Restart the main god game

Chapter 604 System prompt: You have been killed by the Jade Emperor, do you choose to be resurrected

Chapter 604 System prompt: You have been killed by the Jade Emperor, do you choose to be resurrected in the Main God Square?
Although he generally knows the background of the world, Ling Lingqi obviously doesn't know as much as Tudi Gong, so he is going to make a statement.

"No, you are not the Dragon Subduing Arhat!"

However, the land lord is not stupid, he is also the land lord of this land after all, as long as he pays a little attention, he can know that the Dragon Subduing Arhat has not awakened at all.

"Where are you evildoer?"

The Land Lord glared at Ling Lingqi.

Ling Lingqi blinked, wait, how does he think this Landlord is famous!
He blinked in disbelief again, there was indeed a slight redness, but the redness was not obvious.

So what are you waiting for, just shoot to death!
Ling Lingqi transformed into a revolver again, and killed Tudi Gong with one shot.

As an ordinary person, Yuan Batian, no matter how high his military strength is, he will definitely not be able to compete with the government. Li Xiuyuan's father, Li Maochun, is obviously a good official, but such a good official not only turns a blind eye to him, but is even bullied by Yuan Batian. It's unreasonable to think that there is such a person only after coming to the door.

The only reasonable explanation is that Yuan Batian's existence was covered up by others, and the person who helped him was naturally the Lord of the Earth.

As for the evil god Hei Luosha, his existence is also very strange. An evil god, living in the underworld, actually arrests lonely ghosts at will, and the king of hell doesn't care about it.

Moreover, he opened his mouth to Shakyamuni and shut his mouth to Tathagata, as if he was sitting on an equal footing with the Buddha, but in the end, when he came to the mortal world, the teeth of the golden body of Jianglong Arhat in his previous life could make him explode and die. dimension.

To put it bluntly, all this is for the promotion of Jianglong Arhat to the bureau set up for the Venerable Jianglong. The most obvious bug is that the Jianglong who has changed the book of life and death does not know the existence of the evil god Heluosha, and has never been to the land of the underworld. However, he was able to tell Jianglong Arhat about the existence of the evil god, and obviously led him there.

As an accomplice, although the Lord of the Land did not kill anyone, he was obviously responsible for the murder of Yuan Batian. If he is not famous, who is famous?

Even though Land Lord died, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and dark clouds filled the sky. Two big hands protruded from the void, grabbed Ling Lingqi's shoulders from left to right, lifted them up suddenly, and disappeared into the sky. into the present world.

Caught off guard, Ling Lingqi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, the original streets of the ancient city turned into clouds, and two men in golden armor, one on the left and the other on the right, firmly grasped his shoulders.

"A daring demon, dare to kill the Lord of the Land, are you guilty?"

On the high platform, a majestic middle-aged man looked at Ling Lingqi below and said coldly.

Everything happened so suddenly, Ling Lingqi expressed a look of bewilderment.

"The old man just now was the land lord?"

Ling Lingqi smacked her lips, feeling that the world is so chaotic.

"This guy really looks like Jianglong."

"Should it have changed?"

"Could it be that this is the clone of Jianglong?"

"It's unreasonable. Where did the Lord of the Land offend him? He actually did this murderous thing!"

The gods around Ling Lingqi pointed and pointed, and there was even a dog barking at Ling Lingqi non-stop, um, a Dalmatians, it feels very outrageous, it doesn't fit the style of the mythical world at all.

"The monster below, I want to ask you something!"

Seeing that Ling Lingqi didn't respond, the Jade Emperor couldn't help being furious. He slapped... his thigh and said angrily.

These people feel a little out of their minds.

Ling Lingqi looked up and down at the Jade Emperor sitting on the crystal stone platform, and felt that the Jade Emperor was a little low, and the minds of the surrounding crowd were also a little abnormal.

The monster could be a fool!

The immortals looked at Ling Lingqi and gave him the same evaluation.

"Everyone, the villain of the ninth generation is dead, what should we do?"

The Jade Emperor asked.

Although it is reasonable to say that if the villain of the ninth generation is dead, Jianglong will obviously lose, but the problem is that the villain of the ninth generation will die before the dragon is awakened.

"Why don't you just find another villain to fill in?"

"Why don't I just go down and be the villain of the ninth generation, and see if I don't play the game of Subduing the Dragon."

"That's a good idea. When he loses all his mana, I can just beat him up."

All the immortals heard the words and began to make suggestions and prepare to use shady tricks. It is conceivable that Jianglong Arhat is so unpopular in nature, and all of them wish to destroy him. When it comes to subtleties, they are all elated, as if Big revenge must be reported.

Strictly speaking, this group of gods and gods are not evil people, if you have to give them a personality, it is that they are really boring.

When you can see the past and future of this person at a glance, then your interest in this person will definitely be lacking.

Coupled with their long life, they have seen too many life and death, and the fairy gods will naturally put themselves on another level.

Just like many people playing farming games, they don't care about the life and death of NPCs in the game. They arrange this person to grow food today, and arrange this person to hunt tomorrow. As long as they look prosperous, it doesn't matter if a few NPCs die.

Therefore, Dragon Subduing Arhat's Tribulation in the Lower Realm is just a very interesting game for them, but now that the game has been forcibly interrupted, it is natural to find a way to keep the game going.

The more Ling Lingqi listened, the more confused she became. She broke away from the arms of two soldiers, one left and one right, and said angrily, "Go away, who are you?"

The Jade Emperor frowned, and said to the two heavenly soldiers: "Thousand-mile eyes and the wind, send this demon to the demon platform."

Ling Lingqi: ...

What the hell, did you kill people when you disagreed?Why are you more casual than me?
Hearing the words, the two soldiers in golden armor stretched out their hands and wanted to grab Ling Lingqi again, but Ling Lingqi would never be caught, and turned their hands into two sniper rifles, aiming at Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear.


Before he finished speaking, Qianliyan chopped off the end of Ling Lingqi's sniper rifle with an axe, and said with a sneer, "Do you think I'll be afraid of you if you hold a stick?"

Not to be outdone, Shunfeng Er cut off Ling Lingqi's other spear head with a halberd, showing that his strength is not inferior to Clairvoyance.

Ling Lingqi: ...

There's no way, these people are all ancient gods and gods, where have they seen sniper rifles, they don't pay attention to Ling Lingqi at all.

The broken gun heads were fused and reorganized again, Ling Lingqi stopped talking nonsense, and pointed the two guns directly at the Jade Emperor, using the sniper rifle as a submachine gun.

bang bang bang...

The overwhelming bullets instantly hit the Jade Emperor who was watching the play, and the Jade Emperor hurriedly raised his sleeves.

Ding Ling Dang!

Bullets fell to the ground one after another, Ling Lingqi was dumbfounded for a moment, wondering if he was trying to take out an RPG, when the Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ears on both sides were already furious, they threw an ax and a halberd at Ling Lingqi, they He no longer intends to capture Ling Lingqi to the Demon Slaying Platform, but plans to execute him on the spot.


Ling Lingqi immediately turned into two super big shields, blocking the ax and halberd, but before he could make the next move, the Jade Emperor gave him a cold look, Ling Lingqi only felt his eyes go dark.

[System prompt: You have been killed by the Jade Emperor, do you choose to be resurrected in the Main God Square? 】

 I coded a chapter in my busy schedule, and I have to continue to watch the night later, and I don’t know how to solve the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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