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Chapter 620 After I finish reading junior high school biology and figure out what a virus is, I will

Chapter 620 After I finish reading junior high school biology and figure out what a virus is, I will study the antidote

"I have already reported to my superiors, they will send experts, I hope you can cooperate then."

Considering that the person in front of him is a UN investigator, Shi Jin gave a military salute to save face.

Although the systems of different countries are different, the way of saluting is still very different, not to mention that Ryan is also a Huaxia Tong, and he immediately returned a military salute, thinking in his heart that he is so easy to talk, could it be that this group of people really came from another world Savior?
But no matter what, they have already said that they want to help, and if you believe it, you will not be pregnant, so he immediately took out a mobile phone and handed it to Shi Jin.

"If you create an antidote, please let us know as soon as possible."

Although the zombie virus killed most humans, it did not destroy human creations. Therefore, as long as the signal is stable, mobile phones can still communicate.

Shi Jin nodded, indicating that the other party could leave.

Ryan didn't dare to stay. Although the players did not show superhuman abilities, they possessed superhuman abilities. If it was in peacetime, countries might capture them for research, but in the end of the world, can If it does not cause war, it is better not to cause it.

Among other things, Shi Jin's armor was a high-tech product, and a high-tech product also represented a force with sophisticated equipment standing behind the opponent.

As an investigator, he still has this reasoning ability, so he returned to the UN station again and asked his boss to send some virus scientists, not to help the other party's experts, but to let them study alien experts Are there any risks with vaccines?

Seeing Ryan walking away, Shi Jin scanned the surroundings again and found that there were no players or NPCs before continuing the test.

"Test speed..."

"Test the jumping ability..."

"Testing the power of thermal weapons..."


After a series of tests, everyone was very satisfied. Although this set of power armor can't fly and shoot lasers, it can at least improve the human body by 5 times. It can run faster than Liu Xiang, taller than Yao Ming, and stronger than Shi Wisdom and bravery are still strong, so there is no regret.

Uh, if there is any regret, it is that the cost is a bit high. A set of power armor will cost at least a million dollars if calculated carefully, and the follow-up energy supply is not ruled out.

But these are not problems, as long as the assembly line is built, the cost will definitely decrease, especially the battery, not only for military use, but also for civilian use, at least those with disabilities no longer need to use fluorescent mechanical prosthetics.Such batteries can also be used in electric vehicles and the like.

In fact, the robots in the world of "I, Robot" still use lithium batteries, but they are more efficient and have stronger reserve performance. After a robot is fully charged, it does not even need to be charged, because their metal can absorb solar energy to recharge itself .

It’s just that this can’t be done in reality. As the saying goes, overall technology restricts production. Not to mention that “I, Robot” is more than ten years ahead of reality, but the raw materials they can obtain are more than one planet from the earth. , People can already vacation on Mars, so mining and so on will naturally be a piece of cake.

Therefore, Da Wenxi's ability to create an egg fried rice robot under such conditions is already the limit, and it is a bit difficult for him to create an intelligent robot.

Of course, this cannot deny the fact that he is a psychopath, because the egg fried rice robot is useless, so his robot was ruthlessly dismantled into parts for the members of the research institute to conduct reverse research, and finally created a robot battery that needs to be recharged .

Not only that, Da Wenxi, who just looked like a dead wife, was stabbed to death by Leng Feng, and then asked the white board to be resurrected, and came to this world.

"Shi Jin, the 702rd Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment of the T Division of the C Army, and the [-]rd Squadron of the [-]th Steel Company, report to the commander!"

Because Xu Sanduo has always asked to keep the No. [-] Steel Company, even if he is the only soldier in the No. [-] Steel Company, he has kept it until now, and now the second soldier has come.

Xu Sanduo was very happy about this, because Shi Jin had to call him monitor now, so it was embarrassing.

After being yelled at so arrogantly, Da Wenxi's hands trembled, wife, bah, the egg fried rice robot instantly scattered on the ground.

"Qingshan Mental Hospital, Da Wenxi, F4, Building [-], report to the chief."

Not to be outdone, Da Wenxi also roared.

The two looked at each other, Shi Jin was speechless, you are the chief, okay?

Da Wenxi didn't look sideways, stared back, joking, does a neurotic need a reason?

The daily life of a psychopath is so carefree. In the blink of an eye, he will kill his wife, bah, it's the egg fried rice robot that fell apart, and he doesn't even plan to pick it up.


"Just call me Dawenxi."

"Mr. Wenxi, go this way. This is a research institute I discovered. I have already emptied all the zombies in it."

"Well, I hope you call me by my full name, Dawenxi."

"Okay, Mr. Wenxi, no problem, Mr. Wenxi, this way please."

With his hands behind his back, Da Wenxi inspected the entire research institute like a big leader, and nodded: "Yes, you cleaned up very well, and you have a heart."

"Thank you, Commander Wenxi, for your compliment!"

Shi Jin stood at attention, and being able to join the army again was something he couldn't even imagine, so he couldn't help but be so excited.

"By the way, do you have any other arrangements?"

Da Wenxi wandered around for a long time, but found no one there, so he couldn't help being a little confused.

"Other arrangements?"

Shi Jin looked blank, didn't he arrange for you to study viruses?

"For example, maids, and maids, and maids and the like."

Da Wenxi said with a look of embarrassment, he was ashamed to say that he had never enjoyed the treatment of a maid in Luo City before, and later, when the nuclear power reactor exploded, no maid was willing to come, because he lived in Next to the nuclear power reactor.

There is no way, sometimes the inspiration comes and there is no way to stop it, just like he knows that the nuclear power reactor may explode, but he is still fearless, after all, scientists must have the spirit of sacrifice.

"Report to Chief Wenxi, this joke will not be funny!"

Shi Jin saluted and asked the other party to be more serious.

Da Wenxi curled his lips, this man is so boring, even less interesting than Leng Feng.

"Forget it, you can find me a room."

Da Wenxi said helplessly.

"Do you want to go to the lab?"

Shi Jin's spirit was shaken, and the leader finally remembered to do business.

"No, find me a room, I want to lie on the bed and read."


Shi Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the other party probably wanted to look up information on the Internet, so that he could plan his research direction.

"Well, after I finish my junior high school biology and understand what a virus is, I will study the antidote."

Da Wenxi looked like he was holding a wisdom pearl, as if it was as simple as eating and drinking.

understand what is a virus
Shi Jin is full of question marks, what do you mean, co-author, you haven't even read junior high school biology?
 Fuck, the computer suddenly popped up a prompt to activate Win10, or the kind of watermark that can’t be obtained, it’s on the whole screen, as a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, watching videos and playing games, bah, no, it’s code words or seeing this stuff The whole person is not good. I found a solution on the Internet for a long time, and I am comfortable. As for the activation of the money, the problem is that I don’t need these activation functions. Since I bought a new computer, I was disgusted by Win10, or Win7 easy to use.

  ps: There is another chapter that may have to be copied and pasted, pit, the flag that was just established yesterday
(End of this chapter)

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