Chapter 583
Chen Haonan returned to Shacheng with a sad face, feeling very embarrassed.

Although he survived to the end of this boss battle, he was not the biggest winner.

The experience distribution of "Lord God Game" is still very fair, only look at the output, not the final kill.

Of course, in the team mode, you can choose to share the experience equally, otherwise the auxiliary players will definitely not do it, and even the auxiliary players are more popular, because even if they don’t form a team, they can still gain experience for everyone’s BUFF.

However, Chen Haonan didn't suffer any disadvantages. Sun Wukong's boulder body is so big that any stone is a treasure. He picked up a ton of sacred stones in a row, and didn't stop until the resurrected players came back.

If it wasn't because Sun Wukong bombed too evenly and flew a little far, Chen Haonan didn't want to give this group of guys a chance, but considering that he might be beaten if he picked up too many, he stopped.

Players who were bored picked it up and analyzed it. They should give these sacred stones a name. Some people suggested calling them Nuwa stones. After all, there are legends that Monkey King was actually transformed from the fairy stones left by Nuwa when she repaired the sky.

However, some players expressed dissatisfaction, why Nuwa had to drop some stones to mend the sky, a copy of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" dropped, and the world of "Lotus Lantern" directly dropped a lotus lantern. Is it a sieve?

In the end, the players unanimously decided to name the stone dropped by Monkey King the Wukong Stone. Don’t even mention it, the name sounds very Zen. Maybe you can put it under your pillow to sleep, and you will be able to sleep on it tomorrow. The players all expressed Going to try it with my brother.

Chen Haonan was very speechless, this group of players was really idle, the name of a broken stone could be quoted from the classics, the discussion was extremely intense, I don't know if they thought they found Monkey King's stone in reality.

Things are good things, but Chen Haonan's mood will not be too happy after being hammered into the sky by someone again.

Chen Haonan still thinks this is slander, if he is really the lone star of the gods, not to mention the pheasant and the thirteen sisters who have been with him in Hongxing for so long and are alive and kicking, but if the group of players are really killed by him, then They should no longer be able to go online.

After secretly cursing those guys who said he was the lone star of the evil spirit, Chen Haonan finally felt a little better. Looking at Hongxing Kindergarten, he cheered up again.

Because the copy of "The Black Bullet" was closed, Hongxing Kindergarten could only transfer it here, not only that, but also the children in it had to be changed.

Don't get me wrong, Hong Xing didn't do NPC population trading. After all, NPCs who haven't become followers can't cross the dungeon, so they can only give up the little loli in the dungeon of "Dark Bullets" and let Tiantongmu take over.

It is precisely because of the instability of the kindergarten business that the current Hongxing Kindergarten is only Hongxing's sideline business, and the children are the refugee children that Amamiya Gendan took in at the beginning.

But Chen Haonan likes it here very much. After all, his girlfriend is a teacher here, and he is the principal. If he gets married, he can definitely come to the principal's office...a wedding.

The idea is very good, but Duanmu Ruoyu is not easy to chase, the two broke up once, and the reason for breaking up was because of her face.

Most of the reason why Chen Haonan likes her is that she is exactly the same as his ex-girlfriend. To put it simply, he regards her as a substitute, and no one can bear it.

But compared to Chen Haonan's uncertainty, she really likes Chen Haonan, so when Chen Haonan asked her for help, even though she hadn't seen her for many years, she agreed without any hesitation.

And Chen Haonan also realized that he no longer regarded Duanmu Ruoyu as a small grain, but he hadn't seen him for many years, and he didn't know how to speak. If it wasn't for Hongxing Kindergarten, he wouldn't dare to ask Duanmu Ruoyu for help.

"Three laps to the left, three laps to the right, the neck twists, the butt twists..."

Because the time is different, in the kindergarten, Duanmu Ruoyu is leading the children to do morning exercises. Compared with the bear children in the modern city, the children in the last days are more sensible, but this kind of sensible is not talent, but cruelty. The ignorant child honed out of the reality of life is already dead.

"You're back."

When Duanmu Ruoyu saw Chen Haonan, he stopped and greeted Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan felt a little regretful, he still wanted to see Duanmu Ruo being stupid...doing morning exercises.

"I heard that you killed someone again?"

Chen Haonan's face darkened, his mood became depressed again, he coughed dryly and said, "How come you are like them, making fun of me."

Duanmu Ruoyu pursed his lips and smiled lightly, pointing to the children in the square, expressing that he would continue to do exercises.

Chen Haonan naturally agreed, looking at the energetic Duanmu Ruoyu, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional. In reality, Duanmu Ruoyu should be almost 40 years old, but in the game, he still looks [-] years old.

Of course, he is the same. In reality, he is already in his 40s. He was originally a member of the underworld.

"Brother Haonan, when will we start?"

Pheasant didn't know when it appeared beside Chen Haonan, and also looked at Duanmu Ruoyu and clicked his tongue a few times.

"Don't make it sound like I'm going to do something bad."

Chen Haonan said unhappily.

"Isn't the most fundamental purpose of a man chasing a woman to do bad things?" Pheasant didn't take it seriously, and began to tell the truth: "Do you dare to say that you don't want to have sex with her? Listen to my brother's advice, sleep with her on the spot after going offline, and go tomorrow Get the certificate, and you will be able to shake the earth in the game tomorrow night."

"Take things away, get out!"

Chen Haonan angrily stuffed the smaller Wukong Stone into the pheasant's arms, signaling to disappear quickly.

The "Pot Sky Art" in "72 Changes" is a spell that players must learn, because it can shrink items, and with the space ring, it is not a dream to carry a luxury house.

Of course, the price of learning each of "72 Changes" is very expensive, and it also needs plot points, so no one has been able to fully learn it yet.

"Let me tell you, in the game, it's really cool!"

Pheasant once again emphasized that as a man with a wife, he can enjoy the right to drive in the game, and he has a say in this matter.

Even in reality, he has completely rebooted, and all the output is in the game, let alone, because of rebooting, his body seems to have returned to puberty, full of energy.

"You talk nonsense again, I'm turning my face!"

Chen Haonan said unhappily, saying this kind of thing in front of the sage players, aren't you making trouble?

Pheasant said helplessly: "Well, let me teach you a trick. I saw your face bumping monster in a one-time dungeon before."

Chen Haonan doesn't care, isn't it just a copy based on the player?This is the daily operation of "Lord God Game". He has just killed, bah, it is the Monkey King who has just been killed, and he has a black face, so strange.

"You stupid, as long as you bring Duanmu Ruoyu into the game and see that guy has a girlfriend, do you think she will be jealous?"

Pheasant reminded, turned around and left after speaking, anyway, the idea has been made, believe it or not, Chen Haonan can figure it out.

Chen Haonan was thoughtful, and felt that this made sense, no, then at that time, will Duanmu Ruoyu be jealous of me, or the jealous NPC?
 Modified, sleep, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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