Restart the main god game

Chapter 648 Wang Duoyu: In fact, I am the Lord of Light and Shadow

Chapter 648 Wang Duoyu: In fact, I am the Lord of Light and Shadow

"Hi everyone, I'm Dustman 4068, and I'm currently living in Dota temporarily. People there live and work in peace and contentment, with plenty of food, no harassment from polar-eating beasts, life is full of joy, there are talents everywhere, and they speak nicely..."

Xiaopingtou held a big horn and yelled loudly above the lighthouse, which stunned the people below.

Although you said it very temptingly, your way of appearing on the stage is a bit inhuman, even the Nima Pole Devourer can't fly so high.

"Shoot! That's the Pole Devourer!"

Although some dust people recognized 4068, they didn't have a foolish past, and those Shangmin, especially the soldiers, immediately shot Xiao Si.

sizzle sizzle...

bang bang bang...

Whether it's an energy bullet or a thermal weapon, after hitting 4068's body, only a few arcs flickered, and it returned to calm.

Panther suit!

Back in the Zombie Universe, Leng Feng and others exchanged pigs and black panthers for a set. Originally they planned to change a few more sets, but then death came to the Zombie Universe and directly assimilated them. Now the Zombie Universe has long since lost zombies. With just a shrunken version of the Marvel Universe.

Of course, they can also exchange luck coins, but the price of the panther suit is high, and it cannot resist spiritual attacks, so it is a bit tasteless for high-level players.

"Master Wuji, it doesn't seem to be working."

4068 was very speechless, he himself did not trust this group of weirdos, how could these filthy people believe his one-sided words.

"It's okay, I've already prepared."

Leng Feng chuckled, then took out a small bag and started pouring things down. Although the bag was small, the things inside seemed to be endless, and it kept falling down like rain.

"No, watch out for the bomb!"

Whether it was Chenmin or Shangmin, when they saw the sudden appearance of the cold front that poured things down, they were all startled and squatted down with their heads in their hands.


When the thing fell to the ground, what everyone heard was not an explosion, but a series of strange sounds. People couldn't help but look at the 'bomb'.

"This is, egg!"

Someone was surprised.

That's right, what Leng Feng threw down was the braised eggs that he had bought in other instances, and they were still wrapped in food packaging bags.


Such a thought flashed in everyone's eyes, and their eyes immediately turned red.

Finally, some dustman couldn't help it, picked up a marinated egg, tore open the packaging bag, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it into his stomach.

"what about the taste?"

A Dustman asked curiously.

"I feel like my stomach is hurting."

The Dustman had a contorted face, then squatted on the ground to pick up the eggs.

Crowd: ...


I don't know who shouted, and the whole lighthouse fell into a carnival, even those Shangmin bent down to pick up eggs.

In fact, being a Shangmin in the lighthouse does not mean that you don’t need to do things. If you have to compare the reality, the Shangmin in the lighthouse can be regarded as petty bourgeois at best. They can eat some good food, but they also need to make a lot of contributions point.

Don't look at Mark as the commander of the wild hunters. After the injury, the medical staff have to check how many contribution points he has before saving him. One can imagine how tight the lives of ordinary Shangren are.

The gunshots stopped unconsciously, and when Mark and others came to the platform, they saw only a group of dustmen and Shangmin picking up eggs on the ground...

"Master Leng Feng, why did you send so many supplies to the lighthouse?"

After returning to the place where the players gathered, 4068 was a little puzzled. The food was given to the dust people, so how could the dust people join them.

"Do you think Dust People can keep the food?"

Leng Feng asked back.

4068's pupils shrank. Although he was a bit aggressive, he was not a fool. On the contrary, his brain turned quickly, and he immediately realized that the dust people would never be able to keep those food!
No matter from the point of view of safety or management, it is impossible for the lighthouse to let the dustmen, or even the Shangmin, have these foods.

In the apocalypse, food is gold, and even gold in the apocalypse is simply a broken stone, which may not even be exchanged for a steamed bun.

In the same way, the food contribution points in the lighthouse are extremely expensive. Usually, a Shangmin can only eat enough with one day's contribution points. If you want to eat well, it is simply a dream.

Not to mention the dust people who can only eat insect cakes, picking up so much food for nothing, I guess it will drive them crazy.

But as Leng Feng said, in order to stabilize the order, it is absolutely impossible for the lighthouse to allow people to hide food privately. This is not a dictatorship, but a better allocation of resources.

However, people don’t think so. We picked up things thrown to us, but it wasn’t found by wild hunters. Why can’t we monopolize them?
Things did not go beyond Leng Feng's expectations. After he and 4068 disappeared, Charles took the Light Bearers and Orderers to confiscate all the food in the name of poisonous food, and even whipped a few Dustmen who were unwilling to hand over the food.

Of course, some people must have secretly hidden one or two, but the size is too small for people from the Church of Light and Shadow to find it.

This is why we choose braised eggs. On the one hand, they are small in size;

Although 4068 didn't know what happened inside the lighthouse, he could guess it. Hearing that Leng Feng said that he would go there tomorrow, he respectfully said that he would be there on time tomorrow, and then he went to meet his friends. It's just that when I saw my little friend, I was instantly dumbfounded.

The OL uniform is decent and close-fitting, the original single ponytail has become black and long straight, holding a briefcase, standing behind Wang Duoyu.

"She will be the boss of your NPC from now on. By the way, I also named her Wang Qi."

4068: ...

So good-looking people can have nice names, and ugly people can only be called Xiao Si?
Although I am happy that my friend has gained the respect of the new leader, 4068 is still very sad. Why, I am the first to come, whether it is surrender, hard work, or recruiting dust people, I will do it. Why could he only be a junior in the end?
"By the way, Xiaosi, what do you think of our city?"

Wang Duoyu has fully demonstrated what it means to be rich and do whatever he wants. Many players have already started to help him enclose land, building the Dota in full swing.

"The City Lord has great powers, and I can already see how prosperous the Dota will be in the future."

Since hearing that 4277 was named Wang Qi, 4068 has been in a bad mood, and complained wildly in his heart, but he still expressed his respect.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Wang Duoyu nodded, with a heroic look on his face, and then shook his head: "But since it is a city, it is not appropriate to call it Daota, or should it be called Guangying Village?"

Why is the city called Guangying Village!
4068 began to worry about his future. Although he could get good food by working for a group of psychopaths, it felt very unreliable.

"Actually, you may not know that I am the Lord of Light and Shadow."

Wang Duoyu said in a deep voice, he heard that this group of NPCs believe in the Church of Light and Shadow, isn't that a coincidence?

Although the players are not gods, it's no problem to do some miracles. Doesn't being a master of light and shadow like a laborer just like playing?

How do I know, not only you, but that guy in golden armor is also the Lord of Light and Shadow!All of you are Lords of Light and Shadow!

"Thanks to the Lord of Light and Shadow for bringing us peace. I am willing to always follow behind the Lord of Light and Shadow. From now on, I will be a shadow follower!"

4068's mind turned quickly, and finally came up with a more normal name, and expressed his loyalty by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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