Chapter 624
"Xiao Mian, fight with me."

Zhang Chen smiled disdainfully, ignoring the sand sculptures who were crying for their father and mother, and asked the toolman Chuixue to appease the citizens of City Z.

Fubuki has graduated from the world of "Black Robe Picket". Although "Black Robe Picket" has blackened the entire Justice League and satirized the reality, in the final analysis it is only Water Company and a company that can only control public opinion .

It seems that he can do whatever he wants, but the problem is that in reality, no one in Water Company can afford to offend, including the copycat Superman from the motherland. If he hadn't had too much vanity and could not listen to other people's abuse, it would not be impossible to rule the earth .

Fuxue only needs to get rid of the dross and learn how to run a superhero company well. As for whether it will be as depraved as Walt's company, that is completely impossible. Not to mention Zhang Chen, just talk about the weird people who are constantly being born. There is absolutely no time for bullying ordinary people.

"By the way, maybe this world is also closed."

Because of the intrusion of the players, the world of "One Punch Man" basically has no weird people now, either they are beaten to death, or they are hiding in the deep mountains and old forests shivering.

Not long ago, there was a mentally handicapped man who was clearly a human, but claimed to be a weirdo. He came to the Justice League and said harshly, saying that he wanted to kill everyone today, or be beaten to death by you...

At that time, if the undocumented knights hadn't stopped him, this guy would have been killed by superheroes. The Fist of Flowing Water and Rock Breaking is really powerful, and it's not a problem to kill several A-level heroes with one punch, but the problem is, The members of the Justice League, who are already superheroes, have been injected with the original enterovirus serum, and their self-healing ability is comparable to that of a zombie man, and they can exhaust hungry wolves to death.

Zhang Chen has no sympathy for this, saying that Hungry Wolf is mentally retarded has no smearing elements at all.

When he was a child, he was indeed always forced to act as a 'weird', and then he was beaten by a 'hero', but the problem is that the one who beat him was not a real hero, and he should hate those who bullied him.

It’s okay to not understand this problem when I was a child, but if I don’t understand it when I grow up, it can only be said that this person’s brain is not working well.

Just like Zhang Chen, when he was a child watching the anime "Dragon Ball", he saw the Dragon Ball fighters participating in the world's No. [-] Budokai for the first time. But he was asked to be Xiaolin, and then he was comforted. In fact, Xiaolin is also quite good.

Just kidding, am I, Zhang Chen, a weak chicken like Xiao Lin?I must be Sun Wukong.

But when he grows up, he thinks it's good to be Xiao Lin, after all, Xiao Lin's wife is number 18!

To put it in a more common way, if someone wears a Sichuan opera mask to rob, is it possible that the police will arrest all those who learn Sichuan opera to change their faces?
"The undocumented knight is still a little bit more than the virgin."

Zhang Chen sighed, but this kind of saint is not annoying to people. In many cases, the society still needs this kind of saint, because they really want to help people, and they do it, not just empty slogans. False Madonna.

Although the hungry wolf is pitiful, it is even more hateful, but because of Zhang Chen's intervention, there is no plan to hunt down heroes. I hope the undocumented knight can enlighten him. After all, he has the ability to calm down and reason with fools.

However, the heroes in the world of "One Punch Man" have obviously been cultivated by him. In addition, Fubuki's management does not need to rely on donations from rich people. Superheroes have to personally protect those capitalists. Useless.

Of course, the most important thing is that players need luck coins for traveling.

One person, one luck coin, although it is small, but it accumulates into a lot, and it is his luck. Although he is already a talented person, diligence and frugality are king.

Not to mention that even if the players don't fight monsters, with the factor of Fubuki, members of the Justice League who fight monsters will still have luck coins.

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin, smiled, and put the blame on the players again.

[System announcement: Due to players swearing and swearing in "One Punch Man", the logic of the NPC in this world is confused, causing a system crash. The world of "One Punch Man" is about to be closed. Countdown: 10 minutes, 9 minutes and 59 seconds...]

The players who were still in a dazed look became even more dazed. I just swear a few swear words. Why not only ban me from speaking, but also directly flip the table?
Although the copy of "One Punch Man" will suppress the players' power, but it has a lot of experience, plus it can gradually upgrade the superhero level, so it is naturally liked by many players. As a result, it's gone?

"Why are you still standing there! Hurry up and pack up your things!"

Long Xiaoyun came out and shouted, and the players finally reacted, and immediately dispersed to pack their luggage in their own residences.

Leng Feng was also very speechless and transformed into a huge robot. His figure merged into the spaceship. The spaceship quickly reorganized and folded into a huge robot tens of meters high.


Immediately afterwards, the robot squeezed the magic formula, quickly shrunk to the height of a person, and left the copy.

"Which copy to go to?"

Back at the Main God Square, Leng Feng asked.

Long Xiaoyun pondered for a while, and finally decided: "Go to Jiatiecheng Dungeon."

"Won't this conflict with Luo Cheng and the others?"

Leng Feng was puzzled. He understood the reason why Long Xiaoyun didn't go to "God Eater". After all, it was Hong Xing's base camp, but the Jiatiecheng dungeon was also Luo Cheng's base camp. , It’s not nice to say it out.

"We don't want to rob them of monsters, we just need to fly in the sky."

Long Xiaoyun explained.

Leng Feng suddenly realized that compared to Kabane, Aragami is not only more powerful in combat, but also able to fly, as long as it is out of reach. Anyway, the research institute just wants a place where it can research technology.

Wait, have been flying in the sky?
Leng Feng's heart skipped a beat. In other words, the original energy source of this spaceship was Poros. Later, he took over, so it was natural for him to take over, so he was required to act as the power source for every flight.

"Yes, it's you."

Long Xiaoyun patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Come on, I believe in you."

"Well, I may not last that long."

"It's okay, and Zhanbo will take over with you."

Lu Zhanbo: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Originally, he was still gloating, but the fire inexplicably reached him. Lu Zhanbo couldn't help shouting, "It's unlucky. If you want to be tired of being with your boyfriend all the time, just say it. What's the point of dragging me into a trap? I also have a girlfriend." OK.

"Well, I've been a little busy recently. My sister has an appointment with someone. I'm going to help cheer today."

About to fight?

Leng Feng's eyes lit up, this excuse is good, so he also said: "Actually, you can put the spaceship in Jingang Guo, where the NPCs live."

After a group of people in the Iron Fortress were rescued by Fubuki, Fubuki’s younger brothers directly pulled General Kongo Guo out of the stage. What age is it, and they still engage in aristocraticism? Even Sifangchuan Iris was sent to work as a waiter up.

Of course, there were also samurai loyal to the daimyo who protested and even made trouble, but they obediently obeyed under the physical correction punches of the eyelashes and others, and worked honestly to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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