Restart the main god game

Chapter 602 Egg Fried Rice Is The Easiest And The Most Difficult

Chapter 602 Egg Fried Rice Is The Easiest And The Most Difficult
Naturally, it is impossible for Jin Yuanfeng to lose his job. His egg fried rice is known as a masterpiece, and he cooks it in the high-end market. A plate costs at least 100 yuan.

Not to mention that even if a robot cooks 24 hours a day, someone has to eat it. It’s not such a waste to have a house full of rice.

Looking at this tasteless cooking robot, Leng Feng felt extremely resentful. The cost of this thing is 20W. Anyone with a normal mind would not buy it. With this 20W, wouldn't it be nice to go directly to a restaurant to eat?

650 can be eaten a day for more than half a year, is it worth eating fried rice with eggs?
And you have to pay for your own food, natural gas, and help with washing dishes, because this broken robot can't wash dishes, and you even have to charge it. Wouldn't it be nice to simply go to a restaurant for a meal?
"Can't it be changed into a robot of another project?"

Leng Feng had reason to suspect that Da Wenxi was infected by the players. He only thought about eating all day long, and the robot's skills were changed to driving taxis, delivering couriers, and working at heights. It was not much more reliable than this.

Da Wenxi shook his head solemnly when he heard this, and said, "You're taking it for granted."

Leng Feng was puzzled, could it be that there is something unspeakable about this?

"Egg fried rice is the easiest and the most difficult."

He clenched his fists tightly, lowered them again, clenched them again, took three deep breaths in a row, and Leng Feng stopped the urge to punch Da Wenxi's face.

Da Wenxi was not wrong, it was him who was wrong, and he shouldn't have any expectations of mentally ill patients.

He also finally understood why the people in the research institute did not let Da Wenxi touch the spaceship. The ghost knows what the spaceship will become if it is in his hands. Maybe it will become a large central station of a cosmic nursing home.

Wait, then why did I become the person who manages Da Wenxi?
Leng Feng couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Da Wenxi hated dog eyes, but he was optimistic and cheerful by nature, and he was not bad-looking, so there was no reason for him to be treated like this.

Looking at Ling Lingqi again, he couldn't help blurting out: "It's you?"

Ling Lingqi picked up a spoon and was eating the bowl of fried rice with eggs. Her mouth was full of oil, when she heard this, she raised her head and said strangely, "What about me?"

You are a real dog!
Although Ling Lingqi does not belong to the army, his official rank is not low. In addition to exploring the game world together, he is theoretically even the highest official in the research institute. After all, although he hates dogs like Da Wenxi, but He still has abilities, as long as he doesn't encounter scum like Jinmianke, he will be promoted very quickly.

Of course, because Ling Lingqi has retired now and belongs to the external staff of the research institute, the management authority is not high.

It's just that Leng Feng, the unlucky guy, has the right to help.

Leng Feng really wanted to ask what attracted Ling Lingqi to him, and he couldn't change it, but he thought that if he really said it, then Ling Lingqi would probably put the tormenting him on the bright side, and he would be the one who felt uncomfortable at that time, I can only hold back.

"It's nothing, I just think you haven't downloaded many copies recently."

Leng Feng said casually.

"Hey hey, speaking of this, I found a very interesting copy."

Ling Lingqi opened the virtual panel, and showed Leng Feng the cover of the copy.

"The Arhat who descended the dragon randomly pulled the red thread, tampered with the book of life and death of the King of Hades, and made the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet every day. The Jade Emperor bet with the Arhat who descended the dragon. Without using mana, he would be destined to be the ninth pheasant and the ninth beggar with spirituality. And the wicked three mortals of the ninth generation leave the line, and the grievances between Jianglong and the gods can be wiped out...'

Not to mention the dungeon setting, but it is very interesting to say that it is Jigong on the poster, because this man looks exactly like Ling Lingqi, and it is obvious that he is Ling Lingqi's bumper monster.

"What, are you interested?"

Ling Lingqi sincerely invited.

"Excuse me, I need to report to Dragon Team."

Leng Feng shook his head again and again, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, jokingly, one Ling Lingqi had reduced the time he spends with his girlfriend day by day, if there were two Ling Lingqis, he might not even have a girlfriend.

"It's boring."

Ling Lingqi pursed his lips. He still admires this junior very much. His style of doing things is very similar to his young self. Most importantly, his appearance is comparable to his own, and he can greatly improve the average appearance of his team.

Of course, there is one thing that Ling Lingqi must emphasize. It is Da Wenxi who is holding back the team's appearance, and it has nothing to do with him.

Leng Feng left as soon as he said he would, not giving Da Wenxi a chance to stay, and happily went to find Long Xiaoyun.

It's tragic to say that, apart from being able to talk to Long Xiaoyun every day, he and Long Xiaoyun actually get together less and leave more. After all, the division of labor between the two is different. For example, Long Xiaoyun is in charge of the overall situation, and Leng Feng is in charge of being researched.

There is no way, ever since he was transformed into a K-88 robot by the cheating Da Wenxi, his body is almost like a peerless beauty in the eyes of the people in the research institute, and he can't wait to strip him naked and throw him on the experimental bench, and serve him with a saw and a screwdriver.

Otherwise, he could dismantle his own parts and give them away, and it is estimated that he will have to spend three years in the experimental bench.

Leng Feng was not willing, and Ling Lingqi was not willing to force it. After all, if a man like him waved and waved casually, there would be a large number of younger brothers crying and begging him to take him.

"Pheasant, let's make a copy together."

"No, Brother Haonan is married and has a lot of things to do."

"Aren't you married?"

Ling Lingqi was stunned.

"There's going to be a wedding in reality."

Pheasant explained that the game is still a game after all, and a real wedding must be held in reality. Although it cannot be as lively as in the game, it is another kind of admission, not to mention that some relatives and friends are not in the game at all. You can't invite them in the game.

"Zhanbo, let's make a copy together."

"No, I want to accompany my girlfriend to the North Pole to see penguins."

"Are you kidding me, there are penguins in the North Pole?"

"Who knows what's going on in the game."

It was well-founded and convincing, so Ling Lingqi decided to change someone.

"Shuaihu, let's make a copy together."

"No, I want to accompany my girlfriend."

"Don't lie to me, you don't have a girlfriend in the street."

"Laughing to death, I went looking for it because I don't have a girlfriend! You still know that person, head nurse Yan of the health team."

"Beast, rabbits don't even eat the grass by the side of the nest, you actually attack your comrades!"

"You can pull it down, it's not your team's Leng Feng who started this."

Ling Lingqi was speechless, angrily hung up the communication, and found a personal video again.

"Old He, let's make a copy together?"

"No, I've been chasing girls recently, so I don't have time."

Ling Lingqi hangs up the communication again, something is wrong, really something is wrong, even Lao He, an old steel man, is starting to want to find a girlfriend. Could it be because the 520 stimulus is too great, so that single dogs are a little hungry?

Well, that should be the case, definitely not because of me, I am so popular, there is no reason why someone would not want to download a dungeon with me.

(End of this chapter)

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