Chapter 611
"Holy tune agent?"

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows, looking at this Yujie who was pulled by Hestia to be a maid, he always felt that she should not wear a maid outfit, but jeans and a T-shirt, and the jeans were less cut to reveal her big white legs, T The shirt was tied up tightly, revealing a small waist and a fierce look.

Like you!Kanzaki Kaori!
Keke, shaking off the messy thoughts in his mind, Zhang Chen said speechlessly, "Isn't there a maid named Nilu? Why are you recruiting one?"

Nilu on the side nodded again and again, and by the way showed her fierceness, indicating that the new maid was not as fierce as herself.

"The problem is that she only knows how to eat!"

Hestia complained that she was the hostess of this villa, but she was asked to be the cook.

"Hey hey hey..."

Nilu scratched her head with an innocent face. In fact, let alone cooking, she even cleaned the house. In fact, she either ate or nestled in Zhang Chen's arms as a pillow. She was basically useless.

"So I decided to reopen Villa Hestia and let players come in and help us clean up!"

Hestia put her hips on her hips, with a smug expression on her face, feeling that she was extremely witty.

Hey, you seem to have said something incredible!
Xiaoniaoyou Shihua's eyelids are jumping. Although many players think that Aizen is the official vest, Aizen has not admitted it, and Hestia is basically a stone hammer when he says this.

So... scolding Aizen really means scolding Aizen for being wrong?

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy."

Zhang Chen shrugged. Anyway, no matter how stupid Hestia is, it is impossible for the players to wander around the villa, and since they eat Hestia's dishes every day, it's time for a change.

So after seeing Zhang Chen, Xiaoniaoyou Shihua was arranged by Hestia in the kitchen. You can wander around the outside, but the only requirement is that you are not allowed to enter the villa. The Stia family lost their cooking talent bonus.

"Huh? Is it time?"

Zhang Chen suddenly frowned and opened an interface, but this is not the player's interface, but the real interface of the main world.

"Sister, it's okay, I will get better soon, this is not the first time."

A pale young girl was lying on the hospital bed, although her expression was sluggish, she still had a smile on her face.

"Well, I know, woo, I know..."

The woman next to the hospital bed kept wiping away her tears, but she couldn't do anything.

"Oh, but I guess I won't have the chance to participate in the world's number one martial arts meeting again and compete for the world's number one."

The girl coughed dryly, and her complexion turned even paler. Seeing her elder sister looking at her worriedly, pursing her lips, she forcibly endured the itchy throat and dull feeling in her chest, and said with a little regret.

The girl is Yuuki, whose real name is Konno Kapok Ji. Unfortunately, she was infected with HIV because of an emergency blood transfusion at birth, which is also commonly known as AIDS. Frankly speaking, it is already a miracle that she can survive until now.

"It's okay, you can definitely participate."

Sister Konno Aiko said in a crying voice.

"elder sister……"

"what happened?"

"I want to say goodbye to my friends."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Thank you sister! Don't worry, it's just another treatment, and it's not like we haven't experienced it before."

Konno Kapokji smiled brightly at Konno Lanzi, and slowly closed his eyes. Konno Lanko, who was beside the hospital bed, was crawling on the edge of the bed, choked with sobs...

"It feels so good."

Yuuki stood under a cherry blossom tree, feeling the vitality brought by her body, the corners of her mouth raised, people who have never been tortured by illness will never know how happy it is to have a healthy body.

"What do you feel?"

On the cherry blossom tree, a black cat tilted its head and looked at the little apprentice strangely.

"Sister Yeyi, I'm leaving."

Yuuki folded her hands behind her back, drawing a circle with her right foot, and said in embarrassment.

"Let's go? You really should go out to practice." Ye Yi said in a male voice.

"Hehe, Ms. Yuuki, don't forget to promote my products, you are the spokesperson of my Urahara store!"

Wearing a green hat and green clothes, only the green-haired Urahara Kisuke held a folding fan and covered his mouth with a smile.

Yuuki smiled sweetly, shook her head and said, "That's not the case, I may never show up again."

One person and one cat peeped at each other, and they were all a little puzzled.

"I'm going to die." Yuuki explained: "It's like those ordinary people in this world who get sick and are going to die."

"Can't you be resurrected?"

Ye Yi was stunned, and forgot to keep his male voice.

"Resurrection does not mean eternal life." Kisuke Urahara put away his fan, and said solemnly, "Yuki, can I check your body?"

"It's useless, Mr. Urahara." Yuuki bowed deeply to the two: "Thank you for your care during this time, Arigado!"

"Try it."

Urahara Kisuke persuaded, although he also knew that the possibility was very low, after all, he hadn't figured out the structure of the player's body until now.

But both of them love this little apprentice who has no real name. After all, who doesn't like a well-behaved girl, and he doesn't think it's too much to beat a brat like Jinta eight times a day.

Now that they suddenly heard that Yuuki was going to die, how could they not be shocked, how could they stand by and watch.

"Oh, it's really touching, Kisuke Urahara."

Lanran patted his right hand lightly, and appeared in front of everyone with a look of emotion on his face.

"Blue dye!"

Seeing such a man who single-handedly rewrote the entire Shinigami world, Kisuke Urahara looked complicated. Although he knew that the person in front of him was not the real Aizen, he still called him 'Aizen'.

After all, being defeated by the same god of death, Aizen, is much better than being defeated by an unknown monster.

Not to mention that since the reincarnation of the God of Death world opened, Nilu has already let go of her power and let them manage by themselves. Of course, the premise is that the development outline cannot be changed, and power cannot be used for personal gain.

"Sorry, I don't have time to talk to you." Zhang Chen smiled kindly at Yuji: "Miss Konno Kapok Ji, can we have a chat alone."

Hearing that 'Aizen' called out her real name, Yuuki immediately realized that 'Aizen' was really an official character, but why did the other party ask her?

However, she still followed Zhang Chen out of the Urahara store and came to an open space. Yuuki looked at Zhang Chen curiously, his clothes were obvious, so let me tell you first.

Zhang Chen snapped his fingers, and Yuji immediately appeared in the main god's space, staring at the big light circle in the sky in astonishment, this thing is also found in the main god's square.

Zhang Chen made a sofa again, and moved out his Iron Throne and slowly built it up.

"Yuuki, I think you already know that I am not ordinary,"

Yuuki nodded, indeed, if she is ordinary, she can develop a virtual game light ball.

"Tell you the truth." Zhang Chen looked at Yuji who was still in a daze, shook his head and smiled, "Actually, all of this is true, everything in the game is true!"

 I'm sleepy, it's dawn

(End of this chapter)

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