Restart the main god game

Chapter 619 If you don't work hard, how do people in Hongxing know if they have the ability to

Chapter 619 If you don't work hard, how will the Hongxing people know if they have the ability to be a teacher?
It is not that the United Nations did not consider calling all peacekeeping forces to fight against the players, but on the one hand, the players did not harm innocent people, and on the other hand, the United Nations is in a period of integration.

Before the disaster broke out, although the name of the United Nations sounded good, as Wang Duoyu said, no one can control and no one can control.

In theory, it is the head of the coalition government of various countries, but in fact, most countries don't care about it. No matter what kind of country it is, they don't want to have an extra manager on their head.

So no one can control it, but at the same time, because it is a coalition government in name, no one can control it.

As a result, a situation that is obviously funny but actually happened in reality, such as the United Nations responsibilities for the inaction of the medical system of XX country, and then XX country pointed at the United Nations for inaction in their country.

Mind yourself!
You are the United Nations, and it's your fault if you don't care about me!
Then be honest!
You are just the United Nations, not a country, you have no right to control me!

Then you take care of yourself!

You are the United Nations, you don't care about me...

Ryan's job back then was to find evidence, to help the United Nations clean up the scapegoats thrown by various countries, and then let the United Nations buckle it back.

If it weren't for this time that almost all the leaders of the countries are almost dead, the United Nations can only be pulled out to be the leader, maybe the blame will have to be pinned on it again.

But it is not so easy to be a leader. The first and most important thing is the distribution of vaccines. People in the hardest-hit areas think that we have died so many people and should be divided more, but people in the light-hit areas think that you are dead anyway. There are so many, it is useless to divide them, it is better to give them to us.

Coupled with some anti-intellectual organizations who don't believe in vaccines, shouting that this is God's will, and then ran over and smashed the vaccine airdrop...

In a word, I'm so overwhelmed that I can't care about whether there are aliens or not. Let's gather the living people first. That's why Ryan, an unlucky guy, came to investigate the aliens.

"Human found, 180 cm tall, male, Caucasian, carrying a gun!"

The virtual interface on the power armor suddenly marked a direction, and Shi Jin looked up, and it was Ryan.

With a sudden step on the ground with both feet, Shi Jin appeared in front of Ryan instantly, with his right hand pointed at him.

The blue arc flickered in the arm of the robot, and Ryan was almost scared to pee. This thing is not a flashlight, but a bit like a legendary laser gun.

History repeated itself again, Ryan opened his hands and hurriedly shouted: "Whether you are a robot or not, I hope you can calm down, I am not malicious."

Because he knows the lingua franca of the multiverse, Ryan speaks Chinese, so he can get a good impression of him, but if the other party is really a robot, he should be able to understand whether he speaks English or Chinese.

And he has a small thought, maybe, if the robot checks the Chinese system, the complexity of Chinese may cause the robot to crash, after all, Chinese people don't know how many Chinese characters there are.

Don't ask him why he knew, because when he was learning Chinese, the Chinese teacher didn't know either.

"Still a Hua Xia Tong?"

Shi Jin looked at this crooked nut curiously.

"You, hello, I'm an investigator from the United Nations. I heard that you are saving the world, so I hope you can provide a vaccine for the zombie virus."

Ryan stated his purpose, and the meaning of the United Nations is obvious. Regardless of whether this group of outsiders is the culprit or not, we must first get the virus vaccine.

Although the effect of camouflage vaccines is also good, it does not make humans completely safe. It is good that zombies do not attack people, but who knows that those things have not been touched by zombies. What if they accidentally get on them?
"Tell them we don't have a vaccine."

Long Xiaoyun refused, but they still had the important task of testing the power armor.

"Wait, I think there's something wrong with this."

Leng Feng on the side said, today is the chance for him to get along with Long Xiaoyun, although there are a group of researchers beside him.

"Remember the copy of "Resident Evil" back then?"

Long Xiaoyun nodded, but although she is also an internal beta player, she is not the first batch to enter the game.

"At the beginning, we followed Claire, who hadn't turned into a cat-eared girl, into the so-called beehive, defeated the BOSS, and then the copy of "Resident Evil" became a casual copy."

"You mean...the boss has the antidote to the zombie virus?"

"That's right, do you still remember that BOSS took out a tube of green medicine? It seems to be called a wind-mediated anti-virus test tube. I guess that thing wiped out all the zombies."

"The problem is that we don't know the formula for the antidote."

"But there is this possibility, isn't it?" Leng Feng became more and more excited as he talked: "If we create an antidote, then the zombies in the entire dungeon will die, that is to say, we may get hundreds of millions, or even tens of billions of luck currency!"

Long Xiaoyun also reacted when he heard the words. Although the current explosion rate has dropped a lot, a zombie must be given at least one luck coin, at least one billion, plus some animals. If you are transporting coins, it is simply a profit.

Not to mention experience and the like, it is possible to directly upgrade from level 1 to full level by throwing down a bottle of potion.

It's just the same sentence, there is no antidote, all of this is empty talk.

"Let Da Wenxi study it."

Although very clever, but considering the difficulty, Long Xiaoyun could only entrust this task to Da Wenxi, after all, normal people couldn't make this antidote.

Cold Front:  …

Can't you change someone?
It is impossible to change people. Although Da Wenxi is a fool, his abilities are there. As long as he has a big enough brain, he can always think of the uses of his messy inventions.

What's more, he had to find something for Da Wenxi to do, so as to save him from making trouble all day long.

A while ago, the nuclear power reactor in Luocheng was blown up once. If the nuclear power reactor was not too deep, and it had to be placed outside the city to bask in the sun, it is estimated that the entire Luocheng would have been bombed to the sky.

"And it's not just this dungeon, the "God Eater" dungeon can also develop an antidote."

Long Xiaoyun draws an inference, if the copy of "God Eater" is captured, the profit will be more than billions and tens of billions.

"If you do this, Hong Xing will probably collapse."

Leng Feng was speechless, Hong Xing's base camp was in "God Eater", if the desolate gods in that world were really emptied, Hong Xing's entire gang would have to drink the northwest wind.

"Don't worry, I just have this plan. What's more, Hong Xing is not limited to this business. Let Da Wenxi start with the simple one."

Long Xiaoyun said indifferently, Hong Xing still has a kindergarten, people are forced out, if they don't work hard, how will the people in Hong Xing know if they have the ability to be a teacher? She can do it just because Chen Haonan is the principal pretty good.

"Report! One more question."


"Da Wenxi is already level 60."

"Then kill him to level 1, is there any problem?"

"Report, no problem!"

Leng Feng felt at ease in an instant, and it was embarrassing to say that he wanted to do it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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