Chapter 632
The death of the Shadow Guardian made Heidi a little shocked. Although he called himself the Black Emperor, in fact his power was given by the Shadow Guardian.

So he immediately turned his attention to Xiang Yang, that kid who can summon Emperor Xia.

Before, he controlled Xiangyang through the equipment, and even let him summon Emperor Xia, and pressed the armored warriors to rub against the ground. The situation was good, but Xiangyang broke free from his control, and finally failed.

However, if he could control the first time, he would naturally be able to control the second time. Hei Di immediately took out the remaining four fierce beasts, trying to catch Xiang Yang.

But if Xiang Yang could summon Emperor Xia for the first time, he would naturally be able to summon Emperor Xia for the second time, so the four fierce beasts were rubbed against the ground by him like beating armored warriors, and sealed directly.

Hei Di expressed a little panic, but it was not a big problem. The Shadow Guardian once gave him a small kit and told him that as long as he opened it, he would be able to reach the pinnacle of life.

【I'll take mine for money that doesn't belong to me】

This is the contract Hei Di signed with the Shadow Guardian ten years ago. At that time, he was just a beggar who only wanted to become a master. He was willing to pay any price, and he didn't even read the contract at all.

And with the opening of the kit, the Shadow Protector actually appeared in front of him again, thus, the Black Demonic Beast was born!
Just like Neo's hands are icy and his feet are earthworks, the shape of the black monster is asymmetrical except for the face, and the face is not only the one on the head, there are also four faces on the chest, three faces on the right, and Sang Elian on the left. .

As soon as the black monster appeared, the situation changed instantly. The satellite of the ERP research room immediately detected the movement here, and everyone immediately summoned their mounts and flew to the location of the black monster.

Uh, because Zhang Wei is wearing the emperor's armor, he is the fastest, making him seem to be the leader of the team.

Neo secondly, he now has the strength of five armored warriors at the same time, as long as the spiritual pressure is sufficient, he can maintain this speed forever.

"This thing is uglier than my transformation."

As a stylist, it is impossible for Neo to be satisfied with his new look, which is so gaudy that he is almost turning into a five-color warrior, but when he sees the Black Warcraft, his heart suddenly regains balance. There is a saying that there is no harm if there is no comparison. , he suddenly felt that compared to the ugly shape of the black monster, the five-color warrior is actually quite good.

"The Emperor!"

The Black Warcraft couldn't help being surprised when they saw Zhang Wei. They were sealed by Emperor Xia 5000 years ago, so they naturally had a psychological shadow on him.

But don't panic, Emperor Xia is still a brat, and he will be able to grow up, so when will he wait if he doesn't get rid of it now?
Zhang Wei didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out his new weapon: the Aurora Sword.

The gleaming golden sword is full of luxury. If Zhang Wei is not wearing a helmet now, it is estimated that that face will make the emperor's appearance become negative.

Neo summoned his Thunder Axe, curled his lips, what's the use of being handsome, practicality is king.

"Thunder Slash!" X2
Neo staggered, but saw Zhang Wei lightly waved his long sword, and a thunderous sword energy went towards the black monster.


Neo was dumbfounded. It was agreed that one person has one solution. Why can Zhang Wei use his skills?
The black monster didn't care what Neo was thinking, the evil gold on the right chest roared and absorbed the thunder force shot by the two of them.

It is a fusion of the five great shadow guardians. It naturally masters the power of the five elements, and the complete power of the five elements can naturally absorb a single ability and transform it into its own power through the characteristics of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

"Wind Piercer!" X3
Dongshan: ...

He was the fastest among the armored warriors, so he was naturally the first to arrive. Seeing that the two people from other worlds had already started to attack, he naturally joined without saying a word.

The dense light thorns shot towards the black monster, and the black monster hurriedly propped up its right hand, which was a circle bigger than its left hand, to block the attack. Although it can absorb the power of the five elements, there must be a limit, at least it has to wait He digests first.

The black monster is not a fool either, the spike in his left hand condensed a cloud of dark energy, and then shot towards the ground violently.

Zhang Wei and Neo didn't react, but Dongshan did, and flew down in a hurry, raising the storm sword to smash it into pieces.

Below is City D, the Dark Beast's dark rays go down, it's okay to fall in the wild, if it lands in City D, hundreds of people will die, and the Dark Beast will be merciful.

"Hey hey hey!"

The five faces of the black monster laughed at the same time, and the spikes on its left hand shot down like a machine gun.


The other armored warriors finally rushed over and hurriedly used the light and shadow horse to fire energy cannons to disperse the dark rays.

"Fuck, this boss is so smart!"

Zhang Wei was startled, this was the first time he saw such a despicable boss who threatened the life of the whole city to distract them.

"The ground protection is left to you, and this guy is left to us!"

Neo was also very emotional, picked up the Thunder Ax and killed him directly to play melee, trying to make him have no time to shoot cold arrows.

Zhang Wei also understood. He reached out with his left hand, and a shield appeared in his hand: Aurora Shield.

Although the black monster has no weapons, both hands have sharp claws, and its body is extremely hard. Even if the players' weapons have been strengthened again and again, they can only draw wounds on his body, but Healed quickly.

"Water armor shield!"

Bei Miao summoned his shield and shouted to his teammates: "I will protect the ground, you go help."

"Shocking Thunder Stick!"

Two short sticks also appeared in Xizhao's hand: "Add me, just in case."

The two were at the bottom of the battlefield. As long as there was energy to hit, Xizhao could throw out the thunderbolt to break it up. If Xizhao couldn't stop it, let Beimiao block it with a water armor shield, double insurance.

The other three nodded, and joined the battle group, and surrounded the Black Warcraft with a frenzied output.

The black demonic beasts were all beaten up, what's the situation, there are five armored warriors, why are there seven now, and why is the snow mastiff, like the emperor, able to use various attribute attacks?
"what are you?"

The Black Warcraft was not surprised by the appearance of Emperor Xia, on the contrary, it is not the first time it has been sealed, at worst it will be closed for another 5000 years, and after 5000 years it will be a bad Black Warcraft again.

Although it belongs to the Shadow Universe, it has long been integrated with the darkness of this world, and it is also a part of this world. This is why Emperor Xia could only seal it 5000 years ago.

Neo's face turned black, how could he speak? This black monster is not only despicable, but also knows how to use trash talk, so he is very angry.

"You are the thing!"

"I'm not a thing, I'm a black monster!"

With a loud roar, the black monster retreated tens of meters. Its body suddenly swelled and turned into a body of hundreds of meters. A cloud of dark energy condensed from its mouth and shot towards everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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