Chapter 629
Parallel universes, multiverses, quantum mechanics...

A series of unknown nouns came down, and the armored warriors expressed their confusion, which involved their blind spots in knowledge.

Although these terms are commonplace in online novels, in fact, people who write novels don't know what they are, let alone people who don't read novels.

Fortunately, Zhenmei is not only the commander, but also a member of the ERP research room. She may not have taken it seriously before, but she created the ERP research room and led the armor warriors to fight against the supernatural beasts. How could she not investigate, after all, the Shadow King came from the dark universe.

After discussing with Meizhen, they finally decided to take Neo and Zhang Wei to a coffee shop for a chat.

Zhang Wei had a stinky face the whole time, feeling very upset, why does the other party have five skins?

But after thinking about it, it seems that he can have five skins after completing it, which seems to be good, after all, he can't always think about being a pervert in tights.

Mami poured a cup of coffee for the two of them. She is not only the commander, a member of the ERP research room, but also the manager and waiter of the coffee shop.

"It's really similar."

Bing'er leaned over, looked at Xizhao, then at Neo, her eyes were full of curiosity, she couldn't say they were similar, but they were exactly the same.

Neo smiled confidently: "Of course, I am Xizhao from another world, and I am essentially a person."

"So handsome!"

Bing'er was stunned, she grew up with Xi Zhao, but she rarely saw Xi Zhao smile, or rather, both of them seldom smiled, after all, living in darkness, how could it be possible to have a sunny smile.

When Bei Miao saw that the secret path was not good, she coughed dryly and said, "This is just your one-sided statement. We haven't confirmed whether what you said is true."

The relationship between Xizhao and Binger tends to be that of brother and sister, but his relationship with Binger is different, but now Binger's relationship seems to have changed, so he can't help but panic.

Xi Zhao was a little envious of the other party's freedom and ease, and felt that this person was quite good, so he said: "I think it should be true, I believe him."

After all, a handsome man like him is definitely not a villain, even if he is a villain, he will be cleansed.

Kun Zhong nodded and said, "That's right, didn't they help us eliminate the Shadow Five Guardians? It must be on our side."

Among the five, he is the youngest and the most innocent. He was the one who persuaded Xizhao to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. From the beginning to the end, he believed that Xizhao was a kind-hearted person.

"Well, if you don't welcome us, we can actually leave, but we need your help."

Neo rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"That's not what we mean, we just want to confirm further." Zhenmei smiled and said, "Of course, if you need it, we will try our best to help."

Zhenmei's words seem to be an apology, but in fact they still mean that, and she doesn't believe Neo and Zhang Wei.

"It's like this. I suspect that the reason we came to this world may be attracted by your light and shadow armor."

Neo said nonsense seriously: "I believe you can also see that in my world, I am the only Summoner of Light and Shadow Armor, which is Snow Mastiff."

"As for this one, it's a golden armored warrior."

Neo pointed to Zhang Wei at the side, saying that the painting style of this guy is not the same as their armored warriors.

"We were sparring at the time, maybe because I was at a disadvantage, the snow mastiff armor's protection function was triggered, and I came to look for teammates."

The armored warriors blinked. It seems that it makes sense. The five elements of the light and shadow armor are interdependent. Once they are united, their strength will be greatly enhanced. There is only one snow mastiff in another world. nothing wrong.

"What do you need us to do?"

Xi Zhao really has a good impression of the other self in front of him, and his intuition tells him that the other party is not a bad person.

"I need your summoner."

Neo explained directly.

"This is impossible."

Zhenmei directly refused. The light and shadow armor is the barrier to protect the earth. How could it be given to this person inexplicably? Although the other party has helped them, they have only known each other for a few hours, and they have only just known their names, let alone trust them.

"I'm not trying to steal your armor, I just want to analyze your strength and let my armor have your strength."

Neo explained that the goal of the mission is to collect five summoners and then unseal five skins, so as long as he has the summoners, he doesn't need to grab the opponent's armor at all.

"This is even more impossible. You are the summoner of the snow mastiff armor. You should be a descendant of Jinying Village. How can you summon other armors?"

Zhenmei expressed disbelief.

Neo told him the setting of the world, and Zhenmei also told the setting of the world. After all, no matter whether the other party has good intentions or not, these are not secrets to both parties. Even Hei Di and the others know the existence of Guangying Village. In the beginning, he chased and killed the descendants of Guangying Village everywhere.

Uh, it's just that the former is really talking nonsense, applying the setting of "Ultraman Tiga", which made Kun Zhong and the others startled. They didn't expect that there were aliens in the other party's world.

Wait, people from another world come from their world, so their world seems even more outrageous.

"I am not a descendant of Jinying Village."

Neo said speechlessly, I'm a player, and I don't have any weird things on me.

"Well, I want to draw some of your blood for testing, is it okay?"

Zhenmei thought about it, but still felt that if she looked at the other party's DNA, as long as she could confirm that the other party was not contaminated by the magic stone, then the other party should be trustworthy.

Neo nodded in agreement, and was drawn a tube of blood together with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei:  …

As the only hero in the field with a completely different style of painting, he always felt that he was a bit out of place, which made him uncomfortable.

After Zhenmei drew the blood, she put it into the analysis equipment for scanning, and found no magic stone energy, nor RT heme, but found a strange energy.

The bodies of the players are heroic spirits. Although their appearance is the same as that of humans, there is still a gap in reality, not to mention those fancy moves. Energy can never come from nothing, right?
Just like the martial arts world stores internal energy, players store spiritual energy in their bodies, or in other words, their heroic bodies are made up of spiritual energy.

"A strange energy, but not a dark force."

Dr. Jialu looked at the data sent by Zhenmei, frowned and pondered, and finally came to such a conclusion. As for the rest, he can only wait for him to go to the coffee shop in person.

"Then, about the summoner?"

Mami asked.

"Still waiting."

Dr. Garou said to stabilize the two people first.

Zhenmei nodded, walked out of the secret laboratory, and saw the ground tiger armor and Kunzhong.

Kunzhong: Wow, you can really summon the ground tiger armor.


Is it still too late to change to a ground tiger armor summoner?

 Modified, go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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