Chapter 631
Although Xizhao and Neo have the same ordinary face, their different life experiences have given them completely different personalities.

The former has been living in the Shadow Realm. Although he is kind by nature, he has been forced to do evil all the time, and some of them are just melancholy. Even though he is much more cheerful now because of the team, his personality has already been fixed and it is difficult to change it.

The latter is different. As a stylist, although I can’t say that I have the ability to talk to people and talk to people, but I am generous and decent in dealing with people, not to mention sometimes I have to persuade users to make him feel His appearance is really handsome, not killing Matt.

After all, the difference between killing Matt and trendy is often not the shape, but the face.

Bing'er also thinks that the other party is handsome, much more handsome than Bei Miao, giving people the feeling of a noble son.

As for Xizhao, because they know the basics too well, what they have is brother and sister.

As for Bei Miao, it was more because of her childhood experience. When she grew up, she might know that her childhood words were nothing but childish words, but it still became her obsession. Cut off her only hope, even if she knew it would be useless even if Bei Miao stayed.

Because "Armor Warrior" is a drama directed by children, there is actually no love line, so in fact, Binger should also regard Bei Miao as an elder brother in theory.

Of course, from an adult’s point of view, even if Bei Miao and Bing’er have no love, they must still be ambiguous, so they all feel sorry for Xi Zhao. failed), and he was always by Binger’s side (he was caught with Binger after throwing the stone).

It's just that I don't know what the reality is, and even now I have a good impression of Neo, and I am more curious about the different world "Xizhao". As for falling in love with Neo, it is a bit nonsense, I can only say Just like handsome men love to see beautiful women, beautiful women also love to see handsome men.

The same is true for Zhenmei, but fortunately she is not like Bing'er, who grew up in a group of shadows except for Xizhao, who are all crooked. Not to mention there are five handsome men in armor with distinct sexes for her to see. As a beauty, she reads books. Naturally, I have seen many handsome guys during the time, and I quickly recovered from Neo's sunny smile.

Seeing that Neo returned the transforming device, she didn't even need the light and shadow stone to transform, Zhenmei also became wary, it seemed that the other party's purpose was really not the light and shadow stone.

Seeing this, the other four people readily took out their summoners. After all, they were all a group of innocent people. Otherwise, Bei Miao would not be fooled by Bad Water to find the Shadow Guardian for an antidote, and then be The opponent surrounded and beat.

After fooling a few more decent people, Neo was a little ashamed, and then unlocked other transformation forms one by one.

The players have played the game for so long and communicated with many NPCs, so they naturally summed up some experience, such as: decent people are very easy to trust people.

Kurosaki Ichigo, Tong Yuan, Tanjiro...

Under normal circumstances, as long as you have a simple face, you are really a very simple NPC. As long as you speak reasonably and do some justice in front of them, such as fighting crime or something, then they will think you Also a friend of justice.

Uh, if you want to add another insurance, it is that these people generally do not get insurance, and those who are over 20 years old basically expire.

For example, Kunzhong, 18 years old, and Xizhao, 20 years old, have been perfectly brought into this formula, and they have been regarded as their own, thus affecting those outdated armor warriors.

After unlocking five skins, Neo discovered a new way to play. He can use frost effects in his left hand, fire effects in his right hand, soil effects in his left foot, and wood effects in his right foot.

So a gaudy armored warrior appeared in front of everyone, with black paint on his left hand, red paint on his right hand, yellow paint on his left foot, blue paint on his right foot, and white body armor and head.

The scene was too eye-catching, Kun Zhong said that please change back quickly, even if the Earth Tiger is fighting against him, he doesn't want to see this kind of light and shadow armor.

Zhang Wei laughed so hard that he rolled forward and backward, and then received his own skin. Considering that he might also become a five-color team, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​transforming.

But Neo quit. How can I die alone? If I want to die, everyone will die together.

"Well, the movement of my transformation is a bit loud, or else, let's talk about it another day."

Zhang Wei wanted to struggle, after all, the golden red tights were shameful enough, if he was going to die in black, wouldn't he be a little black?
"It's okay, actually our coffee shop is never open."

Zhenmei also fanned the flames. She was still very curious about the heroes of the two different worlds, especially their transformation methods. The armored warriors at least had a light and shadow stone as their energy source. Fortunately, they used themselves as their energy source.


The hospitality is hard to invite, Zhang Wei can only helplessly press the belt lightly: "Golden Armored Warrior, transform."

In an instant, an armored warrior in golden armor appeared in front of everyone.

"Imperial Armor!" X6!
The eyes of the six people were wide open. Zhang Wei's appearance was very familiar to them. After all, they were violently beaten by the Emperor Xia summoned by Xiang Yang a while ago, especially Li Xinnan. up.

"Fuck, so handsome!"

Even Neo, who has always shown himself as a noble son, was shocked, and he was sour when he said something.

Zhang Wei used the floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop to see his current appearance, and was a little shocked, I was so handsome.

"All hardships come with rewards, all hardships come with rewards!"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but burst into tears.

Who can understand his suffering?
Lu Ziqiao is holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, Hu Yifei is dressed in a chic red dress, Lu Zhanbo's body is made of steel, and Qin Yumo's poisonous pile...

After the swastika was removed, the friends were more handsome than the other, even if Tang Youyou and Guan Gu were miraculous, although their painting styles were crooked, they looked like normal people anyway.

In the past, there was Zeng Xiaoxian's Screaming Chicken at the bottom, but later, this guy actually turned into Suzaku after being swastized, leaving him as a pervert in tights.

What's more, it was rumored that he was Dijia's father, and Dijia's mother was a blue whale, which was really deceiving!
It's different now, I, Zhang Wei!Golden Armored Warrior!
No, it's Emperor Xia!
"Hahaha, that's a good name. From now on, I'll be Emperor Xia."

Zhang Wei was deeply satisfied, and instantly felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, and wished he could go back and show off to his friends.

"This, why is this!"

This time it was Neo's turn to lose his mentality. He agreed to give five skins, so why did the opponent directly change to armor? Shouldn't Zhang Wei become a five-color warrior?
However, just when everyone was shocked that Zhang Wei had turned into a real Golden Armored Warrior, the alarm in the cafe suddenly sounded...

 Modified, go to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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