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Chapter 622 Based on my own experience, write a book "How to Get Along with Sand Sculptures&quo

Chapter 622 Based on my own experience, write a book "How to Get Along with Sand Sculptures"
"Question, what is the virus with the strongest transmission rate in reality?"

In the research institute, Da Wenxi was wearing a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses, standing in front of a blackboard, pointing at Shi Jin with the pointer in his hand.

Shi Jin sat upright, but his face was full of bewilderment.

Is this plot a bit wrong, am I not here to be a soldier?So you have to go to school again?

Shi Jin thought for a while, since he was talking about transmission rate, then influenza should have the widest transmission rate, right?Even Xu Sanduo can catch a cold, which fully shows that the cold virus is terrible.

"Well, it does seem to be influenza."

Da Wenxi suddenly realized.

Shi Jin: ...

So you have no idea what the virus with the strongest transmission rate is!

"Forget it, these are not the point, the point is, do you know what a vaccine is?"

This involves Shi Jin's knowledge blind spot. He pondered a little bit, and said with some uncertainty: "A drug that stimulates the human body to fight the virus."

"Uh, it seems... No, what you said was a little vague, but overall it's still relevant."

Da Wenxi wrote 'vaccine' and 'virus' on the blackboard, and linked them together with a double arrow.

"Strictly speaking, vaccines are actually artificially produced viruses that cannot reproduce."

Shi Jin nodded, learned it, but is it useful to learn this thing?

He quickly came to his senses, and said helplessly, "Mr. Wenxi, so when are we going to hand over the vaccine to the survivors?"

"Why do you want to give it to them?" Da Wenxi was shocked: "It's no good to give it to them. I made a vaccine to kill zombies on a large scale."

You made a fart, that stuff already exists in the research institute.

Shi Jin learned to complain without a teacher, cursing in his heart, but the other party is the leader, so he can only hold back, um, just like Leng Feng.

"Mr. Wenxi, can you tell me what is the vaccine in your hand?"

Shi Jin still couldn't help asking, if this thing is a real zombie virus vaccine, then how did the humans in this world get so mixed up.

"BCG vaccine, or smallpox vaccine."

Seeing that Shi Jin still looked dazed, Da Wenxi reminded: "It's the kind of vaccine you got when you were a child, that's it."

After that, he lifted the sleeve on his left hand and pointed to it... Well, there is no scar on his arm in the game.

But Shi Jin suddenly realized that it was this thing!

When he was a child in the countryside, he did get vaccinated several times, but he didn't know what the vaccinations were preventing.

"No, listen to what you said, as long as you have been vaccinated, you will not be infected by zombies? Then why are there so many zombies?"

Shi Jin quickly realized, could it be that people in this world never get vaccinated?
Wait, listen to that Ryan said that China in this world has not been infected by the zombie virus.

Shi Jin's eyes were straightened, and his intuition told him that Da Wenxi was talking nonsense, but his subconscious told him that Da Wenxi's words were well-founded.

Sure enough, Da Wenxi spread his hands: "Actually, not only this world, but many people in the western world do not get vaccinated, and they even take pride in it."

Shi Jin still felt incredible, Da Wenxi continued to explain: "In fact, the birth of many viruses requires specific conditions, such as the plague that made people frightened before, it can only be born in dirty and messy environments. place, simply cannot survive.”

"So Europeans and Americans love cleanliness?"

History and present draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

"No, they vaccinate animals."

Uh, if the problem cannot be solved, then solve the problem itself, which is very European and American.

Strictly speaking, this is Da Wenxi’s nonsense. In fact, no matter which country you are in, it is necessary to vaccinate animals. It’s like raising a dog. Whether you have a dog license is one thing, but vaccinating dogs It's another matter. Otherwise, if you are bitten by a dog, your own rabies vaccination may not be effective.

In fact, the reason why Westerners, or more accurately the United States, do not vaccinate is because they have been tricked by their own government.

In 1932, the U.S. Department of Public Health, or PHS, came to the black community in Macon County, Alabama, and fooled the black brothers in it that they had scurvy, but the great U.S. was willing to help them treat it for free... and then this treatment , A full 40 years of treatment!
And for 40 years, no one told them that they were involved in an experiment called the 'Experiment in Untreated Black Male Syphilis Patients'.

Therefore, in Europe and the United States, especially black brothers, they refuse to be vaccinated. Life is already so difficult, and if they suffer from syphilis, what is the point of living?
And even if they are not black, their race is also related. It is not a day or two to think about the government cheating people. Maybe the next step is to take the knife on yourself. Anyway, if you don’t get vaccinated, you can’t tell it. If you are sick, you can’t see it. not too late.

"Well, that is to say, after getting this vaccine, you'll be fine if you're bitten by a zombie?"

Shi Jin asked.

"I don't know, I haven't tried."

Da Wenxi said confidently, he had just arrived, and he had never seen a single zombie, so how could he know whether the vaccine would work or not.

Shi Jin: ...

I'm so tired, I've been wronged for more than three years, and I'm with this kind of sand sculpture every day. If he is not a veteran of the sand... field, he has already learned how to get along with sand sculptures, and his mentality may have collapsed.

As for where the battlefield came from, it was naturally a roadside stall. I have been in charge of the city for a long time, and I have never seen any kind of sand sculptures, which are more common than unreasonable people.


Shi Jin finally couldn't help sighing. When he encountered sand sculptures when he was a soldier, when he encountered sand sculptures when he was a city manager, and when he played games, he felt that after he retired, he could write a book "How to Get Along with Sand Sculptures" based on his own experience. ", it is estimated that it can defeat the four great classics in one fell swoop and become a generation of literary giants.

After all, he has reason to believe that the protagonist of this book must be worse than the protagonist of "Les Miserables".

"Forget it, let's go and try."

Do whatever comes to mind, Da Wenxi ran out with the potion, found a zombie wandering outside, and threw the potion at it.

Shi Jin: Is this how vaccines are used?
With some difficulty, he buckled the barrel of the gun that was unconsciously opened back into the gauntlet, Shi Jin took a deep breath, calm down, calm down, you have seen people like Xu Sanduo, are you still afraid of Da Wenxi?
As a result, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Although Xu Sanduo was cheating, he was a boring gourd, and Da Wenxi was a psychopath!What he said was so magical that it made people wonder if there was something wrong with their IQ.


The test tube hit the zombie's face, and it shattered in an instant. The zombie was stunned, looked at Da Wenxi, and ran towards him immediately.

Shi Jin hurriedly stood in front of Da Wenxi. Now Da Wenxi was completely in the form of a whiteboard, so he had to protect it well. As a result, the zombie fell to the ground after running a few steps and did not move.


Da Wenxi chuckled, sure enough, he was as witty as he was, and a little virus was no problem.

Shi Jin opened his mouth, so he said, use the vaccine as a grenade, why not just use the grenade?

But soon, a scene that shocked him happened. The zombies attracted by the movement suddenly fell down one by one, like dominoes being pushed, and expanded towards the periphery.

"Is it that great?"

Shi Jin looked at Da Wenxi dumbfounded. Could it be that he didn't have a neurosis, but he did?
As a result, Da Wenxi also looked at the front dumbfounded: "Am I so good?"

 There is another chapter, you know, the Win10 activation watermark is still not resolved, I am very angry, but it will dissipate for several hours after restarting, barely an eyesore

(End of this chapter)

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