Chapter 634
"Let's try to see if the three printed posts can work."

Dong Shan threw out his own stamp to persuade him.

"No, our energy is limited, that's all we can do."

Li Xin looked south to Kunzhong and Xizhao.

Seeing Li Xinnan's firm gaze, the two could only throw out their own stamps.

Li Xinnan threw out the last printed post. At this point, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth gathered in front of Li Xinnan.

"Five elements..."

"Five Elements!"

With Bei Miao's angry shout, the meteor gun pierced through five seals in a row, and his figure disappeared in place, turning into a giant spear, and piercing the black monster's abdomen.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and felt a little taken for granted, after all, Bei Miao was famous for being reckless.

Bei Miao said hehe, the reason why he did this is very simple. Among the light and shadow armor, his black rhinoceros armor has the strongest defense. If the power of the five elements really explodes, then among all the people, he may survive most sexual.

Well, he admits that he is still a bit reckless, but he can go through fire and water for Binger, and naturally he can go through fire and water for his brother. If someone is really going to die, let him be that person.

With a long spear piercing his chest, Bei Miao appeared behind the black monster, and a huge seal with the word "seal" restrained the black monster.

It worked!
Bei Miao was overjoyed, turned around and hit [Crazy Waterfall Top], appearing in front of the black monster again.


However, things went beyond everyone's expectations. The Black Demonic Beast was not directly reduced to a card, and the seal stickers on it began to vibrate.

"Not good, our sealing skills alone are useless, everyone should do it together!"

Li Xinnan's latest reaction is that the black monster needs the power of the five elements to seal it, and naturally it needs the power of the five elements to reduce its dimensionality.

"I'm low on energy."

Bei Miao said helplessly that the attack just now had consumed a lot of his water shadow power, and it was already very difficult to maintain the armor summoning.

"let me!"

Neo directly transformed into a black rhinoceros armor, and said to everyone.

Everyone immediately understood and used their own sealing skills at the same time.

"Shock Thunder Fist!"

"Wind Eagle Legs!"

"Crazy waterfall top!"

"Flame Fist!"

"Earth Splitting Palm!"

Although the sealing skills cannot be integrated, five people can use the sealing skills at the same time. As long as they hit the seal stickers at the same time, the power of the five elements can run at the same time.

However, they forgot that Neo's power is not only counterfeit, but the energy used is more than one level higher than theirs.

The power of the five elements went berserk in an instant, like a nuclear bomb being detonated, the terrifying energy spread wantonly in the sky, making the people in City D who didn't know the truth feel terrified.

Of course, the effect is still there. The black monster was also bombed, suspecting that the left side was on fire and the right was electrified, and there were blue lights flickering from time to time, changing the previous dark image into a five-color monster.

"Hey, can I fight alone?"

Because Zhang Wei was not a participant, he withdrew a long time ago, but seeing this speechless scene, in desperation, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

For the ultimate emperor's armor, Neo also reluctantly began to eat the blue bottle, raised his ax and went forward to help, leaving only the armored warriors who were handsome for less than 2 minutes.

"Damn it, can we just look at it like this?"

Bei Miao gritted his teeth secretly, but no matter how angry he was, the energy in his body told him that he could not continue fighting.

"Don't be discouraged, we can do it, as long as we are united!"

Li Xinnan encouraged.

"But that guy has been absorbing our power!"

Kun Zhong gritted his teeth and said that the wound on the Black Demon Beast had begun to heal, and he fought back and forth with Zhang Wei and Neo again.

"Absorption?" Dongshan said suddenly: "Since they can absorb energy, why can't we absorb energy?"

"You mean pooling all of our energies for use by one?"

Xi Zhao frowned and said, "This possibility is too low, we have never tried it, and with our current strength, even if we gather together, we will not be able to seal the Black Demonic Beast."

"No, I mean, we need a charger."

Dongshan looked at the two who were fighting the black monster in the sky.

At this time, the two of them felt extremely pain in their hearts. Although the Dark Demonic Beast was strong, it was not strong enough to make them despair. But the problem is, this thing can heal itself, which is more self-healing than the players. , Players need to absorb energy and eat for self-healing. This kind of self-healing directly absorbs the power of the enemy. How can this be reasonable?
They can't be beaten and killed, and they can't run, after all, they really want to wear the legendary ultimate emperor's armor. To play games, strong is very important, and handsome is also very important.

"Neo, we need your help!"

Li Xinan felt that what Dongshan said made sense, and shouted loudly.

Neo slashed the black monster towards Zhang Wei with an axe, canceled the Faxiang Tiandi, and flew in front of Li Xinan.

The situation was urgent, and Li Xinnan quickly repeated Dongshan's words, and asked Neo to help them charge up, so that they could perform the fusion skill again.

"good idea!"

Neo nodded, and the six of them immediately stood in a row, transferring their strength to their teammates one by one as if they were passing on skills.

Seeing this, the black monster on the other side couldn't help being horrified. It had already been bound by the seal post once, so how could it want to experience it again, maybe the other party could really seal it the second time.

However, Zhang Wei is obsessed with the Black Warcraft. Strictly speaking, he is stronger than Neo. The girlfriend who is taller than him, under the encouragement of machismo, has always maintained a level that is almost the same as Zhuge Dali.

Although this is only in the game, it also makes Zhang Wei very pleased. At least, he has an achievement as a base, and he has not been fully surpassed and crushed by Zhuge Dali.

Seeing that the situation is good, but soon, a sudden change occurs!

The five armored warriors suddenly turned into phantoms after accepting Neo's teaching, and then overlapped together. Caught off guard, Neo got into the phantoms, and then the phantoms gradually solidified.

"Is this the Emperor's Armor, no, the Ultimate Emperor's Armor?"

An armor that is very similar to Zhang Wei, but there is an extra dragon-headed heart armor on the chest, and two more horn-like gauntlets on the shoulders. If you look carefully, you can find that the hand decoration of the emperor armor is similar to The wind eagle armor is similar, the shoulder armor is similar to the tiger armor, while the legs are similar to the black rhino armor, and the back Zeyu snow mastiff armor is similar.

"Damn it, is this the Ultimate Emperor Hero? It's so cool!"

Zhang Wei clicked his tongue.

"Hey, watch me kill all directions!"

Neo couldn't help laughing, even though he was a picky stylist, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional when he saw this armor, it was really handsome.

"Aurora Sword!"

Emperor Xia pulled out a golden long sword from the void.

Neo:? ? ?
"Emperor piercing the wind!"

Emperor Xia threw out a stamp again, and stabbed the black monster with his sword.

Neo:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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