Restart the main god game

Chapter 580 What is the 3 British battle with Lu Bu? It's not about playing siege. I, Lu Xiaobu

Chapter 580 What is the three heroes fighting against Lu Bu? It's not about playing siege. I, Lu Xiaobu, can do it too!
Monkey King is very strong, but no matter how strong a person is, it won't work if he encounters crowd tactics.

Just like Chen Xuanzang asked Sun Wukong, when he cut from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road, he didn't blink his eyes, and his eyes would definitely be sore.

In addition, the players are not heavenly soldiers and generals, and even many players have killed heavenly soldiers and generals. In the battle of the "Lotus Lantern" dungeon, they did not kill the heavenly soldiers and generals. Their combat effectiveness is average, not as good as ordinary wild gods Woolen cloth.

Sun Wukong returned to the gorilla form again. As Zhuge Dali said, after he returns to his original form, his physical defense will decrease. In contrast, his strength will skyrocket.

The giant stick spun rapidly, causing blasts of wind, trying to kill this group of weird exorcists.

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

"Bound Dao 39: Round Gate Fan!"

The players tried their best to withstand the wind, and then chanted the offensive ghost way.

"Breaking Dao 78 Slashing Hualun!"

"Broken Path 96 One-Sword Cremation!"

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: Black Coffin!"

Players:? ? ?

"Damn it, which grandson put the black coffin as a protective shield for others?"

"Is this the teammate on the opposite side? Nima kill Jitian!"

It was originally a crowd of mobs, so there was no tacit understanding.


Hu Yifei smashed the black coffin with one punch, and the crimson fist hit Monkey King one after another.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

Seeing that he couldn't fight, Sun Wukong hurriedly shouted, it wasn't that he was spineless, but that the battle was fought inexplicably. Youdao means that there is a grievance and a debtor. He still hasn't figured out how he offended these people.
But the players are not willing to listen to what the famous red monster is talking about. As long as there is no system to stop them, their first thought must be to kill them first.

Sun Wukong squinted his eyes, and his heart was full of killing intent. He had been imprisoned for 500 years, and now he was attacked inexplicably. He thought it was a game set up by Tathagata, but now, no matter whether it is a game or not, he is going to kill all directions.

His figure changed again, the original appearance of the gorilla completely turned into a black stone, like a stone monkey made of huge stones.

Zhang Wei opened his mouth wide, and almost fell into ahbahbah. Zhuge Dali did not make a mistake in deducing his feelings. This Monkey King's body is really a rock.

Not only that, but there is still red magma inside the stone monkey, coupled with the pair of red eyes, Zhang Wei couldn't help muttering: "So that's what the fiery eyes and golden eyes really mean."

So the stone on Huaguo Mountain didn't have any pebbles at all, but the stone became a spirit, turned into a monkey and mixed in with the monkeys?
"Why does it feel like this style of painting is going astray?"

Heipi scratched his head, what about Sun Wukong, how did he become such a thing, suddenly changed from myth to fantasy.

Sun Wukong took the golden cudgel that had also turned into a black rock, and swept it over.

Perhaps it may not be appropriate to call it the Golden Cudgel now, and it is more in line with the image to call it the Stone Cudgel.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Monkey King's stick is very fast, killing a lot of players directly, making everyone a little scared. I didn't expect that Monkey King really used his full strength until now.

"Isn't it the law of heaven and earth? I will too!"

Heipi yelled angrily, and also turned into a hundred-foot giant wearing golden armor with locks, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, walking on cloud shoes on lotus root silk, and holding a Ruyi golden cudgel.

Uh, if there is any sense of disobedience, it is that this Monkey King is hairless and human.

Sun Wukong, the king of demon kings, blinked, looked at Heipi's appearance, and found it very familiar, and quickly realized, isn't this guy exactly what he looks like in his human form?Immediately flew into a rage: "You fake, how dare you pretend to be me?"

Hei Pi retorted: "Come on, you look like this, do you still use someone to fake it? You are a pirate!"

Two giant pillars reaching the sky collided with each other in the air, making the sound of gold and iron clashing. The players couldn't help but retreat a few steps. Lu Ziqiao said with emotion: "When did this black skin become so fierce?"

"The other person's goal is Sun Wukong, how could he be as salty as you."

Hu Yifei snorted coldly and joined the battle.

"Are you looking down on me, Lu Xiaobu?"

Lu Ziqiao expressed dissatisfaction. Although he is Lu Xiaobu, his current combat power is no match for ordinary gods. Guan Yu, the martial sage, is no match for him.

Hmph, what about the three heroes fighting Lu Bu? It's not about playing siege, I, Lu Xiaobu, can do it too!
After all, he also joined the battle to besiege Monkey King.

Sun Wukong's idea is very good, crushing players with his huge size, but there are also many players who know how to use magic. He can grow bigger, and others can also grow bigger. On the contrary, it is even more difficult to escape.

And because of his growing size, the area of ​​the attack he received also became larger, and all kinds of gaudy attacks hit him one after another, making him scream again and again.

Coupled with Qin Yumo secretly stinging from time to time, even if he turned into a stone, the pain was still unbearable, and he lost even more sense of proportion.


This time it wasn't the players' weapons that shattered, but the Black Rock Golden Cudgel in Monkey King's hand shattered.

The Monkey King in this world does not have a real Ruyi Golden Cudgel. Judging from his body structure, his weapon is actually a part of his body. In the original plot, his Golden Cudgel was destroyed in the confrontation with Master Kong Chopped together.

Of course, he could have as many sticks as he wanted, after all, after the fragments returned to his body, he could completely find another golden cudgel.

But the premise is that he has so much energy.

Under the siege of the players, Sun Wukong's defeat has long been obvious, and Sun Wukong also knew it. He roared to the sky: "Tathagata, do you think you can replace me as the king of demon kings with a substitute?"

Sun Wukong stared at Heipi, threw away the golden cudgel in his hand, pulled out another golden cudgel from his ear, ignored the players' attacks, and threw the huge stick in his hand towards Heipi crazily.

Seeing that the golden cudgel was thrown away by Monkey King, Heipi subconsciously reached out to pick it up, then made it smaller and stuffed it into his space ring.


The fake Monkey King's entire head was smashed flat by Monkey King, but before Monkey King could be satisfied, the headless Heipi hit him with a stick, and Monkey King hurriedly raised his stick to block, and fought Heipi again.

Clang clang!
Although the golden cudgel in Hei Pi's hand has been strengthened many times, but where his strength is, he can only play a restraining role at most. Where is Monkey King's opponent, he is immediately crushed and beaten by him, and his body is even more bloody. It's not because of its strong self-healing ability, it's already dead.

"Counterfeit, suffer death, suffer death!"

Sun Wukong is completely stunned now, he only has one purpose, even if it is death, he must kill the impostor in front of him.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Hei Pi decisively retreated while fighting, leaning towards the players' team.

"Fuck, Heipi, can you show some face?"

"Don't come here, I am a long-range attack type!"

"No, Heipi is here, run quickly!"

The players cursed and the team became chaotic again.

"Why can you stand up and output, I will be a tank!"

Heipi spoke uprightly, and continued to sneak into the crowd, making his body smaller by the way, which caused another frenzy.

 Chapter 2 should not be as late as last night, but maybe we still need to make up the word count

(End of this chapter)

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