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Chapter 626 Snow Mastiff Fights Snow Mastiff?

Chapter 626 Snow Mastiff Fights Snow Mastiff?

The battle between Zhang Wei and Neo was undoubtedly more intense than the battle between Qin Yumo and Neo. After all, Qin Yumo's only outstanding thing was her whip.

Zhang Wei is different. He and Neo are both leather warriors, ah no, they are both transformation-type Swastikas. They may not have the strange power of Qin Yumo, but they can enhance users in all directions.

Neo held the thunder ax and swung vigorously, Zhang Wei was not to be outdone, and the flame sword showed its sharpness.

The two of you came and went, the sound of gold and iron clashing was endless, and the fight was so intense that Hu Yifei was a little eager to try, thinking about going one-on-one against two.

"Shake Thunder!"

The two suddenly distanced themselves, Neo took the lead, the thunder ax flashed in his hand, and the blade of the thunder ax shot at Zhang Wei.

"Flame Slash!"

The blazing sword in Zhang Wei's hand was burning with blazing flames, and with one swing of the sword, a blazing sword energy went towards Neo.

The silver-white thunder collided with the fiery red flames in the air, and the two also rushed towards each other, and the ax and the long sword intersected again.

Stab it!

"Lei Hai shook the sky!"

"U-shaped shield!"

"Double thunder bombardment!"

"U-shaped shield!"

"Shock Thunder Fist!"

"You're so fucking endless, aren't you just level A? Why are you shouting so gaudyly?"

Zhang Wei distanced himself from Neo, and was not in a good mood.

"Hmph, what is flat A? This is my move. You will keep putting on shields for yourself. Are you a turtle?"

"Isn't it just shouting moves, I will too."

The two of them chatted a few words of trash, and they fought together again. You said 'power of thunder', I said 'power of ice blast', you said 'thunder burst', and I said 'hurricane cut'.

There is one thing to say, the moves are indeed gaudy and the special effects are full, but from the mouths of the two parties, it seems that the air of the two is too strong, making Zhang Chen want to cancel their special effects and let them socialize on the spot. die.

The reason why he watched the battle between the two wasn't that he was bored, well, it was a little bit.

But the bigger reason is that he found a world today: "Armor Warrior".

Reluctantly speaking, this can be regarded as Zhang Chen's childhood, but he was already past the age of the second year of middle school, and he didn't think he could become an armored warrior, because he had already become light at that time.

As for why I watched it, it was naturally because I was bored. At that time, my family was poor, and the TV could only receive signals with an antenna. A TV had a hundred channels, but only five. Follow 1 sets.

I've watched "Journey to the West" too much, I don't want to read "Returning the Pearl and Princess", I don't understand "Deep Love and Rain", er, having said that, he doesn't understand it now, after all, Aunt Qiong Yao's three views...

When he was bored, he not only watched "Armor Warrior" but also "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" and "Happy Superman".

There is no way. At that time, their village used a popular saying to describe it, that is, there is no Internet access, and everyone in the school computer class is thinking about it by reading books.

I remember the first time he went to a black Internet cafe to surf the Internet and set a password for himself, but the password was always wrong. It was not until a friend reminded him that he realized that he accidentally opened the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Closer to home, the plot of "Armor Warrior" is actually very simple. The largest dark force in the universe, the Shadow King, launched an invasion of the earth.

The guardian of the solar system, the sun star, in order to prevent the earth from being devoured and destroyed by the shadow forces, launched five light and shadow stones to ancient China. The armor that travels through light and shadow: light and shadow armor.

Then there is the traditional routine of fighting monsters, monsters, ah, no, supernatural beasts break through the seal and cause chaos, new armored warriors enter the field, go through untold hardships, and finally seal them again.

"So why not just kill it?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help complaining, is he thinking about releasing it in a few hundred years to level up the new armored warrior?
Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints. Zhang Chen also knows the actual situation. There is light and there is darkness in the Tao. The supernatural beast may be eliminated, but it will be reborn after all. Under certain circumstances, it is similar to the tailed beast in Hokage. Therefore, it is easier to seal it.

Therefore, Zhang Chen is more concerned about how to change the world.

It seems that there are quite a lot of supernatural beasts, but there are only 50 of them at full count, and there are only 55 of them with the five guardians, which is not enough for the players to divide.

In addition, because of the timeline problem, the supernatural beasts in this world have been sealed by the armored warriors so that there are not many left.

"How about a new routine?"

Zhang Chen rolled his eyes and thought of a good idea, for example, let the Snow Mastiff fight the Snow Mastiff?
After all, supernatural beasts are not as fun as armored warriors. Although I thought "Armored Warriors" was mediocre at first, Emperor Xia is really handsome, especially after watching a big movie, he is so handsome that he has no friends.

Uh, it's the kind that really has no friends. Ao Fei almost went bankrupt after the filming of the big movie...

The battle between Zhang Wei and Neo was still going on, and the duel field had already become potholed, with fire on one side and sparks on the other.

"I'll go, why is Zhang Wei so strong?"

Lu Ziqiao was shocked and said, "We agreed to be salted fish together, Zeng Xiaoxian will be a softie, I will be a prostitute, and you will be a poor ghost!"

"That's natural. I often train with Zhang Wei on the dueling arena."

Zhuge Dali explained.

Lu Ziqiao was even more shocked: "You two are alone together not for a date, but for training?"

"During training, you can also exchange experiences through discussions."

Zhuge vigorously analyzed: "And don't you think this kind of communication can better understand each other?"

Do you know each other's weaknesses so that you can attack in a breakup?
The kind of stabbing more than 20 times in a row is not fatal?

Lv Ziqiao was powerless to complain, saying that she couldn’t understand Zhuge Dali and Zhang Wei’s way of getting along. A normal boyfriend and girlfriend dating shouldn’t be like that. They meet each other during the day, and then go to the hotel to get a room at night, then turn off the lights, and have a tense and exciting ... Luminous Flying Chess Competition?
"Makes sense!"

Hu Yifei took it very seriously, and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, feeling a little itchy.

Zeng Xiaoxian snorted coldly, standing firm and fearless, I can turn off the pain sensation!Who is afraid of whom!

"Don't turn off the pain."

Hu Yifei warned.


Zeng Xiaoxian refused to accept, it is my freedom to turn off the pain.

"I can keep you from getting out of bed."

Everyone immediately looked at Hu Yifei when they heard the words, and they always felt that something was running over their faces.

"I can keep you in the hospital for a month."

Hu Yifei added.

"You are a threat, I can sue you!"

Hu Yifei smiled coldly: "Sue me? Be careful, I will ask Zhang Wei to be a lawyer!"

Is there such a good thing?

Zeng Xiaoxian felt that Hu Yifei's brain was out of his mind, and he actually wanted to hire Zhang Wei as a lawyer. Didn't Zhang Wei start defending with the death penalty?
"I'll be your lawyer."

Hiss, isn't this trick too vicious?
Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help but gasped. If Zhang Wei wasn't wanted at that time, the brother would definitely have nothing to do, but if Zhang Wei were to be his lawyer, then his own game would be over.

Just when several people were bickering, on the other side of the duel field, Neo jumped up with the help of the snow mastiff, and came to smash Huashan with a force.

Zhang Wei raised his sword with both hands, and the sword and ax collided again.

Hearing a deafening explosion, the snacks and potato chips in the hands of everyone in the love apartment fell to the ground in fright. When they looked closely, there was no one in the duel field!

(End of this chapter)

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