Chapter 595

Wuzhishan, the mansion of Marshal Tiangong.

The flip-flops were almost blinded when they saw the red and purple palace below.

In the extraordinary world, the consequences of the expansion of the extraordinary's desire are extremely terrible, because ordinary people can't resist at all, and can only let the extraordinary be abused.

The God of War in Yujiang has been doing evil for 500 years, and for 500 years, the innocent people who died in his hands can be imagined.

It's not that no one wants to resist, but the gap in strength makes resistance seem like a child's play. Yujiang God of War only needs to shoot a group of soldiers to slaughter the entire army of rebels, and he doesn't even need to do it himself.

But because of this, not only Yujiang God of War is a famous name, but even those heavenly soldiers and generals are also famous.

"The End of a Thousand Hands, the Venerable Hand Who Can't Touch the Darkness, the Sky Archer Who Can't Be Reflected, the Road of Glory Falling, Fanning the Wind of Fire..."

I thought it was just a small dungeon, but I didn't expect there to be so many wild monsters, can this be tolerated?

The flip-flops immediately began to chant the ghost way, and countless rays of light shot out from his palm, heading towards the palace without aiming, because there is no good person at all.

"Breaking the Way: 91 Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Elimination Cannon!"

The terrible explosion blew up the entire palace into ruins, and the heavenly soldiers and generals inside also suffered heavy losses. Wuzhishan instantly became Yizhishan.

If the heavenly soldiers and generals in "Baolian Lantern" are weak immortals, then the heavenly soldiers and generals here are scumbags. Even a martial arts master can come with them a few times. Zhang Chen said that he has never seen anything worse than them. Weak heavenly soldiers and generals.

Of course, this is for martial arts masters, but it is still very powerful for mortals. A celestial general may be able to kill a mortal with the human sea tactic, but for a group of celestial soldiers and generals, the human sea tactic is like giving away the head.

But against flip-flops and Shufen, heavenly soldiers and generals are no different from ordinary people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they cut melons and vegetables, but just a few ghosts went down, Wuzhishan seemed to have been baptized by missiles, and most of them were killed or injured.

"Breaking the Way: 99. The five dragons are destroyed!"

A huge Reiatsu Dragon appeared behind Shufen, roared at Wuzhi Mountain, and slammed straight into it.

Like a nuclear bomb erupting, the entire Wuzhi Mountain instantly turned into ruins and was razed to the ground.

The difference in strength made everyone in the marshal's mansion die before they could react in time.

Of course, there was still someone who survived tenaciously. It was Yujiang God of War. At this time, he was covered in blood. He barely held the stone statue of Monkey King and blocked it in front of him, enduring the attack from the sky.

Yujiang God of War looked at the sky in disbelief. He has always been proud of himself. After losing to Monkey King, he has been unwilling, but it was just unwilling. In the end, he made a small plan and turned Monkey King into a stone statue. But now, he can be sure , even Sun Wukong couldn't cause such a big damage.

As the stone statue in his hand suddenly began to crack, Yujiang God of War became more and more frightened.

After turning Sun Wukong into a stone statue, he wanted to destroy it, but found that the stone statue was invulnerable. Later, for some reason, he felt that the stone statue was his own trophy, so he placed the trophy in his palace.

Although he also knew the legend of the predestined person, although he also knew that the golden cudgel could unseal the stone statue, but he just wanted to put the stone statue in the palace, just for fun!

But now, obviously, he can't play anymore!
The attack from above is still going on, if this stone statue is destroyed, then he may really die in this inexplicable indiscriminate bombing.

But it was obvious that the stone statue was not supported by his will, just like before the stone statue was broken by his will.

Huo Huo...

The flip-flops were inattentive, the golden cudgel in his hand flew away, and a stick hit the stone statue. The stone statue exploded instantly, and a golden shock wave spread, and even the God of War in Yujiang was shaken into fly ash.

"My strange!"

The flip-flops lamented, this game is broken, the NPC always grabs the player, the game experience is terrible.

The golden light became a humanoid creature again. The reason why it is said to be a humanoid creature is because he has golden hair and looks like a monkey, but he has a single ponytail on his head, and the hands holding the stick are normal people It is difficult to tell whether he is a monkey or a human, or is he just a slightly atavistic person?

"Extraterritorial Demon?"

The humanoid creature, or Monkey King pointed at the two with a golden cudgel, proudly said.

Flip-flops couldn't help complaining: "So, is Monkey King really ugly? I always feel that this game is maliciously targeting Monkey King."

Shufen agreed: "And the two Monkey Kings are both villains, obviously the one I hate the most is Tang Seng."

Being called ugly, Sun Wukong was not angry, instead he sneered and said: "If you stick to appearances, it's no wonder you become an extraterrestrial demon."

It's a bit embarrassing, obviously the two are superheroes, punishers, gods of death...but they were educated by the villains.

Of course, if it is a person with flip-flops, he will definitely say "I am willing to be addicted to women, but with a girlfriend by my side, it is natural to show a wave of affection."

"Hmph, what I like is not Shufen's appearance, what I like is her soul."

Sun Wukong: ? ? ?

Am I talking about this?
Sun Wukong secretly said that he was indeed an extraterrestrial demon, what he said was wrong, and his mind was obviously abnormal, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he swung the golden cudgel to give these two extraterritorial demons a head-on blow.


Suddenly there was a warning sign in his back, Sun Wukong hurriedly turned around, only to see an extraterrestrial demon with the same big nose as in front appeared on his back, and a red light shot at him from his eyes.

It's sizzling!

At the critical moment, Monkey King hurriedly raised his stick horizontally, and two laser beams hit the stick.

The other flip-flop had already prepared its backhand, and two balls of fire appeared in both hands, hitting Monkey King.

Monkey King jumped, did a backflip, and hit the flip-flops behind him with a stick.

The flip-flops did not dodge or dodge, and let the long stick hit him on the head, but his hands bound Sun Wukong tightly.

Monkey King was shocked, the flip flops behind him embraced Shufen with his left hand, and held a long sword with her in his right hand, turned into an afterimage, and swung the sword down.

At the critical moment, Monkey King turned around and raised the golden cudgel again.

Just like cutting tofu with a knife, the long sword in Shufen's hand cut the golden cudgel into two pieces. Sun Wukong looked at the long sword in Shufen's hand in shock, his survival instinct made him tilt his head slightly, and the long sword fell on Above Sun Wukong's shoulder, he cut off his right hand shoulder-to-shoulder, and even dropped half of the golden cudgel to the ground.

Another flip-flop was also cut in two by the sword, which gave Monkey King a chance to escape, and took a few steps back with another golden cudgel.


Sun Wukong pointed at the other half of the golden cudgel that was chopped off, and the golden cudgel returned to his body with Monkey King's right arm, and became one with the main body. Not only that, but also the golden cudgel All returned to their original state.

"so smart?"

Flip-flops was a little surprised, the clone that was cut in half healed quickly, and then returned to the main body.

Although the ability of the Tiger Talisman can split him into two, it is still difficult for him to operate in two lines, so a single line is more suitable.

 Alas, Mr. Yuan also left, and suddenly remembered a sentence that I don't know who said, isn't growing up just looking at familiar people and leaving one by one?
  I suddenly miss my childhood very much, not because I was carefree when I was young, but because those familiar people were still there when I was young.

(End of this chapter)

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