Restart the main god game

Chapter 603 Will the villains of the 9th world keep them for the New Year if they don't kill th

Chapter 603 Will the villains of the ninth generation keep them for the New Year if they don't kill them?
[Main task: Survive for 30 days. 】

[Sub-quest 1: Kill the Jade Emperor. 】

[Sub-quest 2: Kill the Queen Mother. 】

[Sub-quest 3: Kill Tathagata. 】


"Is this game against religious belief?"

As soon as Ling Lingqi saw these tasks, she couldn't help complaining, why every time the mythical world either kills gods or Buddhas, it seems that they are the villains.

Because no one is willing to play the dungeon with him, Ling Lingqi can only do it by himself, and once he enters the dungeon, he appears in, uh, a city.

If Zhang Chen took a peek, wrong, if he noticed Ling Lingqi, he would definitely yell that he was wronged.

To put it nicely, the gods of the mythical world like to enlighten mortals, but to put it badly, they like to torment mortals very much.

For example, the Ninth Beggar, Ninth Pheasant, and Ninth Evil in this world are just a bet between the Jade Emperor and Jianglong, so these three unlucky people, ah, no, at least two unlucky people became Ninth Beggars With the ninth pheasant.

No one wants to be a beggar and a pheasant all their lives. Even if they become a beggar and a pheasant in this life, they don’t want to be a beggar and a pheasant in the next life, but because of a ridiculous bet, they have been reincarnated for nine lives, and they don’t even know why they did it. Life will be so miserable.

As for the villain of the ninth life, on the contrary, he has enjoyed the ninth life. After all, the villain who does not do evil, is he still called a villain?
The ending of the story is also very ridiculous. The beggar, the pheasant, and the villain wake up and start again after reincarnation, and Jianglong also returns to the god position, and even goes a step further.

But the problem is, these are what they deserve!
There is a saying that human nature is good at the beginning. Although it has always been controversial whether human beings are good or not at the beginning, everyone agrees that the acquired environment affects children's personality.

If there is no interference from the gods, even if a beggar has lived in a beggar's den since childhood, he may have the idea of ​​not wanting to be a beggar, because even if he is a beggar, there are many people who are unwilling to be outdone and look forward to a new life.

And even if the pheasant lived in a brothel from childhood, it would not be proud of the pheasant, because there are still nobles in the brothel, and even the women in the brothel have the desire to be good, looking forward to being redeemed by someone that day, Even if it is to become a concubine, because they all know that when they grow old, they lose their value.

Even villains, as long as they meet a reliable family in reincarnation, they won't raise a villain, maybe they can raise Cheng Yaojin.

This is why Zhang Chen has always said that the gods treat all living beings equally, but they never count them among all living beings, but look at all living beings from the position of a chess player.

But on a certain level, Zhang Chen is similar to them, playing with the players in applause, but he makes all of this a game, and their lives are still their lives.

"Old man Wei, you should pay the protection fee today."

A strong man holding a Yanyue knife stood in front of a tavern.

"No, Yuan Batian is here!"

Everyone in the tavern rushed forward and disappeared in front of the strong man in an instant, without even having time to pay.

"Master Yuan, didn't you hand it in a few days ago?"

In the tavern, an old man with a gray beard walked out tremblingly.

Yuan Batian picked up the collar of the old man, with a fierce face: "It was the end of the month a few days ago, and today's payment is for this month."

What kind of algorithm is this!

The old man said with a mournful face: "Yuan Ye, you also know that I am a small business, and I use it all to honor you every month. How can I have any spare money, or you can come to get it when I make money at the end of the month?"

Yuan Batian smiled coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, we agreed to pay once a month, if you don't pay this month's money today, I will demolish your store."

"Farewell, Master Yuan, my family is still counting on this tavern for dinner."

"That's okay, your daughter can have dinner with me."

The old man was silent for a moment. Some of the people who can do business are fools. He has already seen that Yuan Batian's request for protection money is false, and his daughter's request is true.

In the past, his daughter was still young and hadn't grown up yet. Although she is still a little immature now, she is already a beauty embryo. If Yuan Batian really hurts her, will she still have a good life?
"Master Yuan, if this is not the case, how much is the tavern worth? Otherwise, this tavern will be used as protection money."

The old man's eyes were full of tears. This was the wealth he had saved his whole life. Although it was not big, it was no problem to maintain their family's livelihood.

But now, he can only spend money to avoid disaster, anyway, he feels that this place can't stay any longer.

"Hmph, what's the use of your broken tavern?"

"Then I'll sell it, and I'll pay you back the protection fee later."

"I want it now!"

Hearing the commotion here, Ling Lingqi followed the crowd curiously and came over, but when he saw Yuan Batian, his eyes lit up immediately, good guy, he is so red!

The right hand transformed into a pistol, aiming at Yuan Batian's head with a single shot.

Yuan Batian held the Yanyue Knife, turned around to block it, the blade shattered instantly, and then... stuck in his chest.

"It's not good, I killed someone!"

At this moment, all the onlookers dispersed, and even the tavern owner took advantage of Yuan Batian's lying on the ground, ran into the restaurant and closed the door.

"What kind of hidden weapon is this?"

Looking at the blood oozing from his chest, Yuan Batian looked dazed. As a villain, he naturally possessed extraordinary martial arts, otherwise he would have been beaten to death long ago.

However, the pain in his chest told him that he had no time to think about it, his eyes began to turn black, and he finally lay on the ground.

Ling Lingqi pursed her lips, and shot Yuan Batian's head with her right hand.

Yuan Batian's entire head exploded in an instant, and he turned the gun back with satisfaction. Do you think this can fool the eyes of my professional agent Ling Lingqi?

Just kidding, there is no system prompt, you think I am stupid!
"The villain of the ninth generation has been killed!"

An old man with a white beard holding a cane muttered to himself, looking at Ling Lingqi, feeling like he was taking a pill.

The three unlucky ones had to wait until Jianglong came to save them, so obviously they couldn't be allowed to suffer accidental deaths, so this task was naturally handed over to the Duke of Land.

"The villain of the ninth generation dies as soon as he dies. If he doesn't kill him, can he keep it for the New Year?" Ling Lingqi turned her head speechlessly, then frowned and said, "No, what does the wicked person of the ninth generation mean?"

Seeing Ling Lingqi's appearance, the Earth Lord was even more surprised: "Subduing Dragon Arhat?"

It was agreed that he would come to save the evil people of the ninth generation, why did he kill one of them as soon as he came up, could it be that Luohan Jianglong felt that he was doomed, so he decided to die early and rebirth, and return directly to the fairy class?
Ling Lingqi touched his face, and then said seriously: "Yes, I am Arhat Subduing Dragon, can you tell me the specific situation?"

 Go to bed, sleep, have to get up at 12 o'clock, and then today's update, headache, I should not be lazy and ask for leave before I knew it
(End of this chapter)

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