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Chapter 627 Why Does He Have 5 Skins?

Chapter 627 Why Does He Have Five Skins?
The world of "Armor Warrior".

Because of the fairy dance, Bei Miao was electrotherapyed by the shadow five protectors.

Ah, that's not right, it's because the evil water protector manipulated Bing'er's body and tricked Bei Miao into poisoning her body, so Bei Miao got angry and said that one person would fight four, and looking for the ugly general and others to ask for the antidote, and then five My phone has become a second fool.

"This trick really works!"

The Evil Wood Guardian praised.

"Stupid human being, I think you feel guilty about being possessed by me, hand over the summoner now, and I will let you live, hahaha!"

Badwater Guardian was also very proud, and a sense of superiority overwhelmed by IQ emerged spontaneously.

Although the armor warrior's summoner can be mass-produced, if the summoner is destroyed during the fit, the armor can no longer be summoned.

To put it simply, you have been deprived of your qualifications, and you are no longer worthy of wearing labor capital, a weak chicken.

The light and shadow armor may not have its own thoughts, but the maker of the light and shadow armor must have. There is a heaven in this world, which is the guardian star of the earth, the sun.

As for what Zhenmei said about the armor losing its power, it’s a bit ridiculous. The light and shadow stone is still there, how can you lose your power because the summoner you made yourself is broken, like Xiangyang, who can directly transform into Emperor Xia. No summoner is required.

"Hahaha..." X5
Just as the Five Shadow Guardians were treating Bei Miao with electricity, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky, and a black hole appeared above them, followed by two figures falling from the sky.


The two landed directly, and the huge force caused the ground to vibrate a few times, and even centered on the two, a terrifying force spread.

Before the five shadow guardians and Bei Miao could figure out what happened, they were blown away, and the magnetic force field they set up was instantly shattered.

"what's the situation?"

"Snow Mastiff?"

"Who is that pervert in tights?"

The five protectors patted their buttocks and stood up. They were also very surprised to see the two people in the center of the explosion. What the hell, what happened to Snow Mastiff so fiercely?

Bei Miao also got up and looked at Xizhao standing with another weird guy, wondering who this guy was.

[System Announcement: Players Neo and Zhang Yida broke the dimensional wall due to battle, descended into the world of "Armor Warrior", triggered hidden missions, and collected summoners. 】

[Task Reward: You can unlock the new form of the armored warrior. 】

But Neo and Zhang Wei are in a state of confusion, we just fight, why do we fight in other worlds?
Also, the hidden mission is too eccentric, why is the new form of the armored warrior unlocked, and I, the golden armored warrior, don't want to lose face?
The two looked at each other, no matter how many, let's kill these five red names first.

"Shake Thunder!"

Neo fell in love with the ax in Ejin's hand at a glance, and it was destined for him!
"Flame Slash!"

Zhang Wei also looked at the long sword in Emu's hand, which was also destined for him!
The five shadow protectors were still in a state of confusion, never thought that the other party would skip the procedure of making harsh words, and started fighting directly.

Evil Gold and Evil Wood were not slow to react, quickly picked up weapons to parry, and fought with Neo and Zhang Wei.

The other three were furious, did they treat us like air?
Just about to step forward to help, Bei Miao, who was almost stunned by the electric shock, finally reacted, and hurried forward to entangle Bad Water, and while fighting with him, he shouted: "Binger, wake up, I am Bei Miao!"

The effect was very significant, and Bad Water immediately focused its firepower on him.

Not to mention that Binger was not possessed by Evil Water, but Binger himself had a grudge against Bei Miao. When Bei Miao shouted, it didn't matter whether Bing'er or Evil Water was the main consciousness, he wanted to kill Bei Miao.

How should I put it, although I don't blame Bei Miao, after all, Bing'er fell to the ground and couldn't get up at all. If he didn't run away, he could only give away his head, not to mention that he was just a child at the time.

But others may not be qualified to say anything, but the person involved, Binger, is absolutely entitled to hate Bei Miao. When she was a child, she promised to make a vow to protect herself, but it turned out that life and death were at stake. Bei Miao ran away by herself.

Two-on-one, Neo and Zhang Wei immediately fell into a disadvantage, but even so, Ejin and others were a little dumbfounded, what happened, when did Snow Mastiff become so strong?Didn't you say it's easy to wash white and weak three points?
And this cute big eye, where did it come from, why do you always feel that the painting style is a bit different from ours?

Just when the few people were fighting fiercely, the other armored warriors finally arrived, and then fell into a state of bewilderment.

What the hell, two Snow Mastiffs?
And the Snow Mastiff on the opposite side is so strong, he actually [-]v[-], wait, this picture seems familiar, when Xuemastist was still a villain, he seemed to be [-]v[-] every day, um, they are [-], ah, they were killed Pick that batch.

It's just that I don't know why later, after joining the righteous side, sometimes they become weaker. Before, they thought it was because they also became stronger. Now...

If Xizhao was not on the communication channel, they would probably immediately distance themselves from Xizhao, wondering if this guy is a fake, and the real Snow Mastiff is on the opposite side.

"It's beautiful, what is that?"

In desperation, Captain Li Xinnan could only ask the commander. The ERP research room has satellite monitoring, which can transmit light and shadow energy to transform them, and naturally monitor the whole world.

"I don't know. The two of them appeared suddenly. They seemed to be fighting at first, but after seeing the Shadow Guardian, they immediately changed their attack targets."

Zhenmei said that she was also very confused. Although she had a plan for Armored Warriors 2, it was a backup plan. She would only use 2nd team unless the group of tool men were useless. Team.

Not to mention, apart from the movement of the Golden Shadow Stone when Xizhao was using it, there was no movement at all when this person appeared.

Several people pondered for a while, and finally decided to help their own people first, so five armored warriors surrounded Badwater.

Badwater: ...

"Devil Sealing Slash!"

"Piercing the wind!"

"Crazy waterfall!"

"Crack the ground!"

"Thunderbolt Slash!"

Under a righteous beating, Bad Water was not only kicked out of Bing'er's body, but also crushed into a piece of paper by five strong men, and then the five strong men untied their belts...

Ah, no, it was the Black Rhinoceros who put the bad water card that had been reduced to a paper man in front of Qiankun's belt, and sent it to the location of the light and shadow stone.

Ashamed to say, the first time a righteous siege, the five of them were a little excited. It had been a long time since they had outputted so much, and then they turned their attention to the other Shadow Guardians.

"If you pester him, this guy will be handed over to me!"

Seeing that unlucky guy was directly turned into a paper man, Neo was also taken aback. If it turned into a paper man, what would happen to his fancy axe?

So he decisively entangled the evil gold, and then circled towards the armored warriors.

Badwater died so badly that he didn't come to help. The armored warriors thought that this person should not be an enemy, so they readily agreed, and five people surrounded Badland again.

Badlands: ...

"Devil Sealing Slash!"

"Piercing the wind!"

"Crazy waterfall!"

"Crack the ground!"

"Thunderbolt Slash!"

The siege of justice was launched again. If it weren't for wearing helmets, the armored warriors would have been grinning, no, they were already grinning.

 The modification is completed, uh, the title is a bit inconsistent, it doesn't matter,

(End of this chapter)

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