Chapter 637
"It's a bit depressing!"

Zhang Chen covered his face, thinking that the cartoons were mixed with happy stories, but unexpectedly there were knives, originally because of the philosophical question of "humans are not human but beasts, should people who become beasts be called human" Bald head, now healed, whoever, destroy them all!

The world of "Ling Cage" seems to be in a sci-fi doomsday, but it is actually a kind of reincarnation, except that the reincarnation is not human beings, but the world.

The so-called spirit cage, of course, cannot be Linglong, but a cage of the soul, and the cage that really binds the human soul is naturally the human body.

This world is transforming from the material world to the spiritual world, and the human body has become the cage of the soul.

If I had to say a similar comparison, it would be that in the world of "Reaper", the world transforms into the world of corpses and souls, and all matter is transformed into spirits.

But this kind of transformation also comes at a price. For example, if Inoue Orihime and others want to enter the world of souls, what they need to pass through is not the world-transmitting gate, but the special world-transforming gate made by Kisuke Urahara directly transforms their bodies into Lingzi.

If Yuhabach was successful at the beginning, the corpse soul world, virtual circle, and reality will probably be transformed into another life form directly like the spirit cage world, maybe the material world, or the spiritual world. Zhang Chen is more inclined As for the latter, after all, it is the original world that Juhabach wants.

The spiritual world seems to be somewhat similar to the world of corpses and souls, but the problem is that the spiritual world and spirits are everywhere, and the spirit of each creature has its own unique memory.

In other words, beings in the spiritual world are immortal as long as the spiritual will lasts.

"I seem to have discovered how Xu was born."

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin, the original Xu must not be depraved because of the lack of heart like human beings, but because of the creatures of the spiritual world, the spirit collapsed!
Eternal immortality, and doing nothing, after all, the spiritual world is not comparable to the material world, what people use is spiritual communication, and there is no material need at all.

Think about it, you can communicate with people in the whole world while sitting in the same place, it seems very interesting, but what if 100 years, 1000 years, 1 years?
The end result is that everyone has no freshness. For example, I just thought of a good beginning of a story, and you have fully understood it, and then the other side said that I have already written this story.


Stop writing, give up!

Life has become no fun, and what the longevity species fears the most is that there is no fun, no freshness, what's the point of living?
So some people's mentality collapsed, and some people's mentality collapsed.

It's just that some people's mentality collapsed and decided to destroy the world, while others decided to change the world.

The former became Xu, and the latter became the Spirit King.

This can also explain why Ling Wang would rather be a human stick than maintain the operation of the world of "Reaper", because his mentality has really collapsed.

The world of "Spiritual Cage" is different. It is a kind of reincarnation, just like the sunset and the moon rise. During this period, it will be transformed into a spiritual world, and after a while, it will be transformed into a material world.

As for human beings, it doesn't mean that human beings disappear after death. Anyway, they will be transformed into the spiritual world, no difference.

"So should I help the Pole Devourer destroy humans?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help complaining, good guy, he just turned a blind eye before, but now he turned his gun directly.

"In fact, killing and devouring extreme beasts is also a kind of transformation."

Zhang Chen stroked his chin and pondered.

The monsters in the world of "Spiritual Cage" devour the source of human life, and finally have to hand it over to the flower of Mana. It seems to be paying taxes and becoming stronger, but in fact it is promoting the transformation of the material world into the spiritual world. .

"And I don't necessarily have to follow its original trajectory, or in other words, I can recast this world according to the world of "Death"."

The more Zhang Chen thought about it, the more he felt it made sense. What's more, there were not many human beings left in this world, and the extreme-devouring beasts could not absorb much life source, and they did not attack each other.

"So, let me help."

Zhang Chen giggled, and he definitely wants to help. As long as he kills all the beasts and even the flowers of Mana, and let the source of life cover the entire planet, then he can recast the world like the King of Spirits Divided into reality and hell.

As for the human beings in this world, what should we do?
To be honest, Zhang Chen didn't have a good impression of the people on the lighthouse. In order to survive, they abandoned the emotions that humans should have, and used the quality of genes to determine the quality of a person. Not even reproductive rights.

Not to mention that all members believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow, and a whole group of religious fanatics.

Although the Lord of Shadows does exist, if he really wanted to protect you, he would have taken you away long ago, and you have to work hard to be useful.

"So, if I don't help the world destroy you, you should be lucky."

Zhang Chen curled his lips and decided to set this world as a mid-level daily dungeon.

[System Announcement: The new dungeon "Ling Cage" is open, and each time you traverse this dungeon, you need 250 luck coins. This dungeon is an intermediate level dungeon, suitable for players of level 40~60. If you exceed the limit level of this dungeon, the player's strength will be limited for the highest level. 】

This setting is the latest plan of KING. After all, newcomers also need to be taken care of by old people. Although some players really want to gain experience, many players also want to go back and meet their former NPC friends.

"I always feel that this 250 is not a good word."

Ma Xiaotiao couldn't help complaining.

After this period of crazy fighting monsters, he has risen to more than 40 levels. Recently, he felt that Kabane was not strong enough to fight, so he decided to change the map, and this so-called "Spirit Cage" copy, he was very interested in opening up wasteland or something , whether it is an old player or a new player will feel that this matter belongs to me.

""Ling Cage"? Listening to the name has always given people a very graceful feeling."

Lu Manman has a tricky point of view, thinking that the name "Ling Cage" should be derived from the homonym of the word "Linglong".

"Could it be that everyone in this copy has become small and exquisite?"

Ma Xiaotiao blinked, then the monsters they had to deal with were cats and dogs, maybe even ants.

He lost interest in an instant: "How about, let's go to the goblin planet to play, today is the day to kill goblins."

"No, goblins are too ugly."

Lu Manman shook her head again and again. Ever since she learned about the breeding method of goblins, she has been in a bad mood. Is this a game setting that people can come up with?

One must know that she was knocked unconscious by a goblin's stick at the beginning, if there was no Ma Xiaotiao, she would have been able to be a goblin's mother.

Although the game can be forced to go offline and log in to the official website to commit suicide, but when she thinks that her game body is likely to be manipulated by goblins, she is in a bad mood.

So he resolutely entered the world of "Goblin Slayer" again, no matter how much experience he gained from killing goblins, she would not do it.

"Okay, then this is the copy."

Ma Xiaotiao said helplessly, while Lu Manman nodded in satisfaction, but they didn't know that there were even more evil monsters waiting for them in this dungeon...

(End of this chapter)

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