to come from alien technology...

At that time, it is estimated that except for the death squads from various countries who will throw people into it, no one will be willing to enter this game again, and Zhang Chen can only follow the old path of the main god space, and then the reincarnation under his hands will be more desperate than his enemies. die……

So Zhang Chen can only let the players practice on their own, not asking them to practice to great success, but at least let him know how to exert force, so Zanpakuto can understand their intentions to use.

"The more I think about it, the more I suffer."

Zhang Chen smacked his lips, saying that most of the supernatural powers in Buddhism have qualification requirements, and even require that only kind-hearted people can master them, just like the 72 stunts in the world of martial arts, only practicing martial arts, not cultivating the mind, and not reading Buddhist scriptures, then The more you practice, the more confused you become.

Of course, cultivating the mind does not mean cultivating a kind mind, but it is easier to cultivate a kind mind. Although it is easy to put down the butcher knife, not everyone can become a Buddha immediately.

But splitting the god palm is different. Humans can practice it, demons can practice it, good people can practice it, and villains can practice it. In the original plot, the fifth brother, who is so bad that he is so bad, can still practice it until he fights Monkey King for [-] rounds. , it can be seen that it has no requirements for xinxing, at most it only requires talent.

We can't let the Heaven Splitting God's Palm overflow.

Zhang Chen decided to make up this patch, and was going to make an example of it.

[System announcement: Because the player 24K pure handsome has affected Chen Xuanzang's original route, Tang Sanzang's future has completely deviated, and he no longer travels westward. The resurrection price of the player 24K pure handsome super doubled for one month. 】

Zeng Xiaoxian, who was taking a screenshot of "Three Hundred Children's Songs", blinked, and immediately began to doubt life, what the hell?My resurrection cost is super doubled?
In other words, how many times is the super double?

Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to cry, but he just wanted to see if he could find some good things on Tang Seng, such as the legendary purple gold bowl, nine-ring tin rod, brocade cassock and so on.

Although he got a copy of "Three Hundred Children's Songs" in the end, considering that the other party was the future Tang Seng, Zeng Xiaoxian finally decided to change it, and then changed to a super double.

"It's not fair. Didn't Li Yunxiang also learn to split the palm of the gods? Why didn't Zhao Haitang get punished!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked up to the sky and cursed, but Zhang Chen didn't have time to pay attention to him, Li Yunxiang learned how to split the palm of the gods, but Li Yunxiang was a positive character, as for Chen Xuanzang, with all due respect, a person with too much of the Virgin Mary is not a positive character.

Of course, the Holy Mother also has the usage of the Holy Mother. Zhang Chen came up with an idea. Originally, his plan was to have nothing to do with the West. You take your scriptures and I kill my demons, but the palm of Guanyin Bodhisattva told him that they I saw that there was no way to live in peace.

[System Announcement: You have triggered a hidden mission, the hell is not empty, and you will never become a Buddha! 】

[Mission Description: Because Chen Xuanzang learned how to split the palm of the gods to cast down demons, but he couldn't completely dissipate the demons, and finally became a demon because of his obsession. In order to avoid this happening, you decided to invite Chen Xuanzang to go to hell. 】

[Task Reward: Cancel the punishment and get the title of '24K Pure Buddha'. 】

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the hidden mission that popped up all of a sudden, it's okay to cancel the punishment, but what the hell is the title of '24K Pure Buddha'?

Is it possible that in the future people will not call me Teacher Zeng, but Xiao Xianfo?

Wait, this name looks pretty good, Amitabha!
Before he got the title, Zeng Xiaoxian began to imagine the scene where he was wearing the only title. He never thought about how Hu Yifei would react to such a title.

"Ahem, Brother Xuanzang, have you finished reading it yet?"

Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't wait to ask, he had already taken screenshots of "Three Hundred Children's Songs", and was waiting for Chen Xuanzang to go to hell together.

"This, not yet."

Chen Xuanzang has actually finished reading it, but reading it is one thing, but memorizing it is another.

Zeng Xiaoxian stuffed "Three Hundred Children's Songs" into Chen Xuanzang's arms, and said impatiently: "Then don't worry about this matter, this book will be given to you, let's do more important things."

"Thank you, but where are you taking me?"

Chen Xuanzang put away the two books and thanked Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian drew out Zanpakudao, he laughed and said, "Hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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