Restart the main god game

Chapter 618 It Feels Like Not Wearing It

Chapter 618 It Feels Like Not Wearing It
"It's level three."

In the copy of "World War Zombies", a player with the [Lu Qianhu] ID on his head has a look of emotion. He still remembers that Xu Sanduo was just a recruit at the time, and he couldn't beat a fart with three sticks. He didn't expect that his official rank is already the same as himself. up.

Until now, Shi Jin still feels that all this is a bit dreamy, even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that he would enlist again in this way.

I'm ashamed to say that after leaving the army, he became a city manager who everyone shouted and beat.

These days, the urban management is really hard to be. No matter what you say or do, it is wrong. If you don’t let people set up a stall, people will scold you. Anyway, there are no people inside and outside.

The reason is simple, if you let the stalls set up, the passers-by will definitely be unhappy, especially the drivers, your whole road is blocked, how can they pass by.

Not allowing stalls to be set up is not only scolded by stall owners, but also by netizens. Is it easy for people to do small business?You earn that little money in a day, and you take over other people's stalls.

But if you don’t accept it, you can’t. If you don’t accept it, the hawkers nodded to express that they would not dare next time, and then continued to set up stalls the next day.

Do it?
Violent law enforcement!

Do not do it?
What's the use of you as an urban management!

After retiring from the army for a few years, Shi Jin's hair is a little gray, because he is not only an urban management officer, but also an urban management team leader. He has to restrain his subordinates to fight with the peddlers in the street, and also to fight wits and courage with the peddlers.

"Oh, it's still comfortable in the army."

Shi Jin sighed, and then took out a mechanical device from the space ring.

The power armor is the latest product of the research institute. It is worth mentioning that among the participants in the development of this armor, there is no Da Wenxi!

Without Da Wenxi, this means that this set of armor is extremely reliable, and it is very likely to be realized in reality.

The technology used in this set of armor is various. The first is the spiritual link system, which uses the technology of several worlds, such as "Black Bullet", "Pacific Rim", "I, Robot" and other worlds.

The mechanical soldiers in the copy of "Black Bullet" transform the human body into a machine, which is directly connected with the brain, which obviously does not conform to the life values ​​of the institute.

What's more, let's not talk about whether people are willing to transform people into that ghostly appearance, but just say that they have been transformed. It is impossible for people to be soldiers for the rest of their lives, right?Doesn't the director of the Bureau of War and Ignorance have to retire at the age of 63?

But retiring raises a host of questions, such as what impact these veterans with extraordinary strength will have on society, and what if there is a mechanical breakdown?
But then the operating system of "Pacific Rim" gave the Institute a new research direction.

The reason why the mechas in the Pacific Rim world require two people to operate is, in the final analysis, due to its too large size. In "Pacific Rim 2", the boxing mobile armor assembled by Anima, bah, Amara, only It only takes one person to control it perfectly, making the big mech dizzy.

Of course, because of the different emphasis, the mechas of "Pacific Rim" are all developed in the direction of thick, large, and hard. Although the proportion of this control system to the mechas is low, it is still a big difference compared to the humanoid mechas. giant.

But the two borrowed from each other, and the research institute finally developed a miniaturized spiritual link system.

As for building mechas in reality, to be honest, it's not cost-effective.

Don't talk about whether it can be manufactured, but what can it do on the battlefield after it is manufactured?
Everyone is earth material, no matter how thick your mecha is, can it withstand my armor-piercing bullet?

No armor-piercing bullets? RPG head office, right?

Even throwing a few incendiary bombs is enough for the mecha to drink a pot. Once it gets on it, the circuit may be short-circuited.

The defense is not good, and the lethality is not good. Holding a 40-meter long knife looks majestic, but to put it bluntly, it is a great house demolition machine. The excavator is stronger than it. It's not installed, why do you have to install it on the mecha?

As for why "Pacific Rim" chose mechas, it can only be said that there is no choice. Monsters are highly resistant to thermal weapons, and their bodies are highly toxic. They are completely walking nuclear waste. Once they explode, it will cause more harmful.

"Actually, I still want to pilot armor."

After putting it on, Shi Jin turned on the power armor, and the eyes on the helmet immediately lit up with a blue glow.

The energy for the power armor does not come from the world of "Pacific Rim", but from the robots in the world of "I, Robot".

Just like Obadiah in "Iron Man" couldn't reduce the ark reactor to the size of a light bulb, although the mecha in "Pacific Rim" has a nuclear power reactor, the research institute can't really shrink it, but, with The state of the art in the real world cannot make it smaller.

Although the egg fried rice robot was shot by the research institute, the hardware can be used if the software is not good, so the battery of Da Wenxi's egg fried rice robot was removed by the research institute.

"Testing begins!"

On the private live broadcast platform, Long Xiaoyun also sat upright, looking at Shi Jin's power armor.

The reason for choosing Shi Jin is that on the one hand, he is a veteran and is easy to recruit, and on the other hand, because he is a newcomer, and the newcomer represents that he is equal to an ordinary person in reality.

This is also the reason why you choose the copy of "World War Zombies", because the background of this world is more in line with the real world, such as dungeons, goblin planets, etc., the fantasy color is too strong, maybe you can punch the ground, the power The armor fell apart by itself.

"Sit back, stand at attention, look forward, look back, run forward..."

The first thing to test is not combat power, but flexibility. Armor is not clothes, and the whole body is covered with iron bumps. Flexibility will naturally be limited, just like your palm can rotate 180 degrees. Although armor can do it, but when it is done, your The arm is probably useless, so it is natural to restrict it.

A set of qualified mecha does not have to be the same as wearing sportswear, you can twist it however you want, but at least you must ensure that the driver can use it freely.

"how do you feel?"

Long Xiaoyun asked.

"It feels almost like not wearing it."

Shi Jin jumped, and ended up jumping three meters high.

"Then the real test begins."

Shi Jin swung his fist, and the wall in front of him was immediately shattered and pierced through.

"Defensive performance is OK."

Withdrawing his right fist, Shi Jin looked at the right gauntlet, which was undamaged, then saw a car, and raised it directly.

"Gravity KO, no, haven't felt the pressure yet."

Shi Jin bent down and squatted down, and with a sudden leap, he jumped directly to the roof of the convenience store opposite.

The ceiling of the convenience store collapsed in an instant, and Shi Jin was directly crushed by the car, and he crawled out of the ruins 3 minutes later in disgrace.

"The power armor has not been damaged, and its defensive performance is OK."

And such a big movement not only attracted the surrounding zombies, but also attracted Ryan. Naturally, it is impossible for players to nest in one place to spawn monsters. Where there are many zombies, they will naturally go there, so they waited for Ryan to reach Wang Duoyu and the others again. People no longer know where they went when they once appeared.

Then, he saw a humanoid mecha coming out of the ruins.

Ryan:? ? ?
Are Aliens Really Invading Earth?

 You guessed it right, I want to set up a flag again. From today on, I must update steadily and never copy and paste again.

(End of this chapter)

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