Restart the main god game

Chapter 625 Armored Warrior vs Golden Armored Warrior

Chapter 625 Armored Warrior vs Golden Armored Warrior
On the duel arena, a handsome man with broken hair was looking fiercely ahead.

And in front of him stood the 12-person group of iPartment, led by Hu Yifei.

That's right, this person is Xi Zhao, bah, the stylist Neo.

The conflict between him and iPartment is actually very simple. Back then, because Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo were greedy for his body, the boat of friendship turned over as soon as they said it, and they almost became one.

Well, considering Hu Yifei's force value, it is very likely that Qin Yumo was the one who was beaten together.

And it is probably Qin Yumo who was dying, bah, before he might be beaten to death by Hu Yifei, stimulated by the desire to survive, decisively dumped the blame on Neo, who had been watching strongly.

Neo said that he was very wronged. You guys pinched yourself out of nowhere, and you blame me. It’s not my fault that you are handsome. You are not my girlfriend, and you are not my girlfriend. It’s not appropriate for me to help anyone when you fight OK.

What's more, a man must like to watch girls fighting and so on. After all, just thinking about tearing clothes makes one's blood boil.

Originally, this happened just like this, and we couldn't be friends, and we all forgot each other, but who knew it was such a coincidence that more than 14 people were selected by 5 billion people around the world, but they just ran into each other.

What's even more outrageous is that Ou Huang, all members of the iPartment, and none of his friends have entered the game, so they are weak.

At that time, he didn't think so much. He thought everyone knew each other, so he wanted to go up to say hello, and then he was beaten to death by Hu Yifei.

According to Hu Yifei, if it weren't for the legal constraints in reality, she would have wanted to kill Neo a long time ago.

Qin Yumo expressed his agreement, and then gave him a whip.

It can be seen from this that you must never mess with a woman, or she may remember it for a lifetime.

At that time, the game was not so strictly controlled, and players would not be famous for killing teammates, so poor Neo died several times inexplicably.

Being humiliated like this, Neo was extremely angry, but Mengxin had no human rights, so he could only silently shout 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully handsome guys and poor people.

So far, Neo is in pain and thinking about the pain, working hard, working hard to upgrade, from a sunny and handsome boy to a melancholy niche, working hard to upgrade, and then revenge.

Well, the minds of men are not too big. The eldest brother is not a serious person, not to mention the second sister.

He didn't bump into Hu Yifei in the No. [-] Martial Arts Association in the world before, and he also saw Hu Yifei's strength, so he decided to bear it a little longer. Now he feels that he has accomplished a lot, and he comes here to avenge his shame.

"Boy, I'm not targeting you, come, come, there are 12 of us, you can dance as you like."

Hu Yifei was wearing a crimson suit with her hips akimbo, showing arrogance.

Just kidding, our love apartment team has an average of veteran players, are you still afraid of a novice player like you?

"very handsome."

Curry Sauce looked nympho, and you said that beauty is justice, and she now thinks that Neo is the party of justice.

"Except for this."

Hu Yifei asked curiously.

"Then start with Qin Yumo first."

In fact, Hu Yifei and Qin Yumo were the only ones who had a grudge against Neo. He had a debt and a debtor, so he naturally wanted to find Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei.

Considering that he might not be able to defeat Hu Yifei, he decided to fight Qin Yumo first.

"100% pain?"

"100% Pain Sensation!"

Qin Yumo held a long whip, looked at each other with Neo, and smiled coldly.

"Armor warrior, transform!"

A white snow mastiff appeared from behind him, roaring towards Neo, and in the flash of thunder, Neo appeared in front of Qin Yumo wearing snow mastiff armor.

"One thing to say, the way he transforms is much more handsome than you."

Zeng Xiaoxian complained to Zhang Wei while eating popcorn.

"What's the use of being handsome?"

Zhang Wei snorted coldly, Neo is so handsome, it's not like his life was cut off.

"Handsome is more useful, and the boss will look at you more when you go to work."

Curry sauce sighed.

Zhang Wei:  …

A group of people watched the fierce battle between Qin Yumo and Neo, and commented on it from time to time, completely ignoring the so-called 100% pain perception.

The two actually didn't have much enmity, so naturally they wouldn't hurt the killer. The purpose of doing this was to practice their hands. Of course, it was really unlucky to die, so no one could be blamed. As long as the hands were quick, the eyes would be revived as soon as they were closed and opened.

The long whip in Qin Yumo's hand was like a spirit snake, but Neo was not to be outdone. He linked the two thunder sticks together with lightning, and was taken as a nunchuck, and slapped the attacking whip away one after another.

He is well aware of the horror of the long whip in Qin Yumo's hand. Once it gets on it, it is not an exaggeration to say that he would be in pain. Sometimes he even suspects that the reason why his swastika is armor is because of the psychological shadow cast by Qin Yumo's whip Only then did the swastika subconsciously unlock the armor.

"Feather Mo lost."

Hu Yifei looked at it for a while, and couldn't help covering her face.

"How is it possible, hasn't Sister Yumo been pressing down on the handsome guy?"

Curry Sauce was puzzled.

"Please add the word 'beat' in the middle of 'press the handsome guy', otherwise the audience will misunderstand."

Lu Ziqiao said seriously.

"Audience, isn't it just us audience?"

Curry sauce scratching his head.

"So I misunderstood."

Lu Ziqiao spoke uprightly.

Curry Sauce still wanted to ask, but it turned out that the winner was decided as Hu Yifei said, and the reason was very simple, Qin Yumo was hit by a car and died.

Snow Mastiff, this motorcycle that shined in the martial arts competition, once again showed its ferocity.

In the final analysis, although everyone in the iPartment had the initial advantage, they were all a group of salted fish, and to put it nicely, they were content with the status quo.To put it bluntly, the mud cannot support the wall.

Of course, what's more important is that they don't regard games as a career like Kirito did, but only as a pastime, so the combat effectiveness is naturally not good, and it is only natural that they are surpassed by Neo, a newcomer.

"Huh, but that's it."

The melancholy boy turned into a handsome sunny guy again, and Curry Sauce's eyes sparkled again.

"Hmph, I'll meet you!"

Seeing the curry sauce like this, Zhao Haitang was upset and wanted to challenge him, but Zhang Wei couldn't sit still because he heard Zhuge Dali's analysis.

"Actually, I think his transformation is more reasonable. As for your transformation, to be honest, if you get whipped by Yumo, it doesn't matter if you change or not."

Who do you look down on, not to mention whether Yu Mo will slap him, I won't go offline directly after being slapped!
"We don't seem to have a holiday."

Neo was puzzled, he just wanted to defeat Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei, and now the goal was half completed, but a stranger was killed halfway.

"No, it's the holidays."

Zhang Wei placed the belt with both hands, twisted the belt lightly, and turned into a golden armored warrior.

Zhang Wei did have a feud with Neo, of course, it was unilateral.

It's also a transformation of the leather case, but why the other party's transformation is more handsome than him, but I am a pervert in tights, how can I justify it?
Armored warriors vs golden armored warriors!

 Modified, go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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