Chapter 630
"Can you really turn into other armored warriors?"

Kun Zhong looked at Neo curiously. Among the group of five, he and Xi Zhao had the best relationship. Both of them were very simple people, so they loved Wu and Wu, and they were not wary of Neo.

"It should be possible, but I haven't tried it." Neo didn't dare to be sure: "But the armor I summon is different from yours. I don't summon it through the Light and Shadow Stone, but use this directly."

Neo put his summoner on the table, and everyone was surprised to see this, because it was exactly the same as their summoner.

Especially Xizhao also took out the summoner and put it on the table.

Gan!This also hit?
Although he had expected it in his heart, Neo still cursed secretly, feeling that the more he played, the more he felt that the game had violated his portrait rights, but after thinking about it, his swastika was set by others. I can't tell.

Speaking of which, Neo was also surprised by the variety of swastikas in the game. As a stylist, he naturally knows how difficult it is to design a style, but he was surprised to find that no matter which player it is, TA's swastika All are unique.

This is extremely scary. You must know that although there are not many players in this game, there are more than 5 people. Each person has a shape, that is, 100 kinds of shapes. Let him design a shape every day. He has to design for more than [-] years. .

This is also why players feel more and more that this game is definitely not what the creation of the earth wants, especially those technological equipment. Those who have studied hydropower know that these machines are no different from reality.

As a result, the players believed more and more in Da Wenxi's rhetoric that aliens were collecting their human behavior patterns, and then deduced the future of human beings, exploring the possibility and creativity of human beings.

To put it simply, it is to collect the template of human civilization, and then collect it into your own civilization, hoping that this civilization can bring you surprises.

Just like human beings grow their own vegetables, plant an unknown seed, and then reap an unknown fruit.

Many people even suspect that once the aliens collect enough information, they may directly destroy the earth, so...they become more and more sand sculptures. After all, the thoughts of sand sculptures are unpredictable.

Well, this is just an excuse for their sand sculpture behavior. If the aliens really had that idea, they might have put them into a coma long ago, collecting their brain consciousness information, just like the brain in a tank, and giving them All kinds of feelings make them 'think' they still have a body.

Coupled with the players scolding Aizen every day, anyone with a discerning eye knows that the players are scolding the official, and the recent funeral for Yuuki sisters, which fully shows that these aliens seem to be quite humane.

Not to mention, all of this is Da Wenxi's conjecture, and no one can say for sure what the truth is.

"Would you like to try it with my summoner?"

Neo was feeling emotional here, while Kun Zhong on the other side spoke directly.

The others didn't object when they heard the words. On the one hand, they are confident in their own strength. The combat power of the current armored warriors is no better than when they first appeared on the field. In fact, if it is one-on-one, the Shadow Guardian is really not necessarily their opponent. The five protectors also don't know how to use the group destroying engine, bah, they used tricks to trick Bei Miao out.

On the other hand, it is naturally the trust in the partners of justice. Villains like Xizhao who were originally from the enemy camp can accept them, not to mention Neo and Zhang Wei who helped them, especially Neo's face that is exactly the same as Xizhao. , making it hard for them not to trust him.

Neo was also polite, and picked up Kunzhong's summoner.

[System prompt: You have obtained the Tiger Armor Summoner, you can use this armor to summon the Tiger Armor, and you can unlock the Tiger Armor skin after summoning. 】

"Armor warrior, transform!"

Kunzhong opened his mouth, wanting to say that this slogan is wrong, he always shouted 'Tiger Armor, Transformation', what does the armor warrior mean, those who don't know think I'm a passer-by who gave me the armor as a phone bill.

However, Neo has already transformed too quickly, and he has not reminded him that Neo has already transformed.

"Wow, it's really possible."

Kun Zhong clicked his tongue, everyone wears a set of armor, it's amazing that Xi Zhao in this different world can wear other armor...he wants it too.

"It feels similar to my armor, but the attributes have changed."

Neo summoned the Earth-Splitter Knife, flicked it lightly, and felt that this knife was destined for him, but considering that the opponent was a positive character, he was embarrassed to do it.

"Kunzhong!" Zhenmei said angrily, "How can you let Neo summon the armor in the coffee shop? What if someone finds out?"

Hearing this, Kun Zhong scratched his head in embarrassment, and looked at Neo for help.

Neo smiled. I have to say that this Zhenmei has a really high EQ. On the surface, she is scolding Kunzhong, but in fact she is still testing him, testing whether he will return the summoner to Kunzhong.

"Light and shadow armor, disintegrate!"

Neo yelled again, and Zhang Wei, who was idly drinking coffee, was taken aback. He coughed again and again, and said angrily, "Why are you yelling so loudly!"

"Of course it adds momentum."

Before Neo could answer, Kun Zhong said first, "And, don't you think it's cool to shout like that?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but rolled his eyes, okay, as long as you are happy.

Returning the summoner to Kunzhong, Neo did not sit down, but picked up his own summoner, and shouted again: "Armor warrior, transform!"


A silver snowmastiff appeared from behind him and bumped into Neo.

Armor warriors: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

Really beautiful: Σ(°△ °|||)︴

Why don't they have this kind of transformation effect when they are both armored warriors?

Snow Mastiff appeared again, and Neo shouted again: "Armor warrior, transform!"


Immediately, a yellow tiger appeared behind him, roared, and slammed into Neo, and Snow Mastiff became Earth Tiger again.


Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, they could really switch their transformations, and they didn't need the help of the light and shadow stone.

In fact, what is needed to wear the light and shadow armor is not the summoner, but the light and shadow stone. The function of the summoner is to extract the power of the light and shadow stone from the satellite of the ERP research room and transmit it into the summoner's body, so as to realize the summoning of the armor and even summon It is not impossible to have two sets of armor. For example, in the original plot, Zhang Jian and Li Xinnan summoned the Yanlong armor at the same time. This is why Xizhao thinks that Neo is his twin brother.

"Earth tiger armor, fit together!"

Not to be outdone, Kunzhong buckled the summoner on his wristwatch, and shouted like Neo: "Armor warrior, transform!"


"Armor warrior, transform!"

Kunzhong continued to struggle, but still to no avail.

It's really beautiful. He slapped the tiger's armor on the head angrily, but the pain made him gasp.

"I'll help you."

Neo released the transformation, smiled gently, a green light appeared in his hand, and caressed Zhenmei's palm.

"So handsome... No, it's so comfortable, my hands don't hurt anymore."

Zhenmei was instantly conquered by Neo's smile, thinking that this person must be a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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