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Chapter 621 Is Still Too Young After All

Chapter 621 Is Still Too Young After All
It can only be said that Shi Jin is still too naive, he doesn't know how crooked this research institute is, or in other words, how crooked the people who play games are.

As the saying goes, sand sculptures are contagious, and the game makes people sand sculptures is not a casual talk, after all, you don't know how bad your teammates are, and once you are taken into the trap by him, you will never be able to get back up again.

For example, Leng Feng, he has gradually learned to complain in his heart to resolve the depression of being framed by his sand sculpture teammates. Even Xu Sanduo has become black-bellied, for example, let him call himself the squad leader.

Da Wenxi is a good scientist, but there are many kinds of scientists, especially the higher the level, the finer the classification.

The subdivision of robotics includes: kinematics, dynamics, system structure, sensing technology, control technology...

Every subject is knowledge that can make people bald, and biology is no exception. It is subdivided: zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry...

Of course, it cannot be said that robotics and biology do not have intersections. After all, robots are made by imitating living things. As long as they study hard, they can draw inferences from one instance and become a master of biology.

Well, after about ten or eight years of research, it is estimated that it will be successful...

"It really worked out."

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin and looked at the equipment on Shi Jin's body. This thing is a bit like the individual mecha in "Special Forces: Rise of Cobra", at least in all aspects, its performance is similar to that of the special forces individual mecha. It's just not that bloated, and it is more like the close-fitting mecha of Mark46.

Although material limitations prevent this power armor from reaching the sky like Iron Man, it is at least a bit stronger than the individual mechas in the special forces, and its defense is also very good. Ordinary bullets can't break the defense at all, even scratches. Can't do it.

Moreover, this thing is much cheaper than the individual mechas in the special forces. Although they both cost several million, the former needs US dollars, but the latter only needs RMB, not to mention if the assembly line manufacturing is really started in the future.

Of course, Zhang Chen was only a little surprised by all this. After all, he is now grasping both sci-fi and fantasy, and this kind of power armor is not enough to see the truth.

"However, what they said is indeed reasonable. If you can really research the antidote to the zombie virus in this world, that would be a great merit... So, let me do this."

Zhang Chen chuckled, saying that Da Wenxi couldn't grasp these matters of saving the world, so he had to let the Lord God do it.

Coming to his own research department, Zhang Chen called Nie Yuli.

"An antidote to the zombie virus?"

Nie Yuli scratched his head, it was no problem for him to poison people to death, but it was a bit difficult for him to save them.

Tool A is useless, so it is natural to choose Tool B: Miss Zhu Shi.

As for Dr. Fashion, every time Zhang Chen appeared, he would disappear without hesitation. For such a sensible person, Zhang Chen was embarrassed to beat him up every time he saw him.

"I need some samples."

Zhu Shi said that there is no problem, she has no hesitation in saving the world.

If we get to the bottom of it, it can only be said that she felt that her sins were serious. When she was transformed into a ghost by Oni Wu Tsuji, she not only killed her husband and children because of instinct, but also killed many innocent people. .

Although the husband and children are resurrected now, those people have not been resurrected. They have already been reincarnated, and those who have not reincarnated also expressed that they do not want to be resurrected. After all, their family members are dead. Resurrection is definitely worse than death.

Although Zhu Shi blamed herself for this, she had no choice but to try to do good deeds in an attempt to make up for her mistakes, even though she knew it would be useless.

For such motivated employees, Zhang Chen naturally liked it, and immediately said that he would work hard, and that he could not do other things, and it would be no problem to make your husband and children live forever.

Yushiro, who is helping Zhushi with the child: ...

Although Miss Zhu Shi already has a husband and child, and although they will be together forever, he can still wait. After all, if he can't be Miss Zhu Shi's husband, he can still be her son-in-law!

Compared with the research institute with half a bucket of water and no reference at all, Zhushi first has T virus and second has wind-borne anti-virus test tubes. There is no reason for the research progress to be slower than Dawenxi.

Although the two are not the same virus, there is actually not much difference. Strictly speaking, although the zombies in "World War Z" can run and jump, they are weaker than the T virus by more than one level, not to mention The T-virus created Alice, a superpower. Just saying that a large number of mutant zombies can crush the zombies in "World War Z" on the ground.

Coupled with the bullying characteristics of the zombie virus in this world, it is no match for the T virus at all. Even just throwing the wind-borne anti-virus test tube on the ground, the zombies in this world will be extinct.

Sometimes Zhang Chen really has to sigh, if Dr. Isaacs is not too anti-human, he really wants to take him under his command. The auxiliary system also benefited from him.

Don’t underestimate the wind-borne anti-virus. In fact, this thing is the strongest in all "Resident Evil". This self-reproducing antidote is called a BUG. If there is such a thing in reality, everyone does not need to be vaccinated at all. up.

Of course, being too buggy is not a good thing. After all, nature has its own set of operating rules. The increase of a certain type of bacteria also means the increase in the death of a certain type of bacteria. This thing may only be used when there is no way out.

It’s just that Zhang Chen always wanted to complain. In fact, in the original plot, when Alice sees Dr. Isaacs, she just draws a gun and kills her. There is no need to put down the gun to fight wits with Dr. Isaacs.

The test tube is not destroyed when it falls on the ground. When the time comes, collect a little air and let it line up outside the hive. The zombies will still be dead. Other red queens can’t do it. If you can’t do this, you can only be a beehive. Artificial mental retardation.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to directly throw the wind-borne anti-virus test tube in the world of "Resident Evil", which may cause the collapse of the world's food chain. It is necessary to create a wind-borne anti-virus test tube exclusive to "World War Zombies".


Just one day later, Zhu Shi handed over a green test tube with DNA helix to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied, and decided to upgrade Zhushi to Tool Man A. As for that guy Nie Yuli, he said that his face was an eyesore. Tomorrow, Nie Yinmeng will be made Tool Man B and upgraded to Nie Yuli when leading...

And one day later, Da Wenxi finished his junior high school biology, combined with the information obtained by Shi Jin, came to the laboratory, rummaged through the box, found a medicine, and said confidently: "This is the vaccine!"

Shi Jin: ...

I don't read much, don't lie to me, you didn't make it at all, the vaccine is local, right?

Seeing Shi Jin looking at him suspiciously, Da Wenxi smiled disdainfully, his IQ is not good, alas, geniuses are always so lonely.

"You are still too young after all, you should read more books."

Da Wenxi hates that iron cannot be made into steel. Today's young people know how to play games all day long. How can they be like him? Even if they are playing games, they also know how to learn from games.

Shi Jin: ...

Da Wenxi may not believe it. In fact, he read junior high school biology when he was young. With all due respect, there is no solution to the zombie virus in the book.

 After the modification, it’s a pit, it didn’t turn off at all, it reappeared an hour after restarting, I was so angry that I wanted to smash the computer
(End of this chapter)

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