Chapter 638
"I'm going, isn't this too desolate?"

"It's comparable to "God Eater"."

"I knew I would go to the copy of "God Eater"."

"Isn't this land reclamation!"

Naturally, Lu Manman and Ma Xiaotiao couldn't be the only ones who entered this dungeon. Tens of thousands of players appeared in the dungeon in just one breath.

As they said, this is a land reclamation, the environment of this world and what good things are there are unknown.

What caught everyone's eyes was an extremely desolate scene, quite like being in the yellow sand of the desert, but the city was buried by the yellow sand.

"Doomsday dungeon?"

Zhuge vigorously turned on his scanner and scanned it, but did not receive any signal.

After this period of crazy upgrades, she is no longer a simple robot, but a master who can understand it.

"The level of technology should be higher than that of our world."

Zhang Wei also nodded and said that he had learned a lot of knowledge by frantically assembling robots before, and it is estimated that it would be no problem for him to study mechanics now.

Everyone was about to disperse to look for monsters, but they didn't expect that there would be movement around them soon, and monsters with strange shapes swarmed towards them.

Like a centipede, but more like a spine worm of a human spine.

It looks like a salamander, but is several meters tall.

A two-jawed beast with a human face but a fish-like flat body...

If the wild gods in the copy of "God Eater" give people the feeling of being hideous and terrifying, then the monsters in the world of "Spiritual Cage" give people a sense of weirdness. "The copy is almost the same, there is a feeling of gram total sugar.

"Fuck, the shape of this thing, is the game planning serious?"

"What the hell? Fuck, whoever designed this thing is really talented."

Seeing so many monsters, the players not only didn't panic at all, but stood there and commented, especially when they saw a certain kind of beast, they expressed that they shocked my mother for a year.

Lu Manman also looked curiously at the monster pointed at by the players. It looks a bit like a tortoise without a shell, but the head is said to be that of a turtle, rather it is more like a snake head, and its body is more similar to that of a turtle. It is a pastoral dog, and the reason why it is called a tortoise is that its head can be retracted into the body like a tortoise.

"Is there something wrong with this look?"

Lu Manman asked curiously, as a studious child, it is natural to ask questions if he does not understand.

Ma Xiaotiao: ...

"Ah, this thing is too ugly, so everyone despises it."

Ma Xiaotiao loudly reminded everyone that there are still pure little white flowers here, you old dirty turtles hurry up and shut up, don't tarnish the pure hearts of the children.

Bah, don't say that Children's Day is over early, you are almost an adult, why are you pretending to be a child!
"What's so ugly, little girl, I don't see much of the world at first glance, come, come, let uncle help you become an adult."

"Little girl, doesn't this thing remind you of anything? Stretching and shrinking..."

"That's right, it's whack-a-mole!"

God beat the hamster, Ma Xiaotiao jumped with black lines all over his head, looked at Lu Manman, but saw that Lu Manman's face was flushed, and he could even faintly see red water vapor.

These days, anyone who has been on the Internet doesn’t know about ***, even if they haven’t seen it, they have at least heard of it, so if they say that people who have surfed the Internet don’t know what *** means, they must be pretending to be innocent.

In the same way, anyone who has taken a physiology class must know what the key to boys is, but her associative power is not as rich as that of the dirty demon kings. Now that she is mentioned in this way, she naturally responds.

"Wait, the other side seems to be releasing poison gas."

Someone noticed the red steam in the air, said it was steam, or red mist.


The monsters finally approached, and the players immediately launched the first wave of tentative attacks.

"Broken Road 31: Red Cannon!"

"Breaking the Way 63 Thunder Roar Cannon!"

"Breaking the Way 78·Zhan Hualun!"

There were explosions everywhere, and the bodies of the monsters were blasted to bloody blood by the ghosts, but within a few breaths, they healed themselves again.

"Fuck, there is something wrong with these fogs, my spiritual pressure is consumed too fast!"

Several players were about to step up to melee, but found that they felt weak after just using a few Shunpo.

"Hmph, it's up to me in the end!"

Zhang Wei smiled triumphantly, and shouted loudly: "Emperor Xia, fit together!"

Behind Zhang Wei, a five-clawed golden dragon roared towards him, crashed into his body, and turned into an armored man.

"What are you pretending to be? It's not copying my armor."

Neo was a bit sour, but not to be outdone, he also yelled "Emperor Xia, fit together!"

The two emperor warriors had the Aurora Shield in their left hand and the Aurora Sword in their right.

The players saw that melee combat was not good, so they simply used the ghost way, turned into a fort, and bombed indiscriminately with all kinds of ghost ways. As for the two Emperor Heroes, Ma De robbed them of so many monsters, just blow them to death.

"Fuck, you are enough, don't blame me!" X2
Everyone peeked at each other, although the monster-fighting system had output, and there would be rewards for the death of monsters, but there were so many monsters, the ghosts knew which monsters they killed.

Seeing more and more monsters gathered, and the players killed more and more monsters, but no one said that they had experience, the players couldn't help but get angry, do you want to play the endless mode?Don't you know that blue bottles are very expensive?
"100 luck coins, another 100 luck coins, hehehe..."

Holding the wat board, Ma Xiaotiao kept lighting the corpse of the Pole Devourer, aiming at the exposed cores.

A group of sand sculptures, didn't you see a single bead flashing like that?

But it’s okay if you don’t know, just watch me make a fortune in silence!
"These monsters have a core, and the one that flashes blue light is the core!"

Ma Xiaotiao aimed at a Pole Devouring Beast core and was about to take it away with a shot of red artillery, but he never thought that the core had disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye.

The one who spoke was flip-flops, holding a shattered Pole Devourer core in his hand, and shouted at Best.

Ma Xiaotiao: ...

Why are you yelling so loudly?
The players came to their senses one by one, aiming at the blue core one by one, and attacking wildly. Although the red mist consumed their spiritual pressure very quickly, they didn't take it seriously. Anyway, if there is no spiritual pressure, they will play close combat at worst. The players are all steel-skinned players now.

There were more and more monsters, and the corpses of the monsters they killed were also increasing, but they did not realize that although the flesh and blood of those dead monsters melted on the ground, exposing their cores, they did not disappear directly, and then slowly come together...

(End of this chapter)

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