Chapter 635
Is the Ultimate Emperor Hero handsome?
very handsome!

The armor designed with the elements of the ancient emperor is the emperor who is above the king in the armor, and the elements of the five-clawed golden dragon can be seen everywhere on it.

Is the Ultimate Emperor Xia strong?
The strongest armor in the light universe, the only opponent is the leader of the dark universe, the Shadow King, stronger than the Shadow King, because of this set of armor, he dare not step into the light universe.

But the problem is, this set of armor is out of his control!

It was very aggrieved, obviously he could feel that he was the one who swung the sword, and he was the one who cut people, but his body just couldn't be controlled.

The moves are fancy, what [Golden Suge], [Wood Stretch], [Water Hidden], what [Fire Earth Rock], [Fire Rock Soil·Emperor Lava]...

The Black Demonic Beast was completely like a younger brother in front of Emperor Xia, and he was directly hammered into doubting his life.

Zhang Wei looked at Emperor Xia, then at himself, and began to doubt his life. You are also Emperor Xia, don't you just have a little more equipment than me?Why are you better than me?

The genuine Emperor Xia doesn't care about these things, after all, everyone knows that Emperor Xia doesn't talk much, no, never speaks, and summons the Aurora Shield, the left shield blocks the light waves, and the right sword emits a light blade.

Zhang Wei blinked, and found that he seemed to have nothing to do with himself, so he decided to take charge of mocking: "Yo Yo Yo, isn't this a black monster? Why haven't we seen it for a few minutes, so why?"

"To shut up!"

The two heads behind the black monster roared at Zhang Wei.

"Tsk, didn't you say that this is your strongest time in 5000 years? Why is it the worst time in 5000 years?"

"Hey! You guys are cheating! One of seven people hit me."

The Black Demonic Beast began to make excuses for itself from other angles. Don't even mention it, what they said made sense. It was obviously a five-on-five battle, but now it has become a seven-on-five battle.

It felt that if Zhang Wei and Neo didn't intervene, then it would definitely be able to crush Emperor Xia.

Although I am ugly, I am so confident!

"You still have 55 supernatural beasts, why didn't you think about cheating when you were playing Wheel Battle?" Zhang Wei suddenly asked curiously in the middle of his speech: "By the way, why do you want to summon supernatural beasts one by one? "

Because Hei Di is a poor ghost!
The supernatural beast has been sealed for thousands of years, and there is not much energy left. Naturally, the fastest way to restore power is to use a power source to charge it, but the problem is that it requires too much energy.

Each supernatural beast needs to consume a lot of electricity, and the power required by 55 supernatural beasts can be imagined.

There are prerequisites for the Five Shadow Guardians to possess others, such as Binger's hatred for Bei Miao, and Ugly General's desire for power...

In addition, because the fusion of the ugly general and the evil wood was too thorough, after the evil wood was sealed by Kunzhong, the ugly general did not break away from it.

And the cost of separating from the host is also high, because the shadow protectors are also magic spirit stones in essence, which means that they need to start all over again after they leave.

And although Hei Di has obtained their memories, beggars are different from beggars, some beggars are beggars, they want to work hard not to be beggars, and some beggars, they just simply don't want to be beggars, as for how not to be beggars, That's not what they want to think about.

And the Hei Emperor is obviously the latter. With the memory of the Shadow Guardian inheritance, it took him more than ten years to gather a few subordinates, not to mention two children who were robbed. It's no wonder he is loyal.

This is the inheritance of the Shadow Guardians. Although the Shadow Guardians have been sealed for 5000 years, they are the vanguard of the dark universe, and they correspond to the power of the five elements of the Light and Shadow Armor. In other words, the inheritance of the Shadow Guardians is equivalent to a virtual battle Grandpa in the room.

Then Hei Di opened up a shadow world within ten years and hid in it to beg for food.

The kind in the literal sense, except that he was begging for food before, but now he is begging for food by force. Of course, it's okay to exchange it for property or the like.

It can even be said that if the spokesperson selected by the Shadow Guardian was an ugly general, then it is estimated that there will be no such thing as an armored warrior.

It's a pity that I didn't have a choice, because the one who saw the magic sealing box was Hei Di.

This is also the reason why the black monster wants to kill this guy. Although you are a puppet, you are too useless as a puppet!
"Hmph, do you think I'll tell you?"

The black monster was beaten at the front, but it was very arrogant at the back, and those who didn't know it thought it had the upper hand.

"No way, no way, no one really thinks that the supernatural beasts need to be released one by one to exhaust the armored warriors, right?"

"Ahh! I'm going to tear you apart!"

The head behind the black monster roared wildly.

"Evil gold, ignore him!"

The other head on the back of the black monster shouted.

Facts have proved that it is not a good thing to have five consciousnesses in a body, especially when all five consciousnesses can control this body, once a dispute arises, it will be completely messed up for so long.

Li Xinan no longer has this concern. The current emperor's armor is completely based on his consciousness, and he can cut the black monster as he wants.

Even with the battery of Neo, Emperor Xia's ability is stronger than the original plot.

Neo: ...

So why is the steering wheel in someone else's hands?
I'm so pissed!
Maybe because he felt that there would be no chance to use such a powerful light and shadow armor in the future, Li Xinan rubbed all the moves, and even summoned the emperor horse to ride a dragon and hit a black monster.

Neo: ...

I'm very envious. After the task is completed, I should be able to use these moves, right?

In the end, under the indiscriminate bombardment of Emperor Xia and Zhang Wei's crazy taunts, the Black Warcraft completely lost its resistance and was reduced to a card.

And as the card was put into the belt, Emperor Xia turned into a phantom again, and six armored warriors appeared in front of everyone again.

"we won!"

Kun Zhong said excitedly.

"Yeah, we won!"

Compared with the players' indifference, the armored warriors were naturally extremely excited. They clapped each other and hugged each other, celebrating the victory of this battle and feeling the hardship of this battle.

"thank you all……"

Just when everyone was about to thank them, they were surprised to find that the armored warrior and golden armored warrior from another world disappeared in front of everyone at some point.

Everyone could only suppress the confusion in their hearts, and went back to the ERP research room to ask Meizhen what happened.

However, no matter how much Meizhen investigates, there is no gain.

"Could it be that they went back again?"

Meizhen can only come up with this answer.

The armored warriors felt disappointed. After all, they finally met two righteous partners from different worlds. They disappeared within a few hours of being together, not to mention that these two have been helping them, but they have always doubted each other.

"By the way, by studying their cells, I discovered the principle that they can directly summon armor."

After feeling sad, Meizhen spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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