Chapter 613
Before time travel, Zhang Chen's wife was Lei Mu. After time travel, he has a bright future and thinks that La Mu is also pretty good.

Phew, no, as a maid, shouldn't it be natural to be called Rem Ram?

Just like the inns in the world of martial arts are all called Yuelai Inn, and the brothels are all called Yihongyuan, isn't it reasonable that his maid is called Rem Ram?

As for what to do if the fake Li Gui meets the real Li Kui if one day links to "Re: Life in Another World from Zero".

Just kidding, our sister Rem is gentle and considerate, and my younger sister Ram is lively and cheerful. This is the standard sister setting, and the opposite is the mutant.

The idea was beautiful, but was ruthlessly rejected by the two sisters, who said they liked their name very much and did not want to change it.

Although the two grew up in malice, they have been protected by love so far, so they are naturally unwilling to change their names for an inexplicable reason.

"Little girl, you are a little ignorant."

Zhang Chen's face turned blue in seconds, with a 'good smile' on his face.

Yuuki and Basket couldn't help but shuddered, and then realized that the person in front of them could change their fate, and even erase their lives.

"That's actually negotiable."

With tears in Yuuki's big eyes, she tried to pass the test with cuteness.

"It's really negotiable."

Zhang Chen's words made the two sisters look happy, and felt that the boss in front of them was reasonable. Besides, there was really no need to be serious about such a trivial matter as choosing a name.

"So I decided not to change your names, and let you become the most beautiful scenery in the game."

The two sisters were overjoyed, the BOSS is indeed a good person!

[System announcement: The famous player Yuuki and his sister passed away due to illness. At the request of player Yuuki, we constructed their game body in the main god square, with the memory instilled by Yuuki, and hope that they can be safe in heaven. 】

Hearing such bad news, the players of the entire game were shocked.

Although Yuuki is a lone ranger, she is also a high-flyer, and with her lively personality, she can talk to most players. Many people like this cheerful little sister.

But now, tell them suddenly that this angelic person is dead, how can everyone accept it.

In an instant, the entire Main God Square was almost packed with players, and then he turned his gaze to Sister Yuki under the ball of light.

Yuuki: ...


What was it like to attend your own funeral?

Others may not experience it in their lifetime, but these two sisters are about to have this magical experience because of an unscrupulous boss.

"Hey Chirp!"

Hu Yifei sneezed, looking at Yuuki and the basket in the arena, she still felt unbelievable, how could it be good, and the people disappeared?
Because the two are already NPCs and have some power, so as long as they don't want to, the players can't get close to him.

"Yuki, tell me, this is fake, you are not dead!"

Asuna's lips trembled a little, she wanted to get closer to Yuuki, but she couldn't.

This is indeed false, but if I say it, it is very likely to become true.

With a thought, Yuji released Asuna and the others from the restraints and let them in.

"Sorry, Asuna, it's true, we died today due to ineffective rescue."

Yuuki smiled a little far-fetchedly, originally she planned to give a bright smile, but this matter was too embarrassing, she really couldn't laugh.


Asuna hugged Yuuki, tears kept falling from her eyes.


When Asuna stabilized her mood and stood aside, Hu Yifei also hugged Yuki with red eyes, and finally shed tears.


Youdao is thinking about people when looking at things, not to mention NPC Yuki, the players cried bitterly, feeling that the thief is really not a person, such a good girl, why let them go?
"Sister Yuuki!"

Even Xiaoniao Youliuhua, who has been in the state of secondary illness, saw this scene with tears in his eyes, stepped forward to hug Yuuki, and then put a small white flower at Yuuki's feet.

Yuuki: ...


The people in the field seemed to be awakened by this action, they lined up in an orderly manner, and then walked towards Yuuki with flowers in their hands.

Bai Yan, Baishida, Suguha, Zhou Nianzhong, Qiu Yingying...

With heavy expressions, the players said goodbye to sister Yuuki Lanko one by one, and then placed blossoming flowers at their feet.

Frankly speaking, if Yuuki and Lanzi had spirits in the sky, they would definitely be very pleased. At least, they left their own traces in the game, and they would have no regrets in this life.

But the problem is... the two of them are not in heaven!

I'm so pissed!
There are more than 5 players. Sister Youji wants to say goodbye to them one by one. It would be impolite not to say goodbye.

It's outrageous, I'm dead, let others mourn and change, I'm so sad that I'm dying soon!

Some players even choked up and confessed to Yuuki, saying that they had actually been secretly in love with her for a long time, but they never dared to say it out. If God gave him another chance, he would definitely confess to Yuuki.

Obviously, he took the NPC Yuuki as Yuuki's tombstone and confided his wish.

Lanzi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he looked at the confessor up and down, uh, it felt very normal, but seeing his sister in such an embarrassing situation, he suddenly felt that it was nothing to host her own funeral, but everyone paid more attention to her younger sister You discipline.

"Thank you for liking me, and I like everyone very much."

Yuuki smiled slightly, and generously hugged this player... Anyway, she is wearing armor, so hugging won't hurt her.

Then, the player cried even more sadly, because the system announcement had already said that this NPC Yuki had the real Yuki's memory, so what this NPC Yuki said was equivalent to Yuuki's own meaning.

"Yuji, you promised to take the number one in the world with me next time. I was a little caught off guard when you left."

"My God, why don't good people live long? Is there any reason for this?"

"Yuki, woo woo woo..."

The players were crying and howling, even the hard-hearted people wiped their tears because of the contagious power in this environment, and even Sister Youji, who knew the truth, was so moved by this scene.

"Actually, you don't have to be so sad. I have always been very happy in the game. Thanks to your help, I can go so far."


"Everyone, don't cry, woo, don't cry, when you cry, I cry too."



Seeing the silent male and female tears in the field, Zhang Chen almost laughed, bah, cried aloud, he was so touched, so he simply broadcast live on the whole network.

Then the whole network also boiled up. Hearing the news of Yuuki's death, the cloud players were more sad than the players, after all, those players came into contact with Yuuki himself.

But cloud players completely watch their game videos as TV dramas, just like one day, someone told you that your paper man's wife died, and your first reaction was: Lao Xu, me! @¥@……

Zhang Chen nodded in satisfaction. After this operation, if Youji dared to tell the players that she was still alive, she would probably only live in the hearts of the players, because she would definitely die socially.

 Modified, manually
(End of this chapter)

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