Chapter 610
"Compete for jobs?"

Although he didn't understand what it meant to be on the job, Master Guanyin still understood the word competition, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The reason why she let the Jade Emperor and Jianglong make this bet is to let the gods know that mortals can also conquer the sky, and they should not manipulate their fate so wantonly.

But mortals sometimes become immortals, just like Luohan Jianglong, who was a monk in Guoqing Temple before the 15th generation, and became an abbot after the 8th generation, leaving behind a golden body, and later became a god.

This is also the reason why Jianglong Arhat was chosen. He had a shorter time to become an immortal, and those who became immortals longer have become old bastards like the Jade Emperor.

"It's not appropriate."

Master Guanyin shook his head.

The Heavenly Court has its own set of rules of operation. Although Master Avalokitesvara wants the immortals to experience the love of the world again by subduing the dragon and arhat to transform the three ninth generations, she never thought of destroying this system, because she is also beneficiaries of the system.

Not to mention why Zhang Chen talked about it, they should. The Heavenly Court has not changed since ancient times, maybe a little pedantic and rigid, but at least most of it works perfectly. The ghost knows that if Zhang Chen changes it like this, it will There will be no big trouble.

"You also know it's inappropriate?" Zhang Chen sneered, "You don't want me to change the immortal system at will, but why do you want to tamper with the lives of mortals?"

Zhang Chen actually has a good impression of Buddhism in this world. At least they didn't let Yuan Batian put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. What about the next life.

For this reason, Zhang Chen felt that these immortal Buddhas were much more qualified than the immortal Buddhas in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". Westbound road.

"The donor is serious, and the cause and effect caused by us will naturally be borne by us."

Master Avalokitesvara once again performed a Buddha ceremony to Zhang Chen.

"It doesn't matter, but it's not wrong for us to do good deeds, right?"

Zhang Chen chuckled, as the evil slayer, the players all stared at the red names, so he stopped them all.

Master Guanyin was speechless...

Twenty villains of the ninth generation were killed in a row, and the queen mother finally gave up the idea of ​​competing with the players. It was not that she had no merits, but that she could not find suitable talents to fatten into the villains of the ninth generation.

After all, it takes talent to do evil. Some people would be frightened for a long time to steal an egg, and their heartbeats are louder than drums.
KING: ...

Who do you look down on, I scare shapeshifters to death with the Emperor Engine!

But the villain also needs a savior, bah, there are no villains, but there are disgusting people, Zhu Dachang leads a group of gangsters to cheat and abduct, not hurting others, only seeking money.

But people are subject to change. The reason why the people of the ninth life have been like this for nine consecutive lives is that they did not find the opportunity. When the beggars found out that children can earn more money by begging for food, they immediately targeted these people. child.

The gang of beggars in the novel can only exist in the novel after all. From ancient times to the present, the real gang of beggars has been cheating and abducting women and children.

It's not because they don't want to be good people, but because they can't be good people. When you become a beggar and suffer all kinds of cold and warm things in the world, what kindness can you have towards the world?
After discovering that you have done evil, your life will be more relaxed and comfortable. You have become a beggar, can you suffer again?

So when Zhu Dachang began to abduct women and children, he was hacked to death by Fukao Yuta with a sword.

"Yongta, you didn't shout slogans."

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua pouted.


Fu 樫 Yuta's eyelids twitched, and a hand knife went down...and hit a helmet.

o(T ヘ To)
"Hey, it hurts!"

Fukuoka Yuta clasped his hands, inhaled continuously, and took a closer look at the helmet on the head of Xiaotiaoyu Liuhua, good guy, it still has thorns.

Because I heard that there is a bug here, everyone can clear the mission once, so he fought with Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua for a long time to get a spot and entered this instance.

In order to maximize the reward, both he and Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua turned on 100% pain perception, and the result...

My girlfriend has learned badly!She was no longer the girl who hit her head on.

Although the self-healing is still complete, Fukashi Yuta is still very emotional, and it is all the fault of those sand sculpture players. It is okay to teach her some small tricks.

You can't hit your girlfriend, you can't open Sen.

Fu 樫樫太 threw a black dragon flame, and burned all the remaining Beggar Clan disciples to death, then turned around and said to Xiao Tiao You Liuhua, who was still posing, "Okay, we should commit suicide."

"Martyrdom for love?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua was sad, staring at Fukuoka Yuta affectionately: "Even if the holy recuperator doesn't agree with us, I will die with you. In the next life, the evil king's true eyes after reincarnation will be even more serious." powerful!"

"No, don't take me with you if you want to die." Fukui Yuta ruthlessly refused, urging: "Hurry up and get off the assembly line, otherwise I will stab you with this sword, and you will cry for several days. Also, Miss Shihua can't beat you now. You, don't involve her in anything."

"Ke Keke... The True Eye of the Evil King is indeed the strongest, even the agent of Shengtiao is no match for the True Eye of the Evil King."

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua immediately covered his face with his hands when he heard the words, and let out a villain-like smile.

Fu 樫娫 is too full of black lines. He raised his hand and wanted to give his girlfriend a second-year physics repair knife, but after thinking about it, he gave up. This little girl has nothing to learn recently, and the speed of putting on a helmet for herself can already be formed a reflection.

"If you don't upgrade again, your Shengtiao agent will be higher than you in a short time."

Fu 樫 Yuta decided to encourage the little bird to swim Rokka from another direction.

"How, how is it possible..."

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua said in shock, although she is not a first-time beta player, but at least she is a player who entered before the public beta, and her sister has only entered the game for less than a month, how could she become stronger than her?

"First of all, she has money." Fukui Yuta spread his hands: "Secondly, she doesn't need to study at Hongxing Kindergarten School at night like us, and then her profession is a chef. As long as the dishes in the game are served, she can even become a Rich woman, no, she is now."

Xiaoniao Youliuhua seemed to have suffered a critical blow, her face was drooping, and she was going to be beaten by the agent of Shengtiao in reality, but would she still be beaten by the agent of Shengtiao in the game?

"Yongta, why don't you make money?"

Little bird You Liuhua raised his head, found Huadian, and looked straight at Fukuoka Yuta with big eyes, as if he was looking at a heartless man, his eyes were full of grief and puzzlement.

"Because I'm just like you, I'm still a child!"

Fu 樫 Yuta finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hit him with another hand knife.


Fukashi Yuta clutched his right hand and gasped...

(End of this chapter)

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