Chapter 615
The incident of Yuji's death lasted for several days, and the two sisters were free now.

Because he was a newcomer, Zhang Chen threw him to Chuuxue for training, and he thought it would be useful to pull him out as a tool man.

After bidding farewell to Sister Youji, the players also packed up their mood and started their daily sand sculpture games. The old man has passed away, and the living still need to continue to live. This is how life is. Birth, old age, sickness and death...


Wang Duoyu brandished the Zanpakutao in his hand, cutting one zombie at a time, not to mention how comfortable he was.

I chop left, I thrust right, I stab upward, I stab downward, hey, it's just for fun!
He is now level 20, has learned Shunpo, coupled with the auxiliary system, it is completely easy to deal with these weak chicken zombies.

"This is much more interesting than the Iron Fortress dungeon."

Although Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress World does not have extraordinary abilities, his self-healing power is not inferior to that of stage II players. As long as the heart is not damaged, even if he is headshot, he can still be alive and kicking.

These zombies are different. It takes a lot of effort for a novice player like him. After all, he has only gotten used to the auxiliary system, or Zanpakuto, for a short time.

"Yes, it's so cool!"

Zhuang Qiang and the others were also very happy. After all, compared to the Shacheng dungeon that was not cleared by high-level players, the zombies in this dungeon seemed to be automatically refreshed. As long as you stand there, they can't wait to appear. in front of you.

More than a dozen people did not use firearms, and held the Zanpakutō in their hands, as if they had turned on Mowing Wushuang, and each knife could take a person's life.

The survivors hiding in the city were stunned, what are these people doing?Are you courting death?Don't they know about vaccinations?

It has been a month since Gary Lane discovered that zombies would not attack seriously ill patients, using himself as the experimental subject to prove it.

At the beginning, the countries planned to fight a blitzkrieg to wipe out all the zombies in the city, restore the dominance of human beings on the earth, and start everything again.

But soon they discovered that this was impossible, because there were too few people!
The zombie virus came too suddenly, and people didn't react at all. After all, no one knew that if they were bitten for no reason, they would turn into zombies, and they had never watched "Resident Evil".

Therefore, after the countries gather their manpower, they realize that they cannot support so many people, even if the world's population is running low.

On the one hand, it was naturally due to the attack of zombies, and on the other hand, it was due to the shortage of food, lack of clothing and food.

So they can only throw vaccines to those places that they can't take care of for the time being, and take pictures slowly. After all, zombies are to be wiped out, but everyone also needs to eat.

The zombie virus not only destroys the human order, but also destroys the natural order. The result of the complete destruction of the food chain is that the food they plant only blooms but does not bear fruit!

Of course, nature is amazing, just give it time, and one day, it will still be able to link the food chain, but not now.


Another zombie was hacked to death with one knife, and Wang Duoyu retracted the knife gracefully, feeling that he was so handsome that he had no friends.

Well, his hands were sore from watching, and he wanted to take a rest.

Speaking of which, he was a little proud. This time, he had always turned on 100% pain sensing in the melee combat. Although he tortured a group of irrational zombies, he still felt that he was one step closer to being a master.

The others also felt a little tired, so Zhao Qiang took out a T-shaped metal building with a height of ten meters from the space ring, and smashed it into the ground.

Everyone stepped on Shunbu and appeared on the small platform in an instant, while the zombies below could only climb up with the steel pipes, then slide down, climb up again, and slide down...

Wang Duoyu took out a hamburger, gnawed on it and said, "I heard that at the beginning of this game, old players spent their time like this."

"I heard that they were miserable at the beginning. They were chased all over the world by zombies. Master Fei was gnawed to death by zombies several times. He was even caught in the laboratory once, and then hehehe..."

Ma Daxiang smiled obscenely while drinking chrysanthemum tea.

Wang Duoyu rolled his eyes. It was a serious matter, but it was taken astray every minute.

A group of people ate and drank enough, threw a grenade down, then put away the T-shaped metal building, and continued to kill monsters.

Entering this dungeon this time, on the one hand, is naturally for upgrading, and on the other hand, it is to cultivate combat quality and let one's body get used to the command of the auxiliary system.

Although the old players are wandering around in the game, they have also done a lot of good things. Many people have published their game experience on the forum, and the new players have also summed up the upgrade routine based on these experiences.

Before 10, chop and hack, before 20, take a look, before 30, take a walk, before 40, yo-yo, before 50, 666, before 60, be awesome, before 70, liver and liver, and before 80, Gangan.

This is the three-character classic belonging to the players, which fully explains the players' mental journey from high enthusiasm to collapsed sand sculptures.

As the name suggests, before level 10, players only need to hack and hack without thinking, and they will be able to rise to level 10 in a short time. After level 10, with the auxiliary system installed, they need to follow the red dot of the auxiliary system to swing their knives. In a word, then Just watch.

And at level 20, after learning Shunpo, the most important thing is to use Shunpo well. It is best to be able to walk as you like. Only when you can walk as you want, can you become a generation of shrimp catchers.

After level 30, learn the way of ghosts, and the most important thing in the way of ghosts is your mouth. If you are not smooth enough, people will build a black coffin for you, and you will release a red cannon, and you can't even open the coffin board.

Needless to say, level 40 and level 50, at this level, you have basically reached the second echelon, especially players who have learned the swastika, you can basically say they have graduated.

After all, if you want to upgrade to level 70, you really only have the liver. As for level 80, players can only describe it in three words, because they suspect that they will not be able to reach level 80 in their lifetime.

The survivors of "World War Z" saw the players killing all directions, and they were all dumbfounded. What is this?
super powers?Alien?Mutated zombies?

It's just that the players don't care what they think, and they are killing the zombies one by one. The survivors are a little puzzled. Why do they feel that this group of people seems to have a sworn hatred with the zombies.

However, as more and more players appeared in this world and started slaughtering zombies, the United Nations finally noticed this group of mysterious creatures.

So the cottage Thor, bah, is the hero's immediate boss, Thierry M. Tony. After some careful consideration, he felt that he would send his confidant and beloved general Gary Ryan again.

 Before going to bed, I planned to read a few novels I was chasing, but none of them were updated. Sure enough, everyone had the same idea.

(End of this chapter)

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