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Chapter 582 Don't Misunderstand, They Are Not Interested In Li Shimin, But They Are Interested

Chapter 582 Don't Misunderstand, They Are Not Interested In Li Shimin, But They Are Interested In His Wife
No one wants to believe Chen Haonan's explanation, because it stands to reason that Zeng Xiaoxian also has the fire attribute, and even his whole body is full of flames, so he was killed by Monkey King.

What, you said that Zeng Xiaoxian died of exhaustion?
These players don't care, anyway, only Chen Haonan survived in the entire battlefield, who is responsible if he is not responsible?

Sun Wukong's soul is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, he is extremely powerful. Fortunately, the problem is not big, Zanpakuto can completely swallow his strength.

In fact, 500 years have passed, and the people killed by Monkey King have already been reincarnated. Although there is no hell in this world, reincarnation is still possible, but there is no ghost messenger to extradite the dead.

The reason why he was able to reincarnate so easily was that Tathagata helped a lot. Although this guy did not go to hell, he was trapped in Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years, and his life was very sad.

Think about it, ordinary people are locked in a small dark room for a day, no one communicates, and they will be whipped with canes if they want to get out of the hole. Everyone has to go crazy. Monkey King has been locked up for 500 years. It is a miracle that he is not crazy. People who hate Monkey King no matter how much they see this scene will probably feel very happy, and happily go to reincarnation.

So Zhang Chen simply reincarnated Sun Wukong into a macaque, making him a real monkey.

There is no such thing as "New Journey to the West: The Rebirth of Monkey King". It is a complete new start. Everyone needs to pay the price for what they have done.

Well, it's definitely not because he is not good-looking that he is not allowed to be his subordinate. He has always treated everyone equally, and the same is true for Zhu Ganglian, who is also handsome, but he still has to stay in the frying pan for a while , Wait until the hearts of those eaten by him are relieved, and then they can really be reincarnated, reincarnated as pigs.

Although Zhang Chen is not a good person, nor does he plan to be a good person, and he still has a lot of ghosts and goblins under his command, but for the sake of luck, it is not shabby to do some good deeds.

Therefore, Zhang Chen was very concerned about the construction of the underworld, and Fuzhu Shishiro did not disappoint Zhang Chen. He selected a group of unlucky people in the human world, bah, lucky exorcists, such as Young Master Kongkong, Tian Canjiao, Five elements boxer, let them come over to serve as Yan Luo.

Regardless of whether these people have ulterior motives or not, first set up a shelf, wait for there are more ghosts in the underworld, and then consider the performance.

Of course, although these exorcists strive for fame and fortune, they are not considered bad people. For example, Mr. Kongkong, it costs money to lift a sedan chair, and sometimes they can’t hire them. It can be seen that this guy’s temper is actually still pretty good.

Players are also very familiar with super-speeding dead souls. In the past, they needed to use the handle of Zanpakuto to attack the dead souls, but now it is different. With one knife, physical super-speeding can be achieved.

In fact, in the original plot, the gods of death in the world of "Reaper" can also let "Zheng" enter the world of corpses and souls in this way, because they did this to Xu, cut off Xu's sins, and let them become "Zheng" again and enter the soul of corpses boundary.

Without the dead souls, it is naturally difficult to produce monsters, and with the massacre of monsters by the players, the number of monsters has dropped sharply. For a while, the exorcists were shocked to find that they were unemployed.

In this regard, a certain emperor surnamed Li felt that it was necessary to get in touch with the players, and asked the exorcist to say that he would entertain the players.

The players readily agreed, and then ran to the top of the palace wall to watch their family.

Don't get me wrong, they are not interested in Li Shimin, but are very interested in his wife.

They don't have any other ideas, they just want to admire the beauty of the empress through the ages. Of course, if they can see Wu Zetian, they don't mind.

As for Li Shimin, are there any beauties?
At the beginning, this group of guys also had a strong onlooker on Su Daji in "Wu Geng Ji", but Su Daji himself is a protoss, so it is no problem to avoid these guys, but Empress Changsun can't do it, she can't run away at all.

"By the way, which one is Princess Gaoyang?"

A player shouted at Li Shimin.

For 5000 years, there are not many princesses who can leave their names in history, but the Tang Dynasty can account for half of them. Princess Changle, Princess Jinyang, and Princess Gaoyang, who know something about the Tang Dynasty, must not avoid them.

Especially Princess Gaoyang, who can be called a strange woman through the ages, made all men dare not name her 'Yi Ai', especially the one with the surname Fang.

Li Shimin's face was ashen. He thought he was the king of a country. He invited these strange people.

Li Shimin does have this kind of ability, not to mention other black spots, his personality charm is nothing to say, otherwise there would not be so many elite soldiers and good generals loyal to him.

But the players don't care about this. Although Li Shimin is handsome, he is definitely not as handsome as they are, and he is critical of Empress Changsun.

"Oh, what a beauty, why isn't she my wife?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was very emotional about this, and was pushed into the palace wall by Hu Yifei.

"Oh, why am I not Li Shimin?"

Lu Ziqiao was very emotional about this. He felt that it was necessary to change an idol. Although Lu Bu was unparalleled in combat power, there was only one Diaochan, and he was Dong Zhuo's concubine, which did not meet his dream of riding a horse.

Although he has been psychologically shadowed by the Valkyrie, he still has a dream. What if it comes true?

Seeing the overwhelming number of players, Li Shimin was very angry, and the consequences were serious, so he ordered to shoot arrows and let his wives, wives and daughters hide in the palace.

However, this is of no use. Not to mention that players are not afraid of death, even firearms can't pose any threat to them now, let alone arrows.

Of course, the players aren't that boring, they'll leave when they see something new, so...they come here in turn.

So Li Shimin found sadly that his palace had become a tourist attraction for these strange people, who came and left whenever they wanted, and sometimes littered with rubbish, which was extremely unqualified.

In the end, Zhang Chen found out that these sand sculptures were causing trouble on other people's land, and he realized that it seemed that a safe zone had to be created, but this safe zone was not for protecting players, but for protecting NPCs.

In the past, players often broke into other people's homes to pick up things. There was no way. This is a common problem of RPG players. It is completely natural for them. As long as they can be taken away, they must be taken away.

Later, Zhang Chen imposed restrictions, but did not restrict their scope of action. Now that they are doing this, Zhang Chen feels that it is necessary to restrict them, at least not to allow these sand sculptures to break into other people's homes casually.

As for hiding the body like a god of death, Zhang Chen thinks it is unnecessary. The reason why so many people do evil in the world is because they don't know what will happen after death, and they don't believe that evil will be rewarded with evil. But now, they have seen, If you want to do evil again, you have to weigh what kind of punishment you will suffer in hell.

Maybe human nature is evil, but once you know the consequences, you will never commit it, no matter how stupid you are.

 A chapter has been revised

(End of this chapter)

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