Restart the main god game

Chapter 596 The Shang Dynasty began to promote freedom of marriage, and cabbage should not be a chil

Chapter 596 The Shang Dynasty began to promote freedom of marriage, and cabbage should not be a child bride
"The self-healing ability is good!"

Flip-flops raised their eyebrows. It is rare to see such a strong self-healing monster among the humanoid monsters. For example, the Monkey King that Hu Yifei killed before, he was directly turned into rubble after being headshot.

Of course, after the Monkey King was headshot, he didn't know if he would turn into a stone.

Sun Wukong didn't speak. He was not a person who likes to talk nonsense. With a sweep of the long stick, a golden wave of light swept towards the flip-flops.

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

The golden light waves hit the transparent wall without causing any waves, and even failed to cause any damage to the wall.

If you have to give the force value of "Kung Fu King" a level, then the force value of "Kung Fu King" can only be compared with "Wu Geng Ji" at most. Ten chairs are not enough for Brother Gou to punch.

Of course, the dog brother in the current "Wu Geng Ji" world is no longer Wu Geng, but because of mischief, Wu Geng was beaten every three days by King Zhou, and every five days, and he was beaten in public. Attractions, even new players ran to provoke Wu Geng in order to see this attraction, but did not resist, stood and let him stab him to death, and then other players ran to King Zhou to complain.

Wu Geng's explanation was that the players could be resurrected anyway, if they were stabbed to death, they would be killed, but King Zhou was not easy to fool. After such a long contact, King Zhou already knew most of the abilities of the players, and they could indeed be resurrected. But resurrection also needs to be consumed.

What's more, this is not what King Zhou is most angry with. Although the players are real dogs, Wu Geng is too unsatisfactory. He is passionate about it casually. How can he be the next king?

Of course, he still admires Wu Geng's head iron very much. He knows that every time he stabs a player to death, he will be beaten, but he just wants to stab him, which is quite up to him.

In fact, the evil god was slaughtered by the players, and the players have no interest in the copy of "Wu Geng Ji". Except for some new players who want to pay homage to King Zhou, the unlucky man who has entered the world, very few players have entered the world. .

Although King Zhou did not become a reincarnation, but because of the fire phoenix, ah, no, Chiyu, he got a lot of science and technology books, and he is making drastic reforms to this world. After all, even in the fantasy world, life in the Xia and Shang Dynasties Level, think about it and know how backward it is.

It's just that there is a reason why Wu Geng has been beaten, and that is cabbage.

Because of King Zhou's promotion of agriculture, the Shang Dynasty gradually became rich. Agou's family started selling steamed buns, and even cabbage won the reputation of a stuffed bun Xishi.

Well, don't think about it, this nickname is given by the players, and the people who buy buns are naturally those players who like to hang out and find beautiful women.

Wu Geng not only bared his teeth at the players, but also bared his teeth at A Gou, that's why he ended up with a fight every three days and a big fight every five days. According to him, the Shang Dynasty began to promote the freedom of marriage. Cabbage should not be a child bride.

King Zhou felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he hung him up and beat him again.

Ma Dan, an eight-year-old child already wants to eat steamed stuffed buns, and he will have them when he grows up. When he saw the evaluation of himself in the history books, he was not good at all. How could he let his son become the real King Zhou?
Perhaps it is a good choice to give up the throne to Ziyu?

Wu Geng knew how to pick up girls at a young age, so naturally he couldn't let go of his flip flops. He grabbed Shufen's waist again and ran towards Monkey King.

The Rabbit Charm gave the flip-flops an incredible speed. Now even if Kuaiyin came, he was not as fast as him, and the Yitian Sword in Shufen's hand was invincible. While breathing, Monkey King was cut into dozens of pieces before he had time to react.

"It's not dead?"

The flip flops were stunned, feeling that this guy's self-healing ability was comparable to that of the player.

He didn't know that in the original plot, the stone statue of Monkey King was even beaten into fly ash, but it was still reunited by the golden cudgel.

The Monkey King in this world is actually just like the God of War in Yujiang said, all his strength is on the golden cudgel.

Of course, even so, Monkey King cannot be underestimated, because as long as the golden cudgel is not destroyed, Monkey King will not die.

It's just that the flip-flops thought the golden cudgel was a good thing before, and they were reluctant to damage it, and even brought it to Monkey King to give the enemy equipment.

The golden light dissipated, and Sun Wukong's body turned into golden powder again, and then gathered again, hitting the two flip-flops with a stick.

"The muddy coat of arms reveals faintly, the unruly and arrogant talent... The Ninety of Broken Dao·Black Coffin!"

The flip-flops dragged Shufen back quickly, while Shufen chanted the ghost way, and saw that Sun Wukong was surrounded by blocks exuding strange black lights, which seemed to be slow, but quickly overlapped together, Wrap it inside.

In an instant, a huge black cuboid appeared in front of the two of them, with black crosses on it, which made the surrounding creatures feel uneasy and fled quickly.

The black coffin came quickly, and disappeared very quickly. Monkey King had already disappeared in place, leaving only a golden cudgel that was also broken into several sections.

It can be seen from the original plot that the only unlucky Komamura Zuojin who was injured by the black coffin disappeared from the black coffin and spurted blood all over his body, becoming a blood man, uh, or a blood dog?
This is not important, what is important is that the black coffin essentially wraps people in the sharp blade of spiritual pressure and cuts them crazily.

This Sun Wukong is obviously not as strong as Komamura Zuozhen, and compared to Aizen's abandonment chant power is only one-third of the original, Shufen can completely chant, I dare not say it is stronger than Aizen's black coffin, but at least it can be compared .

But soon, the wreckage of the golden cudgel was linked together again and turned into a golden cudgel, and Monkey King also appeared in front of the two of them.

"I'll go, it's even worse than us!"

Flip-flops couldn't help but said, the players' near-bug self-healing caused many red-name NPCs with normal brain circuits to subconsciously attack their vitals, and left gracefully after stabbing them, and then... were stabbed by the players.

It's good now, people are even more outrageous than them, infinite resurrection, just ask if you are afraid.

Of course, after dying several times in a row, Sun Wukong didn't look good. After all, he thought he was invincible, but he didn't expect to be pinched as mud.

"There is a problem with the golden cudgel."

Shufen reminded, and the flip-flops also nodded, let go of Shufen's hand, let Shufen and Monkey King fight in close quarters, and chanted the ghost way: "Bindaozhi 62 Hundred-step railing!"

Without the pressure of the ridiculously fast speed, Sun Wukong's melee ability is still good, but the Yitian sword in Shufen's hand is extremely sharp. Although the golden cudgel can make him heal by himself, it is obviously exhausted, so he just Can walk the master.

At this moment, he was extremely depressed, he knew it would be better to stay in the stone, and if the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother did not come out, he would really be cold.

It's a pity that before the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother came out, light sticks had already flown towards him.

 Chapter 1 has been revised, and there is another chapter

(End of this chapter)

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