Chapter 628
Without the restraint of the evil soil, Neo quickly grasped the situation of the battle, aimed at a gap in his hand with the thunder axe, cut off the arm of the evil gold with one axe, fished the opponent's ax into his arms, and kicked Kicked him to the ground, stepped on Ejin's chest hard, raised the ax and planned to give him a head without looking back.

Although Neo is not considered top-notch among the players, he is still above average, otherwise he would not have come to practice against Hu Yifei and the others.

And in a one-on-one situation, the Shadow Guardian can only be tied with a Light and Shadow Armor, not to mention Neo, a cheater in snow mastiff skin.

"Wait a minute!"

On the other side, the armored warriors who beat the evil land to death hurriedly stopped Neo. The execution method of the other party was too brutal, and they expressed some dissatisfaction with it.

Of course, the more important reason is that they want to seal the supernatural beast into the formation under the light and shadow stone, and simply killing it cannot completely kill the supernatural beast.

The so-called supernatural beasts are not simple creatures, but magic spirit stones from the dark universe. They can easily possess single-celled or multi-cellular creatures on the earth to become terrifying supernatural beasts.

Therefore, the elimination of the supernatural beast does not mean that it has the ability to destroy the supernatural beast forever. Otherwise, 5000 years ago, the supernatural beast would have been wiped out by the first generation of armored warriors, because the magic stone cannot be destroyed, but can only be sealed.

Neo was also very speechless when he saw the five armored warriors, especially when he saw the Snow Mastiff.Doesn't this armor all have my face?
The picture was too horrifying, and Neo couldn't help but take a step back, thinking that with five handsome people and himself, wouldn't he become a popular face like Zhang Wei?
Seeing Neo backing away, everyone thought that Neo was easy to use, so Xi Zhao, the Snow Mastiff, took a step forward, intending to make a routine first: "Who are you?"

Yanlongxia and Fengyingxia stopped him and were about to have their hands chopped off, struggling to get up the evil gold that wanted to escape, evil earth felt extremely sad and indignant: "So many of you hit me alone, don't be ashamed."

This is the first time I understand the mystery of siege, ah, no, the meaning of unity mentioned by the dean, for the accusation of evil gold, Feng Yingxia Dongshan blushed a little, but as the captain, Yanlong Xia Li Xinan said righteously: "Nonsense!" , it was obviously you and Bad Earth who besieged other people before, and we are here to help!"

"What's more, when dealing with a villain like you who everyone can punish, why does one-on-one give you a chance to escape!"

Dongshan nodded again and again, the captain is right, you people not only besieged the snow mastiff with unknown origin, but also five people besieged our brother Bei Miao, and you have the face to say that we besieged you?
"Fuck, it's not over yet, why are you still talking!"

Zhang Wei on the other side yelled, if he hadn't been pestering him desperately, the two monsters would have run away.

"In Lower Neo, as a stylist."

Neo ignored Zhang Wei, who was fighting fiercely with Evil Fire and Evil Wood, and started talking to Xi Zhao. He was [-]% sure when he heard the other party's voice, that the opposite was another himself. After all, such a magnetic voice, There is no one else but him.

On the other hand, the Land Tiger Man on the other side saw that he had nothing to do, so he hurried over to help Zhang Wei and entangled one of them.

As for Bei Miao, he was so shocked that he doubted his life before, and he surrounded and beat up with his brothers, ah, no, he was pestering Binger to beg for forgiveness after uniting to defeat Bad Water.

Stylist designer?

Rao Xizhao was indifferent by nature, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, are you a self-destruct truck?What do you answer when people ask you?
Little do they know that Neo’s purpose is to get his summoner. Seeing how powerful these armored warriors are, one-on-one is definitely not Neo’s opponent. He has won the armor warrior, so he plans to mix in and become an armor warrior.

No, I was originally an armored warrior!

"How did you get the armor on your body?"

The other party was a self-destructing truck, so naturally Xizhao would not be polite and cut straight to the point.

"It was a summer..."

Neo looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, as if reminiscing: "That year, I saw a fallen grandfather on the side of the road, and hurried up to help him, the grandfather stood up and said that there are not many good children like me. So, he gave me a summoner and said that the important task of saving the world will be entrusted to me."

Xi Zhao blinked. Although there is no such thing as a grandpa giving cheat books in this world, this routine sounds ridiculous no matter what. He couldn't help but ask, "Then why did you show up now?"

It's not a day or two since supernatural beasts have caused disasters to the earth. The heavy responsibility of saving the world is on you, so you just watch us fight little monsters?

"Hmph, I still want to ask you, why are you wearing the same armor as me?"

There is a saying that too much talk is bound to be lost, Neo turned his back on the guest, pointed at Xizhao, and said coldly.

"What's your armor? I'm wearing the snow mastiff armor summoned by the light and shadow stone. The armor on you is the only problem."

Xizhao said unhappily, after all, his armor was faked.

"What, you are also wearing snow mastiff armor."

Neo said 'shocked'.

Xi Zhao frowned, and was about to speak, but he didn't want Neo to remove the light and shadow armor directly, revealing his true colors, and said with a wry smile: "I think we have a little misunderstanding. I may have come to the wrong universe."

Now I don't know that Xizhao is dumbfounded, Li Xinnan and Dongshan who have sealed the evil gold are dumbfounded, and the opposite is also Xizhao?
Even Bing'er and Bei Miao, who were arguing, were stunned. Good guy, does Xizhao have a twin brother?

The person involved, Xi Zhao, said that he didn't know either. After all, it is well known that armored warriors are orphans. Uh, although it is a bit of a curse, all armored warriors are really orphans, even Emperor Xia, who is also an orphan.

"Could it be that you are my brother?"

That's right, the light and shadow armor can only be summoned by descendants of the light and shadow village. If the other party is his twin brother with the same bloodline, and the RT blood in the other party's body is the same as his, then he can naturally summon the snow mastiff armor.

Neo shook his head again and again. In the world of martial arts, information is asymmetric. It is perfectly fine to pretend to be a half-brother like Dino, but in the urban world, people can look it up in big data. Something is wrong.

"No, I'm an armored warrior from another universe." Neo began to talk about his character design: "At that time, I was competing with my friend the golden armored warrior. It may be because the battle between the two of us caused the space to collapse. It caused us to travel to this world..."

Zhang Wei:  …

This guy can talk better than me!It's a pity not to be a lawyer.

(End of this chapter)

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