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Chapter 579 I am a poisoned pile of horses, and it hurts when the Buddha comes

Chapter 579 I am a poisoned pile of horses, and it hurts when the Buddha comes

The long chain was recovered and finally turned into a three-strand steel fork.

"Wow, Sister Yumo, you are so amazing!"

Lin Wanyu clapped her hands.

At this time, Qin Yumo was wearing a black long skirt, wearing a golden crown, and holding a three-pronged steel fork, making him look even more heroic.

"Of course, I'm a poisonous pile, and it hurts when the Buddha comes."

Qin Yumo said triumphantly, although she doesn't like to use three-pronged steel forks as weapons, but the scorpion spirit in "Journey to the West" is famous, and even Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie teamed up, and she made her doubt her life.

Although she is a pirated scorpion spirit, fortunately this Monkey King is not genuine. After all, whose Monkey King is an orangutan, it doesn't look like a serious monkey at first glance.

Naturally, everyone would not miss the opportunity to beat the dog in the water. Everyone rushed forward, history repeated itself, and Monkey King was bombarded indiscriminately again.

But this time, Sun Wukong, who was originally invulnerable to swords and guns, was beaten with scars and his hair was burnt under the siege of the crowd.

"I know the principle of his indestructibility!"

Zhuge Dali merged his hands together, turned into an energy cannon, and shot a red-white laser at Monkey King, piercing his arm directly, causing Monkey King to scream again.

"What do you mean?"

Because he was afraid that the cold ice would relieve the opponent's pain, Zhang Wei transformed the ice storm sword into a thunder sword, held the long sword high, and drew the lightning to strike it down.

"Because he's getting smaller!"

"Smaller? Well, indeed, it's not noticeable at all."

Forgive Lu Ziqiao for his poor eyesight, he didn't see the place where Monkey King should grow bigger at all, because there is no place there.

The simple Zhuge Dali didn't understand that Lu Ziqiao was driving, but patiently explained: "Actually, he originally looked like this. After shrinking, his density was compressed, and his body became invulnerable."

Justified and convincing.

The most important thing is that Sun Wukong's body is actually not a monkey, but a stone. Animals will belch when compressed, but stones can still be stones when compressed, and they may even turn into diamonds.

There are too many slots, and Zhang Wei didn't know where to start. He always felt that Da Wenxi had led him astray, and he insisted on finding rationality in the game. Dungeon background, you talk about science with the mythical world?

"According to what you said, in theory, the poisonous pile of falling horses has no effect on Monkey King, because he is a stone monkey."

Zhang Wei couldn't hold back in the end, and complained.

Zhuge Dali was thoughtful: "Maybe this is a soul attack?"

"Uh, aren't we talking about science?"

""Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is a copy of mythology, so it must be about theology."

Zhang Wei:  …

Forget it, just be happy.

"Stop talking nonsense, output it quickly!"

Hu Yifei said unhappily. In order to prevent Sun Wukong from escaping, she wrapped Sun Wukong's limbs with crimson force and pinned him to the ground.

Sun Wukong wanted to break free, but Qin Yumo hit him with another poisonous pile, making him dizzy and dizzy from the pain.

There is one thing to say, Qin Yumo's poisonous pile of inverted horse does not hurt very much, but the pain can make people doubt life, even players who have turned down the pain, will be so painful that she will cry to their father and mother.

"Ah ah ah..."

Monkey King roared wildly, broke free from the shackles of the crimson power, and quickly shrunk in size, found a random direction, and called somersault cloud to escape.

"Master Fei, we are here to help you!"

"Fuck, this Monkey King has shrunk a bit!"

"Whatever, let's output a wave to earn some luck coins!"

However, before he could somersault, a group of players had already rushed over, and all kinds of fancy attacks knocked him off the cloud.

"I'll go, where did these guys come from?"

Hu Yifei was speechless. She thought she could eat alone, but she was discovered within a few minutes of playing.

