Chapter 612
As the lucky one among the 14 billion, Youji naturally knows that this game is not easy, but he is still a little puzzled when he hears that Zhang Chen said that all of this is true.

Zhang Chen snapped his fingers and brought Youji to appear outside the hospital where she lived.

"This is……"

Yuuki stared wide-eyed, looking at the hospital in disbelief.

"Go in and have a look?"

Zhang Chen asked.

Yuuki walked in subconsciously, looking at the familiar door and the familiar plants in the hospital, as if they were real...

"If you still don't believe me, we can go and see your body."

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, and came to her ward with Yuji.

"You are?"

Seeing the two people walking in, Aiko Konno looked confused.

"elder sister!"

Seeing Aiko Konno, Yuuki cried subconsciously.

Konno Lanko was at a loss, not knowing why this little girl called her sister.

"We are Yuji's friends, we came to see her." Zhang Chen explained, and sent a voice transmission to Yuji: "I changed your image, so your sister doesn't know you."

Hearing this, Yuji looked at herself lying on the hospital bed, opened her mouth, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Yuki's friend."

Konno Aiko understands that she and Konno Kwataki are twins, so they naturally look exactly the same as her, and it is only natural that the other party recognizes the wrong person.

"Then I'll wake her up now."

Konno Lanzi got up and wanted to touch the metal ball, but was stopped by Zhang Chen: "No need, she should be very tired now, we just want to see her."

"Yeah, she's tired."

Konno Aiko looked at her sleeping sister and sighed.

She and her younger sister are orphans, and their family is not rich. If Konno Kiwaji hadn't made a lot of money with "Lord God Game", the two of them wouldn't even have the money to be hospitalized now.

"What did you do to my sister?"

Yuuki turned around and was about to ask what happened, but was surprised to find her sister talking into the air.

"A simple illusion, don't you often use it in games?"

Zhang Chen shrugged.

Yuuki thought about it, decided to go offline first, then called out the game interface and clicked Exit.

Konno Kiwaji on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes, and then saw Zhang Chen supporting a girl with closed eyes, and her sister who was talking into the air.

Konno Wataki: ...

One thing to say, in this scene, those who didn't know it thought that Zhang Chen got drunk with a pair of twin sisters and was planning to plot something wrong.

"So am I still in the game, or is my world itself a game?"

Konno Muwataki fell into a life of doubt, and began to ask three philosophical questions, who am I, where do I come from, and where should I go.

"See if you understand."

Zhang Chen shrugged.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Konno Wataki quickly grasped the point, no matter whether her world is a game or not, the purpose of the master of the game is the most important thing.

"I want you to return to normal, even supernatural powers."

"Then what's the price?"

"All of you."

Konno Wataki looked at his sister who was still talking to the air, and fell silent.

The ordeals she has experienced since she was a child have given her a mentality that is not inferior to that of adults. No matter how good her friends are, as long as the other party knows that she is an HIV carrier, these people will leave her.

Konno Wataki doesn't blame them, after all, no one wants to be with a time bomb, even if the bomb has no fuse.

Everyone knows that as long as you don't exchange bodily fluids with HIV carriers, you won't be infected, but... what if?
This is an incurable disease, and no one is willing to risk their lives to become close friends with HIV carriers.

So in fact, Konno Kiwaji is very grateful to "The Lord Game", which made her feel a completely different life and made her a group of friends who are no longer afraid of her.

"I would, but I have one condition."

Konno Wataki's eyes were full of determination, and he looked at his sister.

Zhang Chen raised his brows, guessing Konno Miwaji's condition.

"I hope you let my sister have a healthy body."

Konno Aiko and Konno Kowataki are twins, and they are also HIV carriers, and even the same, their lives are not long.

There is one thing to say, these two sisters are really miserable, both parents died, and there is a terminally ill older sister/sister, the protagonist of a certain template is not as miserable as them, because they are really not the protagonist!
In the original world line, Konno Kiwaji died in front of Konno Aiko, and Konno Aiko also died of HIV. If it wasn't for Asuna, their relatives would even plan to take away Yuuki's property. It can be said that, The two sisters grew up in malice and even left this world.

This is also the reason why Zhang Chen appreciates Youji. On the one hand, it is because of Yuuki's own strength, and on the other hand, it is because even after going through such hardships, Yuki can still face it with a smile and show a brilliant love to the one he loves. smile.


Zhang Chen snapped his fingers, then restored Yuuki to his original appearance, and finally lifted Konno Lanko's hypnosis.

"Mr. Aizen, would you like to sit down for a while..."

Konno Lanko raised her head and saw Konno Kiwaji standing next to Zhang Chen, she blinked her big eyes, then looked at her sister lying on the bed, looked back and forth several times without regaining consciousness.

Yuuki chuckled, and embraced Konno Lanko with open arms.

"younger sister?"

Feeling the airport familiar to her younger sister, Konno Lanko also hugged Konno Wataki, a little cutely said: "What happened, why did you become two?"

Konno Muwaji told Zhang Chen's explanation to his sister, and Konno Lanzi had the same thoughts as his sister, and said in surprise: "So, can you survive?"

"Well, not only me, but also you!"

Konno Kiwaji nodded fiercely.

"elder sister!"

"younger sister!"

The two hugged each other again, crying bitterly.

Ugh, why does this feel a little bit of a fix?
Watching the two beautiful twin girls embrace each other, Zhang Chen smacked his lips, and if this is a big orange, then it is still an orthopedic big orange, this is really... so exciting!
After the two of them stabilized their emotions, Zhang Chen made a contract with Konno Lanzi who had no contract, then took her soul out, and then created a healthy body for her.

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"

The two who had regained their lives were in high spirits, and the BOSS who wanted to bring him a new life would go through fire and water without hesitation.

"What you do next is very important."

The two Yuuki sisters nodded solemnly.

"The two of you go to a player named Agent Shengtiao, and learn from her the skills of Italian cooking. Also, don't tell her your real identities."

( ̄△ ̄;)X2
"Uh, in order to keep your identities from being known, let me give you two new names. The older sister will be called Rem, and the younger sister will be called Ram!"

( ̄△ ̄;)X2
(End of this chapter)

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