Chapter 616
Gary Lane, a former well-known investigator of the United Nations, is the well-deserved savior of "World War Z".

Unfortunately, however, he is not a politician.

Not being a politician means that he cannot use this name to benefit himself. Similarly, he must bear this name and continue to contribute to the future of mankind.

At the beginning, as an investigator, he was in charge of investigating the origin of the zombie virus. Although he failed to find any results, he discovered the weakness of the zombie virus with his extraordinary observation skills and saved all mankind. Now, he needs to transfer The question is, what are these people doing?
Considering the possibility that this group of people were aliens was high, the higher-ups sent him a psychologist to assist him in analyzing the behavior patterns of the aliens, but the psychologist left overnight by car.

The reason is simple. The last Dr. Fassback, who was with him in virology, died too casually. He was afraid to run back without seeing the zombies, but he slipped and shot himself in the head because of the rain. The long series has added another way to die.

Those who died died strangely, and those who survived felt bad. The only female soldier who survived was bitten by a zombie on her left hand, so he cut off Xiao Zuo with a knife.

Psychologists don't want to die, and secondly, they don't want to be disabled. Naturally, they have to run away decisively. On the contrary, the zombie virus is no longer dangerous. The important task of investigating aliens should be left to people who are not afraid of death.

However, in the apocalypse, psychologists are not so easy to find. Ryan could only read a few psychology books on the plane, and then appeared in front of the players.

"Hey, hello, do you understand what I'm saying?"

As a member of Gun War Nation, Ryan skillfully raised his hands to signal that he was harmless, and then shouted at the players who were killing zombies in the distance.

The players glanced at him and continued to kill monsters.

Mentally retarded NPC, it's not like I haven't seen it before, and there are no tasks on it, so it's not as interesting as zombies.

"I think I have to learn a sword technique."

Zhuang Qiang hacked a zombie to death with a single knife, and complained casually.

"It's not cost-effective to learn knife skills now, because you don't know what your swastika is." Compared with the ignorant Zhuang Qiang, Wang Duoyu has already done his homework: "Now it's not like before. It was difficult to open up wasteland before, and even You don’t even have to level up, learning the sword technique is very useful, but now it’s different, the initial leveling speed is fast, and it’s more cost-effective to choose the learning goal after you solve the swastika.”

The auxiliary system can only allow the player to better aim at the enemy's vital points and predict the direction of the enemy's attack, but it cannot teach the player how to hold the knife or how to use force better.

This is the flaw of the players. Fighting depends entirely on instinct. If you use the New Year's greeting knife technique, I will spin and rush forward with one move.

Look at those demons and ghosts again, which one has not been practiced for thousands of years to become a master, and there is nothing to say about the fighting skills. It is completely natural for players not to crush them.

Of course, Zhang Chen also sold some combat skills in the game, such as Mizong Fist and other common kung fu in real games.

Don't underestimate the skills of these ordinary worlds, because they are ordinary, they can maximize the lethality of human beings, even in games, as long as you bring spiritual pressure, it is also a peerless cheat, just like guns and artillery, essentially In fact, they are the same, but the materials are different, and the future they create is also different.

"So, I think we can't use knives anymore, we should use fists."

Wang Duoyu didn't know when he put on a long robe and mandarin jacket, flicked the hem, and made a gesture of starting.

"I hit! I hit! I hit!"

Ryan, who raised his hands, was dumbfounded as Wang Duoyu punched a zombie, each punch hit the zombie's face, and then directly headshot.

Stone hammer, this guy is either a superpower or an alien!
"Hello, are you Chinese?"

Although Ryan felt that Wang Duoyu's conversation was very confusing, he at least heard Wang Duoyu's words.

"Hehe, he's still a Huaxia Tong ghost."

Wang Duoyu is not interested in him, but Ma Daxiang is interested in this crooked nut.

Ryan frowned. He used to be a soldier of the United Nations, and there are many Chinese people in the peacekeeping force of the United Nations. He is also an investigator, and he has communicated with people from all over the world. Naturally, he knows that the word "ghost" is not what a nice word.

However, according to what this group of people mean, are they really Chinese?
Although they did a good job of protecting themselves, almost no one was injured, and they vaccinated the whole population immediately after the vaccine was produced. Unlike their side, there are still people who suspect that the vaccine is actually a zombie virus, and it will directly turn into a zombie after being injected, but there is no I heard that they have developed a super human!

"Can you tell me, what are you doing?"

Although it was unpleasant to be called a ghost, as an investigator, Ryan decided to use clichés first.

"Daguai, what else can you do?"

Wang Duoyu punched again, blowing a zombie's head off, splashing blood everywhere, grinning like a murderer.

Of course, this is in Ryan's vision, in the vision of Wang Duoyu and others, when he punches down, there are holy lights in front of his eyes, and the position above the neck becomes a 'funny face' pattern.

This is the latest mosaic logo. Players can draw occlusion patterns according to their own preferences. Because of the rare free, players praised it unceasingly: This dog still has a bit of conscience in planning.

In fact, Zhang Chen didn't know about it at all. When KING was updating the voice system, he saw someone complaining that the mosaic was blocking the loneliness while watching the forum. If Zhang Chen knew about it, he would definitely complain about a lucky coin. projects were wasted by KING.

Ryan swallowed his saliva, under the impression that the Chinese people should not be so violent. Are these people really aliens?

"Then why do you kill, fight zombies?"

Ryan continued to ask.

"Why do you have so many things, why do we need to report to you?"

Zhuang Qiang was dissatisfied, and imitated Wang Duoyu to put away the Zanpakuto, and swung out with a punch...and was bitten.

"Ah, ah, ah, let go, let go!"

Zhuang Qiang screamed and hammered the zombie's head with the other hand, and then it exploded.


Zhuang Qiang shook his hand, his eyes were burning, he belonged to the kind that doesn't hurt and is super fierce, and when it hurts, his eyes turned red, and he swung his two fists, killing the zombies.

Ryan hurriedly took out his pistol and pointed it at Zhuang Qiang. This guy was bitten by a zombie. Who knows if he will mutate. If the alien zombies can ignore the vaccine, then the human race will probably be over.

Seeing Ryan draw his gun, everyone's eyes immediately became unfriendly. They are no better than high-level players. They can still be alive and kicking after being headshot. If they are headshot, they can only be resurrected and walk away.

"That NPC, are you going to shoot us?"

Ryan just blinked, and was shocked to find that the aliens in front of him were pointing at him one by one with submachine guns, Gatlings, and bazookas.

Ryan looked at his little pistol again, and threw it on the ground very wittily, holding his head in his hands, and his movements were smooth and smooth, so proficient that it made people feel distressed... no wonder.

(End of this chapter)

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