Hu Yifei turned her head and looked at her teammates suspiciously.

Tang Youyou is still buried in the soil, Zeng Xiaoxian is still acting as her backup energy source, Guan Gu is still playing tennis, Lin Wanyu is helping Lu Zhanbo fight his head, and Chen Meijia is holding a longbow, hitting the players hard.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Lu Ziqiao had an innocent face, he was just video-chatting with his sister, and by the way, he showed off his majesty against Monkey King.

"It's nothing, I just think your title of Valkyrie should be upgraded."

Hu Yifei smiled coldly.

Lu Ziqiao's complexion changed drastically, she summoned the spinning blade, and shouted angrily: "You wait for Xiaoxiao, how dare you rob my boss, wow, wow, die!"

The Valkyrie's combat power is extraordinary. In the case of equal strength, one-on-one, the players are no match at all. What's more frightening is that the battle with the Valkyrie cannot reduce the pain.

In order to train everyone, Hu Yifei made offline threats. Lu Ziqiao had no choice but to fight the Valkyrie, and was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After losing dozens of times in a row, Lu Ziqiao defeated a Valkyrie and became a Level 1 Valkyrie by using skills such as watching a flying saucer, your pants fell off, and my stomach hurting.

Hu Yifei was very relieved and said that he would continue to work hard, while Lu Ziqiao said that he would rather die once in reality than in the game again, so Hu Yifei gave up.

Of course, what Hu Yifei didn't know was that Lu Ziqiao was actually psychologically shadowed by the Valkyrie. Now she was a little scared when she saw a woman, and she didn't even dare to get close to the beautiful woman, for fear that the other party would suddenly fall over her shoulder.

There is no way, who makes the Valkyries be beautiful per capita, and the more beautiful the higher the fighting power, you will know after watching "Thor 3", ahem!

This is not the point, now Lu Ziqiao can only show his strength in the live broadcast room, the only woman who dares to approach is Chen Meijia, if she is beaten up again by the Valkyrie, even Chen Meijia will not dare to approach.

Because there were too many players besieging Sun Wukong, Lu Ziqiao couldn't squeeze in. He held Fang Tian's painted halberd, swiped the halberd left and right, and swept away the people in front of him blocking the way.

"Damn it, Lu Xiaobu, are you looking for trouble?"

"Go away, this boss belongs to our love apartment!"

"Die laughing, I am Monkey King, no matter how you look at this boss, I should fight it."

"That's right, I'm Tang Seng, and theoretically this Monkey King should be subdued by me!"

"Take your uncle, call me Wukong, do you think it should be you?"

"Speak politely!"

"What's wrong with me being rude?"

Ding Ling Dang!

Players beat Monkey King, Lu Ziqiao, and teammates at the same time. The fight was very lively, and Monkey King was dumbfounded.

He always thought that he was crazy enough, but he didn't expect this group of people to be even crazier than him.

Sun Wukong, who was already dizzy and dizzy because of Qin Yumo's poisonous pile, noticed that more and more people gathered, and he could feel that these people were of extraordinary strength, at least as good as a 1.5 Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Hey Chirp!"

The Suzaku bird behind Hu Yifei suddenly sneezed and spewed out a few sparks.

"You have become a birdman, can you still sneeze?"

Hu Yifei was speechless, the most important thing is, you have become a body of flames, why do you still have the function of a nose?

"No, I suspect that someone is speaking ill of me!"

Zeng Xiaoxian spoke with certainty, feeling that there are always people who want to harm me.

"Be confident and get rid of doubts." Hu Yifei said angrily: "You don't even think about your "Your Moon, My Heart". Are there still few people who scold you?"

"Hurry up, or the boss will be robbed by someone else."

Zeng Xiaoxian shook his wings, and Hu Yifei flew into the crowd as if wings had grown from his back.

 Modified, no inspiration, uncomfortable

(End of this chapter)

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