Restart the main god game

Chapter 605 Ling Lingqi: I came in, I went out again, you hit me, idiot!

Chapter 605 Ling Lingqi: I came in, I went out again, you hit me, idiot!
"That's right, he died too fast, right?"

Ling Lingqi's eyes were dull, what's going on, when the Jade Emperor closed and opened his eyes, he disappeared?

"I still don't believe it!"

Ling Lingqi was furious, so the Jade Emperor would be great?Can you kill someone casually?

Uh, although he did it first.

But no matter, this bad breath must be brought back.

Ling Lingqi revived immediately, and then opened the one-time copy to enter again.

If you want to completely clear the one-off dungeon, although you don’t have to complete all the tasks, you still need to complete some more important tasks to complete the level. If the person in the dungeon dies before it is completed, the one-time dungeon will Put it back on the Main God Square.

Because it was a resurrection, the place where Ling Lingqi appeared this time was not Lingxiao Palace, but back to the gate of the city.

Considering the possibility of being discovered by others, Ling Lingqi decisively changed his face, and then entered the city in a small way.

Everything went well, the gods didn't seem to notice the existence of Ling Lingqi, and they even fattened up a villain of the ninth generation.

For example, let a villain die and live again, and live and die again, so that he can barely become a villain for nine lifetimes.

This person is Yuan Batian's subordinate. After realizing Yuan Batian's death, this group of people fought each other like a pack of wolves, and they competed for a new boss: Yuan Tiangang.

Ling Lingqi: ...

If you say this name, will you really not be beaten?
It is estimated that the new boss decided to inherit Yuan Batian's mantle because he would be beaten if he said his name. He also used Yuan Batian's bandit name to hang out on the road. Xiang Xiang, expressing that he wanted to let the whole Hangzhou city know that Yuan Batian was the boss of this city.


"Old man Wei, you should pay the protection fee today."

A strong man holding a Yanyue knife stood in front of a tavern.

"No, Yuan Batian is here!"

Everyone in the tavern rushed forward and disappeared in front of the strong man in an instant, without even having time to pay.

History is always strikingly similar. The old man in the tavern seemed to have eaten something, and he repeated that sentence helplessly: "Master Yuan, didn't you just hand in it a few days ago?"

Xin Yuan Batian picked up the collar of the old man, and glared at the old man with a big face like a fierce look: "A few days ago was the end of the month, today is the month's payment."

You will die if you change a line!

The old man cursed secretly in his heart, but still he could only cry and repeat, "Master Yuan, you also know that I am a small business, and I use it all to honor you every month, so I don't have any spare money, otherwise, wait until the end of the month Do you come to get the money again?"

Yuan Batian smiled coldly...

The reason why Xin Yuan Batian did this is because the boss died here. Whether it is to avenge the boss or to stabilize the gang, it is only natural to avenge the boss.

Moreover, Yuan Batian's gang is mainly engaged in brothels, robbing women and forcing them into prostitution, which has always been their basic operation. Yuan Batian, the daughter of the shopkeeper of this tavern, has seen it before, and she looks like a water spirit.

Xin Yuan Batian had a look of emotion on his face. He used to see those girls in brothels when he was a younger brother, and he couldn't help feeling that it was a pity that they were so beautiful and sold out.

Now it is different, he has become the boss, and his thinking has changed, he is so beautiful, it would be a pity not to sell it!

After all, only by selling it can his brothel generate income, make money, make the younger brothers return to their hearts, and grab more civilian girls.

Ling Lingqi was also speechless, didn't she say that the game would not repeat the plot?But this is repeated!
Of course, Ling Lingqi didn't know that the reason why he had to repeat it was not for him to watch, but for Luohan Jianglong to watch, but Luohan Jianglong hadn't awakened yet.

Although this person's popularity was not as popular as that of Yuan Batian before, but he was also as popular as a mess. Ling Lingqi shot down the puppet Ninth villain with one shot.

Obviously, the fighting level of this pseudo-Ninth villain is obviously not as high as the real Ninth villain, at least he can block bullets with the Yanyue knife.

The tavern manager blinked, turned around and closed the door silently, it seems that the tavern is still sold, let's leave Hangzhou City!The city is too dangerous!
Ling Lingqi nodded in satisfaction, and killed two villains in a row, and got a total of 10,000+ luck coins. If you calculate this way, good guy, not only did you get back the money for opening the dungeon twice, but you actually made a profit.

After all, he is a villain of the ninth generation, and the villain of the ninth generation is riddled with sins. Of course, physical supernatural powers should be given merit and luck. When the Jade Emperor comes, he must say that God did the right thing.

Then, two big hands grabbed from the void.

Ling Lingqi: ...

Considering the Jade Emperor's ridiculously high level of combat power, Ling Lingqi decided to face death calmly.

The street turned into a cloud-shrouded world, and two men in golden armor, one on the left and the other on the right, firmly grasped his shoulders.

"Hi everybody!"

Ling Lingqi smiled kindly at Clairvoyance.

Having said that, he didn't realize it before. It turns out that these two are the legendary clairvoyant Shunfeng. One thing to say, the eyes and ears are really big.

"Bold monster, dare to endanger the world, are you guilty?"

After the Jade Emperor finished speaking, he felt that the words were familiar, and looked at Ling Lingqi again, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and Ling Lingqi instantly changed back to his original appearance.

"you again?"

The Jade Emperor was furious, we just arranged the script, and you came to make trouble again?
"Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

Ling Lingqi made a stop gesture. Seeing this, the Jade Emperor couldn't help but pause, wanting to see what the monster had to say.

"Jade Emperor, my *your* mother..."

Ling Lingqi exhaled fragrance, from the greetings of the [-]th generation relatives of the Jade Emperor to the [-]th generation relatives of the Jade Emperor's friends, I heard the gods around me gnashing their teeth, scolding the Jade Emperor whenever you scold, what are you doing with us?
After the players' death experiments, they were surprised to find that as long as they don't breathe out their fragrance on the live broadcast, they can still be brothers and fathers in private, which is why Ling Lingqi can swear like this.

The Jade Emperor listened to Ling Lingqi's scolding with a black face all the way, and finally said coldly, "Have you finished scolding?"

Ling Lingqi coughed dryly: "Wait a minute, I'll brew up my emotions first."

Jade Emperor: ...

Are you in a good mood?

"Stop talking nonsense, who is the person behind you, and why are you doing this?"

Jade Emperor said coldly.

He was not surprised that Ling Lingqi died and came back to life, because he could tell at a glance that Ling Lingqi was a clone. Can't get up.

"Behind?" Ling Lingqi was confused, and then flew into a rage: "What's behind, I'm a straight man, how could there be someone behind! You are the son of a rabbit!"

In order that the Jade Emperor could not understand what 0 is, Ling Lingqi translated it specially, and then his eyes went dark again, and he returned to the main god square.

The Jade Emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Ling Lingqi to death.

Then Ling Lingqi entered the instance again...

Ling Lingqi: I came in, I went out again, you hit me, idiot!
 Facts have proved that people's potential is infinite, as long as I force it, I will finish paying today's public rations.

(End of this chapter)

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